Bettina cucumber F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

Among gardeners, cucumber varieties are always popular, which are distinguished by high rates of harvesting, unpretentiousness to weather conditions and requiring minimal care. This is the kind that Bettina cucumbers belong to. The variety is resistant to various diseases, it is grown both on open ground and in closed greenhouse structures.

Bettina Cucumber F1

Grade characteristics

The variety has an early ripening period. Harvesting cucumbers begins after about 42 days from the start of sowing seeds. Before planting on the beds, seeds are recommended to germinate. This method allows you to strengthen the plants and accelerate the fruit setting process. This type of vegetable crop tolerates small temperature fluctuations. Bettina variety is well grown at home on a windowsill or on a warm loggia.

Hybrids are characterized by a female type of flowering. Bushes have average weaving of branches. Inflorescences are tied in bunches. In one bunch, from 1 to 3 ovaries form, in each of which from 2 to 4 green leaves are formed. They are located in the sinuses. The leaves on the plants have a light green color, medium size.

Cucumbers grow up to 12 cm in length and 3 cm in diameter. The average weight of one cucumber ranges from 70 grams. The shape of the fruit is cylindrical, the seeds are absent or have poor development. The pulp is dense and crisp, there are no cavities and bitterness in the taste. The crispy properties of cucumbers are not lost during pickling and pickling. The skin color is dark green, medium-sized tubercles with white spikes are observed on the surface. Harvesting should be done once every 2-3 days.

Grade Care

Hybrid varieties of the F1 series have excellent resistance to stress and unpretentiousness in care. To obtain the highest possible yield of quality and healthy cucumbers, the following care rules should be followed:

  1. Watering. Moisturizing vegetables should be watered regularly with warm water. Cold water can adversely affect the development of the root system, and simply overcool it. The procedure should be done after sunset or early in the morning. How much water is needed depends on the stage of plant development. Before flowering bushes, water consumption should be 6 liters per 1 square meter during hot dry days, and 4 liters in normal temperate climates. During the ripening period, the amount of water consumed increases significantly. With drought, 1 liter of water consumes 9 liters of water, after rains - 6 liters. After watering, it is recommended that the soil be loosened and spud. This should be done with caution so as not to damage the roots of plants.
  2. Top dressing. Potassium and nitrogen-containing additives are excellent for plant nutrition. Feeding should be done during the growing season 1 time. It is recommended to enrich the water for irrigation with a urea solution. For cooking, you need to take 10 grams of urea and dissolve in 10 liters of water. Favorably the development of plants will be affected by the use of bird droppings, a solution of onion husks.
  3. Weeding. Weed grass inhibits the proper development of bushes and takes nutrients from the soil. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out weeding in a timely manner and get rid of weeds. If the lashes of cucumbers lie on the ground, then this drowns out the growth of weeds. If the lashes are tied for ease of care and harvest, then the growth of weed grass is more intense. Weeding is recommended once a week. If required, you need to do this more often.
  4. The formation of bushes. Bettina variety does not have the qualities of strong growth, therefore, serious manipulations on the formation of plants are not required.It is enough to remove 2-3 lower shoots to increase productivity. The main stem cannot be touched; it is on it that the ovaries of the fruit are formed. For plants grown in greenhouse conditions, it is better to lash the lashes to the trellises. This will increase productivity, and facilitate the care of cucumbers.

If you carry out the recommended measures for the care of cucumbers, you can get a rich harvest.

Diseases and pests

Bettina F1
Hybrid varieties of cucumbers have innate immunity against common diseases and harmful insects. However, experienced gardeners recommend a preventative treatment of the bushes. An early ripe variety cannot be treated with chemicals, the fruits can absorb toxins and become poisonous. Bacteriosis can be controlled with the help of Trichopolum. 2 tablets are dissolved in 1 liter of water and the plants are sprayed.

Rot can be defeated and prevent infection with ordinary baking soda. Just add a little soda to the water for irrigation. To protect against powdery mildew, a solution consisting of milk, soap and iodine will help. The leaves of the bushes are sprayed with this mixture. A spider mite and slugs will not cause trouble to your plantings if you dig the soil from the fall, giving it freeze well in the winter. Between the beds with cucumbers, you can plant onions or garlic. This neighborhood will scare away "intruders."

Bettina does not require pollination by bees. Plants are quite unpretentious to the growing conditions, and give a good harvest. The opinions of gardeners who cultivated this species are only positive.

Reviews gardeners

  1. Valeria Karlovna, 44 years old: I have never cultivated vegetables. But, this year I heard about the variety of Bettina cucumbers, which can be grown on the windowsill, and wanted to plant it at home. I have a warm loggia, so the containers with the landings were there. Cucumbers have grown very tasty and crispy. Although she planted a little, she gathered a good harvest. Pickled a few cans.
  2. Victor Andreevich, 39 years old: Planted Bettina cucumbers in the garden. The result was just excellent. Cucumbers are not bitter, dense and juicy. I recommend to everyone!

Video: Bettina F1 cucumbers

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