Can pregnant women go to the cinema?

Being in an interesting position, a woman is forced to abandon some of the usual activities. This usually refers to physical activity, which can harm an unborn baby. As for harmless entertainment, few people refuse them. A pregnant woman does not belong to the rank of patients or those with limited abilities. Some discomfort of the situation is simply necessary to compensate for the pleasantly spent leisure time. One of the favorite pastimes of all is going to the cinema. It would seem that there is nothing terrible in this. However, pregnant women are also divided into two camps.

Can pregnant women go to the cinema

Some believe that there is absolutely no negative impact, but on the contrary, positive films will have a good effect on the mood and general condition of the body. Others focus on a loud sound that could cause irreparable harm to a child’s hearing. How to determine which of them is right, and should pregnant women avoid going to the cinema?

What danger do cinemas hide?

No matter how a woman tries to lead a normal lifestyle, during pregnancy she still must recognize the fact that her position is very important and responsible. Any discomfort that you have to face is justified by the fact that it is necessary for safe bearing, and the subsequent birth of the baby. If any question does not have a definite answer, it is better to protect yourself and the baby by abandoning dubious actions.

At risk include public places, with a large crowd. It is recommended to reduce the time of their visit, if not at all, then at least to minimize it. This is due to the fact that the more people, the higher the likelihood that more than one infection flies in the air. And, as everyone knows, picking up her work is not an airborne route to help them. A woman gives most of her health to a child growing in her, so during this period her immunity is much weaker. If a strong man can get sick by standing in a draft, what can we say about the weakened body of a pregnant woman. Common viruses such as ODS do not belong to a mortally dangerous person. However, such a simple disease can affect the course of pregnancy, the degree of damage of which depends on the duration. The shorter the term, the more the fetus is at risk, which can lead to irreversible consequences.

Immediately pay attention to the version about the dangers of loud sound. You can be calm, the density of the bubble in which the child is located is large enough to protect him from many unpleasant irritants, including loud noises.

How to prepare yourself for a movie trip

The likelihood of catching an infection exists always and everywhere. Even if you lock yourself for the entire period of pregnancy at home, the risk of this does not decrease. The state of the mother is directly proportional to the state of the mother, both physical and moral. If there is an urgent need to get out into the light, going to the cinema - go! But carefully prepare for the trip.

  1. Protect the airways. A loyal assistant, at least slightly saving from infections, is oxolin ointment. Lubricate the inside of her nose, both inside and out, by applying a small amount to her nostrils. This ointment is available in the medicine cabinet of almost every housewife. But, if it so happened that she was not at hand, you need to wear at least a medical mask.
  2. Wear comfortable clothing. A couple of hours of sitting position is provided. Clothing should be comfortable, loose, not pressing on the abdomen.The choice of shoes should also be approached responsibly, because due to prolonged immobility, the legs can begin to swell.
  3. Prepare a workout. In a long sitting position, the pregnant woman provides herself with a large load on the veins of the legs. Look at exercises that can be done in a sitting position to warm up the feet.

Not every movie is harmless.

Choosing a movie to watch, do not make a choice only in favor of the cast and ratings. The genre in your position is of great importance. Try to exclude watching horror films and thrillers. Almost everyone experiences stress and anxiety while watching such tapes. And in the case of pregnant women, this is unnecessary excitement and fear, which applies to both the mother and the child. Psychological dramas and melodramas are also not recommended for viewing. The emotional state of a woman during pregnancy is often very unstable. What previously left her indifferent can now lead to crying in a second. Such unexpected, but still noticeable shocks will not bring any benefit to anyone. The best option when choosing a movie is romantic comedies or cartoons. There will be no stress from them, but vice versa - you will have a good mood and a pleasant impression after watching.

But each case is individual, if you know that a certain film, the release of which you have been waiting for a long time, will not affect the emotional background, you can safely make a choice to your taste.

Indoor temperature also plays an important role. If you feel that the cinema is cold - get up and leave. Two hours of the film is not worth it to endure the cold, which, when exposed to the legs, can have extremely unpleasant consequences. Stuffiness should also be avoided, and it is then a private phenomenon in public places. If you can somehow endure this discomfort, then think about the child. A lack of oxygen for a baby can result in oxygen starvation, and this is already hypoxia. Its first symptoms during pregnancy are relatively slow or fast fetal movements. Any deterioration indicates that you must immediately leave the cinema. You can always watch the film at home, but it is difficult to eliminate the damage to health.

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