Can I knit during pregnancy?

Pregnant women face many prohibitions related not only to harm to health, but also to superstition. Many believe in them, and, worrying about the baby, refuse many things in this period. For example, they say that during this period you can not get a haircut, buy things for a child who has not yet been born. Some women absolutely do not pay attention to such rumors, and do what they consider necessary. After all, every woman does not want to run her hairstyle and appearance as a whole. In addition, many of them are eager to buy or tie some thing for the crumbs. Let's take a closer look at where the ban on knitting came from, and what science thinks about it.

Is it possible to knit during pregnancy

What is the origin of this superstition?

All superstitions that exist in the modern world have their origin since ancient times. People believed that in no case should a pregnant woman have to deal with thread, since the child can wrap the umbilical cord. It is believed that this prohibition was invented by midwives who were in labor at the time to justify themselves when they could not save the child. Modern doctors do not recommend pregnant women to knit for other reasons. They talk about the danger of spoiling your eyesight. They also believe that this is an additional burden on the spine.

Superstition and Reality

Most often, expectant mothers are afraid that the baby may be wrapped in an umbilical cord. But to get rid of this fear, it is enough to know where the ban came from. At that time, women did not know much about pregnancy, so they easily believed what the midwives said. But many women in 9 months, one way or another, have to deal with the thread. If superstition came true every time, then most children would be born with this problem.

Modern medicine has its own opinion on this. When a woman knits, she is in the same position. This can lead to stagnant processes or insufficient oxygen supply to the baby. Therefore, even if a woman still decided to knit, it is necessary to take breaks for a warm-up.

Another reason doctors may not recommend knitting is the effect of the hobby on vision. When there was no electricity, women were forced to do needlework in very poor light, as a result of which they lost their sight quickly enough. To avoid this now, it is necessary to provide the workplace with good lighting, as well as periodically take breaks for a little gymnastics for the eyes.

Another belief that will make you think whether to knit or not is the opinion that you can not cook things for the child in advance. It was believed that this could lead to the birth of a dead child. If you approach this from a practical point of view, this is due to the fact that the study of ultrasound does not always show the gender of the unborn child. And when future parents buy things that are suitable only for a girl or for a boy, then they have nowhere to put them. But this is not such a problem. “Wrong” things can be gifted or sold to someone. You can also buy clothes for the future baby of neutral colors, and then add blue or pink elements to them. If the expectant mother still believes in this sign, but wants to knit, then she can knit things for adults. And knitting baby things to do after the birth of the crumbs.

Often young women listen to the opinions of elders who sacredly believe in folk signs and strictly forbid to knit a young pregnant woman or buy things to him, so as not to harm the baby. But each person must decide for himself whether it is worth abandoning his favorite activities for the sake of.

Knit or not?

As a result, we can say that there is no reasonable confirmation for this superstition.Each woman must decide for herself whether she will be engaged in needlework during this period. But often senior relatives or colleagues can begin to criticize for this, call it irresponsible. When another person says that you can’t knit at this time in any case, otherwise you can do harm, involuntarily you begin to think about it. And disputes and bickering can cause a lot of unpleasant emotions, which during this period can adversely affect the health and course of pregnancy.

The expectant mother should experience as many joyful emotions as possible. The main thing is to know that if you even want to knit or weave, it will not affect your health. It is important to be able to defend your point of view in front of others so that this does not lead to quarrel and frustration. It is necessary to make it clear to those around you that you are an adult self-sufficient person who can make an independent decision for any reason. And if knitting brings you joy - then this is exactly the activity that suits you during pregnancy.

Video: can I knit during pregnancy?

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