Can garlic be eaten during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, a lot of changes occur in a woman’s body. Her physical and psychological state changes, changes affect the appearance and even taste preferences. So they are the basis of the plot of jokes about pregnant women. It happens that the expectant mother wants absolutely strange at first glance products and their culinary combinations. Or vice versa, some sweets cause incredible disgust. Garlic belongs to those delicacies that are perceived by consumers ambiguously. Some people love him, while others have only a negative attitude towards him.

Is it possible to eat garlic during pregnancy

Those who have not heard about the dangers of garlic for pregnant women can safely continue to eat it. But, if someone from relatives or friends started talking about the fact that this product is not allowed, then the future mom begins to think about this issue.

Is it possible to garlic during pregnancy?

The version that garlic can harm a future mother or child does not have scientific evidence. On the other hand, there is no precise information that it would bring specific benefits. Doctors have conflicting opinions on this subject.

Some categorically forbid eating it, especially in the later stages. Others advise to include it in the diet without fail. The opinions of doctors, phytotherapists and national experts contradict each other. But some of them in their beliefs are very categorical. However, most say that garlic can still be pregnant, but in moderation - a few cloves per day.

Possible harm

The thing is that this seasoning is considered sharp. This means that it irritates the intestinal wall, which can lead to a reduction in the muscles of the uterus and premature birth. This seasoning was recommended to be consumed by women with a weak labor and during fetal transfer. But this venture is not always good, because garlic can make breast milk bitter.

As a fact, for some people, garlic is an allergen. Therefore, pregnant women should be treated with extreme caution. The fact is that expectant mothers often observe the development of individual reactions to those products that are normally perceived by the body in a normal non-pregnant state. This can be fraught with discomfort in the stomach, heartburn and even more serious symptoms. In the last trimester of pregnancy, the risk of allergic manifestations increases.

Fact! Garlic refers to products that have a pronounced effect on the body. And their pregnant women are not recommended to use.

Many babies do not like the taste of garlic. For this reason, a negative attitude towards him may also arise in a child who has not yet given birth, as some experts believe. Some children, in their opinion, being in the womb, actively respond to the use of this vegetable in food. In this case, you need to exclude garlic from the diet, so as not to disturb the baby.

It should be borne in mind that this seasoning can contribute to blood thinning. This means that it is better not to use it for people prone to nosebleeds, for example. But the assumption that the baby inside the uterus feels the taste of garlic is a mistake. After all, the child eats through the placenta, which is supplied with blood flow. When substances from food enter the bloodstream, their taste is lost. For this reason, the child does not feel the tastes from his mother’s food menu.

The benefits of garlic for the body

This product is rightly considered one of the most effective medicinal plants. It is used for medicinal purposes raw or in the composition of drugs based on it. Unlike the first method, the second is more suitable for people who do not like the taste of garlic.

The benefits of garlic for the body

The beneficial properties of this vegetable are known to mankind even before our era. Its main benefit is its effect on the cardiovascular system. Antioxidants from this plant inhibit the development of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.

Important! The results of studies of American medical educational institutions showed that with the use of garlic in food, cholesterol is reduced to 10%. For experimental studies, tablets were used where this product was in powder form in a dry state. With their daily intake, these results were obtained. One such tablet contained approximately 2 heads of garlic.

In addition, garlic lowers blood cholesterol. It also reduces its oxidation. Even with its extremely high level, positive results are observed.

The vitamins contained in garlic help strengthen the nervous system and reduce the risk of stress and nervous breakdowns. And all because the use of this product in food increases the concentration of serotonin, which is responsible for calm and normal healthy sleep. Including, using garlic, a person prevents the development of blood clots in the circulatory system. That is, this product may well replace the popular aspirin. During the heat treatment of food with garlic, this property can be enhanced. It is also very useful for elderly people who have poor circulation in the lower extremities.

For the male, garlic is simply an indispensable product. After all, he is known for his ability to increase sexual desire and potency. It is the main active ingredient in many drugs for the treatment of sexual dysfunction. In addition, regular consumption of garlic in food reduces the risk of prostate cancer by more than 50%.

In its composition, garlic has a substance called allicin. Allicinic acid is the cause of the pronounced garlic odor. This, incidentally, has a positive effect on people suffering from hypertension.

Attention! Eating this seasoning helps to get rid of parasitic infections. Allicin blocks the metabolism of intestinal helminths, which does not leave them the right to life in the body of a person who uses garlic. Just one clove per day is enough to kill all the worms that live in the intestines.

What is the use of garlic during pregnancy?

Garlic contains many useful substances for the human body. These include vitamins, micro and macro elements. The use of this vegetable as food enhances immunity, saturates the blood with useful substances, prolongs youth and prevents the development of oncological processes in the body. The composition of this product contains folic acid, which is so necessary for future mothers.

What is useful garlic during pregnancy

However, during this period it must be consumed in moderation - no more than 2-3 cloves per day. Naturally, this should not be done daily. This applies to fresh garlic. There are no contraindications if it is used in food in a thermally processed form. In this case, seasoning loses most of its active substances and does not have a pronounced effect on the body. With this method of consumption, garlic plays the role of flavoring, nothing more.

In folk medicine, with the help of garlic, it is customary to treat a huge number of diseases. It is used inside, many ointments and infusions are prepared from it. Naturally, its use brings more benefits than harm, including during pregnancy.

Traditional medicine recipes with garlic

From atresclerosis

  1. It is required to take 3 heads of garlic, peel and chop with a knife or grater. Place chopped garlic in a 250 ml container and completely pour over vodka. Insist for 10 days in a dark and cool place. Take 10 drops per glass of water 3 times a day.
  2. Take 6 heads of garlic, peel and chop. Mix with 500 gr. honey. Leave to infuse in a dry, dark and cool place for 7-10 days. Take a teaspoon before meals 2-3 times a day in courses in a month. Take a month, a month - no.

From sore throat
This recipe will help women who become ill during pregnancy and cannot be treated with medication. To rinse your throat, you need to prepare a composition of 5 minced cloves of garlic and a tablespoon of salt in 1 cup of warm water. Gargle several times a day with such a composition, and after that, just with warm water.

Video: harmful products during pregnancy and during feeding

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