Common Remez - description, habitat, interesting facts

Common Remez is a lightweight bird that weighs less than 12 grams. This bird is often compared to a hummingbird (the smallest bird in the world). However, Remez has many distinctive abilities that distinguish it from bird masses. For example, the “Russian bird” uses plastic twigs to improve the nest, but the overseas hummingbird uses strong twigs for the same purpose.

Common Remez

It would seem that small, whistling birds should be popular, but for some reason, the remez remains in the shade with us, for what reason? Various bird lovers tend to believe that everything is to blame for the "poor color", miniature and secretive behavior of the bird.

What is a remez?

The name “remez” itself is interpreted as “reed tit”. It is easy to assume from this that almost all the time the bird lives in bushes, reeds and other thickets located near water bodies. Marshes, canals, lakes and other calm, overgrown waters are suitable for her.

Also reeds are often characterized as “hanging” or “drooping” birds. The fact is that the remez has acrobatic inclinations - it is quite easily able to move around thin twigs.

Nutritional features

As for food, the remez finds it in the reed area and tree bark. He usually feeds on small bugs, plant seeds, and even berries. Additional food is larvae, bark beetles and insects.

Gender Preferences

An ordinary remez is polygamous, although there are exceptions, for example, in nature there are individuals who live exclusively with one partner. Females lay up to 9 eggs, they hatch chicks in the interval from 10 to 15 days.

The time when remezis breed begins in May and ends at the end of June. The male is engaged in the construction of nests, and the female chooses the best nest and lays her eggs there. It is important to know that the male builds several nests, but only one is sold by the female.

The chicks are initially defenseless, they huddle in a protected nest for a month. Parents bring food to the nest and feed their chicks, as a rule, they give them small insects. After 30 days, the chicks begin an independent life. They leave the parent nest.

Geological nuances

The Remez family is in no way connected with other species; it is a separate species that lives in the Russian Federation and other parts of the world. This family can also be found in China, in some places in central Europe and eastern Japan. It is interesting that in the European environment there are about a million couples.

Bird benefits

Benefits of Remez
The ordinary remez is larger than its subspecies - it is longer. The length of his body can reach 12 centimeters. Also, the bird is larger in mass, for example, the weight of males can reach up to 20 grams.

Many are interested in whether the birds sing, are they songbirds? They emit a piercing whistle, which, of course, does not look like a nightingale song, it more closely resembles the word "tsii" than a melody.

Despite the whistling factor, remez has positive features. The main positive feature of the remez is the dorsal color, which is made in a darkened brown color. But the head of the remez has a gray color and dark shades near the eyes.

What is more remarkable bird? Perhaps, because he is an excellent creator of the nest, the Male creates a nest on a thin, but reliable branch.First, he makes a frame from various herbs, and then fills the nest with fur and leaf material. The result is a high-quality, swinging nest in which it is convenient for the chicks to develop their flying and acrobatic abilities.

By the way, many beliefs formed around the swinging nest. For example, some people believe that if you take poplar fluff or a petal from the nest of a remez and take it to the chicken coop, then domestic birds will often bring eggs.

Alternative medicine lovers quite often associate their rites with various nests. Of course, all these beliefs have no scientific justification, and therefore, it is not serious to treat them.

Remez - not singing?

Remiz pendulinus
Song birds have such birds as the nightingale, finch, oriole, blackbird. These birds sing well, and the ordinary remez, as we already learned, is not a singer, he specializes more in the construction of nests.

But do not be upset, because some species from the Remez family have singing gifts. Suppose, oatmeal remez sings well and pleasantly, her singing contains an intermittent hue and has a heterogeneous tonality. Typically, these birds love to sing songs while sitting on the side branches of trees.

Sometimes Remez Bunting makes sharp, popping sounds - this happens during periods of anxiety. Fans of birds do not recommend keeping this bird in captivity, since it is in nature that it is capable of its maximum, which consists not only in color, but also in beautiful singing.

Those who try to tame a bird often fail, in some cases it quickly dies after they grind it into a cage. If there is a great desire to keep the bird at home, then it needs to truly allocate a huge cage with regular sunlight.

Prefers to eat insects rather than cereal. This also needs to be considered when caring for this individual, otherwise it will cease to publish its delicious, intermittent trill.

Red Book and Remez

Despite the fact that the common remez is not considered an endangered species, it is still gradually losing its population due to many factors. The reasons are simple - river pollution, ennobling overgrown ponds, environmental disasters and other unpleasant things for remez. One way or another, environmentalists regularly carry out peace-loving procedures aimed at restoring territories for such a beautiful, small bird as a remez.

Video: common remez (Remiz pendulinus)

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