Can I drink cocoa during pregnancy?

Can pregnant women drink cocoa? Yes and no. Indeed, despite the same process taking place in the body of every expectant mother, the organisms themselves are very different in their state of health. Therefore, we just read to whom it is possible and to whom it is strictly forbidden to drink cocoa.

Can pregnant women drink cocoa?

Not recommended

Women with high blood pressure. Cocoa contains caffeine. Of course, not in such doses as coffee, but nonetheless. Therefore, if you have such a problem, we recommend that you replace cocoa with other drinks.

Ladies with a predisposition to allergies. The female body during pregnancy resembles a powder barrel of hormones. And how he will respond to such a powerful allergen is impossible to predict. As the saying goes, God saves the safe. Therefore, use such drinks with caution in such an important period.

Pregnant with a high tone of the uterus. Because cocoa drink increases it even more. There may be a risk of miscarriage.

Expectant mothers with a diagnosis of calcium deficiency. The fact is that cocoa thoroughly removes this element from the body. Yes, and significantly slows down its absorption. But calcium is one of the most important trace elements for the normal formation of the skeleton of the future baby. And, if it is missed, the fetus will calmly borrow the necessary substance from the mother's body. Therefore, do not be surprised when one day, not a beautiful day, the expectant mother will find that:

  • nails began to exfoliate
  • hair dull and split
  • tooth enamel has become noticeably more sensitive

If you notice all these signs, then give up cocoa. And urgently include dairy products and their derivatives in the diet. This is especially true for cottage cheese and cheese.

Mom with pronounced sharp mood swings. Cocoa contains serotonin. This is a substance that promotes the production of endorphin in the body - the hormone of pleasure. And if you drink cocoa all the time, the body will get used to getting a pleasant dope. Stop drinking a brown drink - the body can react very inadequately.

By the way, according to statistics, the number of people dependent on cocoa in the world is not much less than those who cannot live without coffee. And this addiction is akin to narcotic. Therefore, if you like to drink a cup of cocoa in the morning, for cheerfulness and uplifting, then do not get carried away with the fortress.

Tip. To soften the effects of caffeine, brew yourself a drink in milk, not water. And pour a little sugar. In addition, this will make up for the lack of calcium in the body.

And cocoa is strictly contraindicated in pregnant women with chronic kidney disease. A freshly brewed drink has a certain diuretic effect, again, due to the caffeine content. And, if the kidneys do not work, as expected, then such an incident can lead to very disastrous consequences. The authorities simply can not cope with such a load. And with renal failure, a severe relapse is possible. So be careful.

Some madams mistakenly believe that if young children in the kindergarten are allowed to drink cocoa, then they too can. And without any restrictions. True, such future mothers completely lose sight of the fact that the children are far from pregnant. And their dosage is appropriate for the age and constitution of the body.

It is very difficult for women in position to control their growing appetite. Therefore, the case is rarely limited to a small cup. It is worth considering this.

It is possible with restrictions

Why precisely with restrictions? Because any product or drink should be consumed in moderation and without fanaticism. So, cocoa during pregnancy can:

  1. Women with low hemoglobin in the blood.Cocoa is one of the champions in iron content. It is she who is responsible for the normalization of blood formation.
  2. Ladies with poor wound healing. The high zinc content in cocoa improves protein synthesis. So cuts and abrasions will heal much faster.
  3. Expectant mothers with a lack of folic acid. This vitamin is vital for a pregnant woman. And its value for the baby simply can not be described in words.
  4. Pregnant, prone to depression. The presence of serotonin, which is responsible for the production of endorphin, will quickly solve the problem of poor mood in the expectant mother.
  5. Women with a predisposition to stroke, heart attack, and diabetes. Basically, this is a bad heredity. But the risk is significantly reduced if you correctly drink the right drink from natural ingredients.

As you can see, in certain cases a chocolate drink can be very useful. Naturally, in adequate doses and moderate consumption.

How much can you drink cocoa?

How much can you drink cocoa during pregnancy
There can be no definite recommendations. Only a doctor who patronizes your pregnancy can tell you exactly how much cocoa you can drink per day. And is it possible at all. In any case, listen to his advice. After all, now more than ever it is important to monitor your nutrition and health.

Interesting Facts

Some sources categorically do not recommend pregnant women to drink cocoa. Say, the drink contributes to the rapid gain of excess weight. It's not like that at all. Cocoa does not contain carbohydrates, so it is impossible to get fat from it. But excessive consumption of sugar to improve the taste can insidiously affect the figure. Plus, many ladies in position are very fond of drinking cocoa with cookies, a bun or a bun. Hence the excess weight. But not from the drink itself.

Other sources claim that if you drink a lot of cocoa during pregnancy, you can avoid such an unpleasant effect as striae. No doubt, cocoa butter has beneficial effects on the skin in any position. It becomes more elastic, velvety, noticeably softens. But this effect is precisely the oil, and not the drink itself!

To avoid stretch marks, women in position do not need to slice cocoa in buckets. You need to get quality oil. And after each bath, when the skin is still steamed and wet, you need to rub a small amount into problem areas. Enough whole ball the size of half a walnut, so as not to learn about striae and other similar troubles.

Some women prefer to drink an instant drink instead of real cocoa. We categorically discourage even ordinary people from such actions. Not to mention the ladies in an interesting position. The fact is that such mixtures contain a huge amount of various chemical additives. And only one manufacturer knows what else is mixed in the bank. In general, what to explain when you can see everything with your own eyes. Just read the information on the packaging, written in the smallest letters. We think that magic text with hard-to-pronounce words will make you think carefully about the benefits of such cocoa.

And before buying the treasured bundle, be sure to read the composition. There should only be cocoa powder. And nothing more.

Can pregnant women drink cocoa? This is known only to those who are aware of the health status of the expectant mother. That is, the woman herself and her personal doctor. Therefore, carefully read our recommendations, consult your doctor, and only then make a decision. The main thing is that the result should lead to one thing - not to harm the child.

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