Can cats be given dog food?

Many cat owners are interested in the question of whether their pet is suitable for dog food. Dry feeds are becoming more popular among pet owners, as it is very convenient to use them. They do not spoil for a long time, they do not need to be cooked. If the product is manufactured according to all requirements, then it will be balanced. This means that the cat will receive the complex of nutrients that she needs. Not so long ago there were even feeds designed specifically for sick cats or prone to allergies. But is dog food suitable for these animals, or is it worth giving?

Can cats be given dog food

Relevance of the issue

On the one hand, the question of whether it is possible to feed a cat with a dog’s prepared food can be bewildering. Why not feed them just food destined for them? But such a question still pops up. There are several reasons for this.

  1. Dog food is often cheaper if you compare the prices of one particular manufacturer.
  2. Due to the fact that dog food is not being bought as actively as cat food, stores organize regular promotions. Thus, dog food becomes even cheaper. This causes great temptation in the owners of cats. They stock up on such feed for a long period.
  3. If both a dog and a cat live in the house, and the owner buys dry food for both, you can often notice that the cat steals food from the dog.

As a result, the owner concludes that there will be nothing to worry about if the cat eats dog food. Moreover, the cat eats it with such pleasure. Some of them even refuse their food, demanding just a dog treat. Why it happens?

This may occur due to a lack of vitamins and other substances in the body due to poorly selected nutrition. The animal will rush for any tasty food. Maybe he attracts her like that because of a more appetizing smell. There may be several reasons, and they need to be identified.

General rules

Ready feeds have their pros and cons. But since modern people often just have no time to cook food for animals, they still buy ready-made food. But, if there is such an opportunity, then the animal can be completely fed with food prepared on its own.

Industrial feed has its own classification. By class, it is econom (that is, cheap), premium (food for every day). There is also holistic food and super premium. By types, it can be divided into wet, dry, as well as semi-moist.

The super-premium feed has all the necessary substances. Feed can be alternately different types of feed. It is desirable that they be the same company.

If you buy economy and premium, it is important to remember that there may be preservatives, but there will be less important substances and vitamins in them. But premium is suitable for daily use if the animal is healthy.

You should be careful with the economy food, because this is the most risky option. Manufacturers advertise it and set a low price. But such food can harm the health of the pet. Many people buy it out of ignorance, and some simply because they do not have money for quality food. In this case, it is better to choose natural food.

Today, there are a lot of varieties of feed on the shelves of pet stores. You can choose the right one even for a very moody pet. They love wet food very much. Choosing a dry option can be a little harder, as it doesn't smell so good.

There are several reasons why the buyer chooses dry food. It is cheaper than wet and semi-moist. In addition, he certainly will not go bad if the pet does not finish the serving. In this case, you can even put an automatic feeder.

The disadvantage of the dry appearance is that with constant use, the animal's teeth deteriorate. When a cat is young, it is imperceptible, but by age their condition becomes much worse. Also, veterinarians claim that eating only dry food can lead to obesity and intestinal upsets. In addition, it often happens that the animal gets used to dry food. He becomes addicted. The cat will starve, waiting specifically for his favorite food.

How to choose food?

Here are some suggestions for choosing.

How to pick up feed

  1. Try to buy food of a well-known brand that has a good reputation.
  2. Pay attention to special lines that are designed for sick, pregnant cats, or allergic sufferers.
  3. The packaging should contain information that will be understandable to everyone. Learn the composition, place of production.
  4. The feed package should also have a barcode, information about the manufacturer and supplier, and a logo.
  5. Find the batch number and expiration date on the package.
  6. Choose a food that is suitable for animals with the appropriate parameters. Remember that there are many species now. Food should be matched by age and weight. There are also special feeds for various breeds.
  7. To prevent the cat from gaining excess weight, count calories. For 1 kg of animal weight, not more than 90 kcal.
  8. Do not give your cat dog food. If you see information that it is universal, it is better to abandon such a product.
  9. Take a look at what kind of food your pet likes.
  10. Do not mix feed produced by different companies.
  11. Do not add bait to high-class feed.

Why you can’t feed a cat with dog food

At first glance, there is nothing to worry about. The cat eats this food and does not have any side effects or illnesses. But this is only at first. If such a diet lasts a long time, then the consequences will nevertheless come. Few people can understand that this type of food is the cause of the changes.

Why you can’t feed a cat with dog food

We list the main dangerous consequences:

  1. Over time, the cat will lose its muscle mass. She will begin to gain weight, obesity will develop. This is due to the fact that cats need large amounts of protein, because they are predators. And dogs are more omnivorous. The investigator and the composition of the feed for them is developed differently. There are a lot of carbohydrates in dog food, as they spend more energy while walking and training.
  2. Feeding a cat dog food will lead to heart problems and impaired vision. Taurine, which is not found in dog food, is added to cat food. This amino acid is important because it affects the metabolism.
  3. The cat’s digestion is disturbed, as there are more components of plant origin in dog food.
  4. Wool will deteriorate, as it will lack fat.
  5. Anemia and weakness. This is due to the fact that the cat's body does not produce enough amino acids. Therefore, eggs are added to cat food.
  6. Another important point is the lack of vitamins B. It is added much less to dog food than to cat food. And if the cat will miss them, it can lead to serious violations in the body of the pet.

As a result, we can say that feeding your cat food for dogs in order to save money is highly not recommended. These types of animals have completely different needs and characteristics. If there is no money for quality food, it is better to cook food yourself. It will cost no more, and when it becomes a habit, it will not take much time.

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