Is it possible to do face cleansing during pregnancy?

Pregnancy makes a lot of changes in the female body. During this period, it is especially important for a woman to feel beautiful. Hormonal changes make adjustments to the shape of the figure, as well as the condition of the skin of the face. It becomes covered with rashes, age spots and takes on a tired look. The situation is complicated by the fact that out of the mass of existing procedures for restoring beauty during the period of gestation, a woman can allow only a few. The body becomes more susceptible to cosmetic manipulations and what previously seemed a harmless procedure can now do harm.

Is it possible to do face cleansing during pregnancy?

Do not give up and pretend that the problem does not exist, the expectant mother should look beautiful when she first meets her baby. It is a must to deal with such changes.

The best thing you can do is give up the idea of ​​experimenting at home. Completely harmless and useful masks, compresses, lotions can behave in the strangest way and exacerbate the problem. Therefore, you need to seek help from a specialist. The attending physician will give advice of a recommendatory nature, select a complex of vitamins, minerals and advise what types of cleansing can be applied to the skin of the face during pregnancy.

Why do they clean

It is inherent in nature that pores must self-clean without human intervention. The secret must be released in the required quantities to the surface. This gives the skin softness and elasticity. Various aggressive environmental factors: dirt, sun radiation, hormonal imbalances, makeup and non-compliance with the basic rules for face care, lead to a change in the functioning of the glands. Sebum comes out in excessive doses, and exfoliated skin does not have time to exfoliate. The fat accumulated in the pores, oxidized by air, turns black - “black dots or comedones. If an infection is added to this rash in any way possible, then acne (acne) will develop. If the fat has accumulated deep in the pores, and a “millet” seed appears on the surface, a milium forms.

Any type of cleaning should completely level all phenomena.

Acceptable methods and varieties of cleansing for women in position

Ultrasonic Cleansing - The most acceptable and effective manipulation. It is not dangerous and is used without restrictions. Having completed a course of ultrasound therapy, you can achieve:

  • clean skin without dirt and dust;
  • narrowing of the pores of the skin;
  • duct opening;
  • elimination of dead skin cells;
  • establishing blood microcirculation in tissues.

Vacuum cleaning - does not cause complications. It is used to remove acne and blackheads. A special suction cup creates a vacuum, which contributes to the deep cleansing of pores. The procedure does not create pain, but is slightly inferior to ultrasound in efficiency.

Disincrustation - impact on problem areas with electric current. If you can choose from several safe cleanings, the choice is best made not in favor of this. Doctors have doubts about this method, although there is no evidence of harm.

Fruit peeling - gently and deeply cleans pores from dust and dirt. A professional cosmetologist will be able to choose an individual drug taking into account the characteristics of the patient's skin. Under the action of the drug, dead cells are eliminated, epidermal restoration processes are launched. The skin is perfectly toned, acquires a healthy tone, looks cheerful and young.Important! When choosing a preparation for peeling, it is necessary to avoid placental and hormonal components in the composition, since their active action can cause complications and exacerbate the problem.

Mechanical cleaning - It can be used at home, but since deep cleaning is best avoided, it is more advisable to trust the hands of professionals. In the process of such exposure to the skin, painful sensations can occur. A pregnant woman is better off avoiding uncomfortable situations.

What to look for

  1. All actions of a cosmetologist should not cause severe discomfort and pain. The psycho-emotional state of the future mother can not be stressed. Also, severe pain at the time of manipulation can cause severe contractions of the uterus. This leads to the threat of miscarriage and spontaneous rejection of the fetus.
  2. During cleaning, toxic substances with a pungent odor should not be used. They aggressively affect the body.
  3. Cleaning, requiring a long recovery, is not recommended for the elimination of rashes. There are not many women who can consistently perform the ritual of cleansing the skin with various means.

During pregnancy, the skin undergoes changes and requires care more than before cardinal changes in the body. Since during the gestation period all systems operate in an enhanced mode, they need to be provided with all possible assistance. In order to prevent the appearance of unpleasant formations on the face, it is necessary to observe hygiene measures:

  • Wash more often, especially if the period of gestation coincided with the hot times of the year.
  • Do not touch the face with your hands if necessary.
  • Use wet wipes to wipe the epidermis.

Performing constantly simple rules, you can achieve a quick elimination of rashes, as well as generally avoid this unpleasant moment.

  1. Before going to bed, cosmetics must be washed off.
  2. Before applying cosmetics, the epidermis is nourished with moisturizers.
  3. The first signs of an eruption are no reason to flee into the salon for a moment. Since the etiology of acne can be hormonal, the unpleasant phenomenon can disappear as quickly as it appeared.

What is the alternative?

At the first stages, homemade natural acne masks are effective:

  1. Apricot gruel. Moisturizing summer mask. It nourishes, moisturizes and softens the skin. Apricot pulp is combined with milk (1 tbsp. L.). The composition is evenly distributed over the surface (15 min.). Wash off the mask with water without additional use of washes and other cosmetics.
  2. Protein mask. Simple and effective mask from one ingredient. The protein is separated from the yolk, beat until peaks form. Distribute on the surface in even layers by means of a brush or foam. After the protein forms a film, it is removed under running water. The face is wiped with ice.
  3. Mask based on yeast. Dry yeast (1/3 pack) is diluted with water to the state of sour cream. Lemon juice (1 tbsp.), Honey (1 tsp.) Are added. All ingredients are mixed until smooth, applied to the surface of the epidermis (20 min.). Wash off with running warm water.

In some women, the skin during pregnancy changes for the better. It becomes soft and velvety, acquires a healthy glow. In such cases, cleaning is not necessary. It is enough to properly remove makeup, wash and nourish the skin.

Video: Pregnant Beauty Permits

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