Cucumber Bidretta F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

Cucumber is one of the most common vegetable crops in the whole world. Most summer residents and gardeners plant on their lands the most varied varieties of cucumbers in the hope of obtaining a high-quality and generous crop. Each year, breeders develop new varieties that adapt to different climatic conditions and are resistant to disease. One such is the Bidretta F1.

Bidretta Cucumber F1

General Culture Information

Bidretta F1 Cucumbers is a hybrid ultra-mature variety made for outdoor cultivation. The ripening period is only 25 - 35 days. The average yield is 4 kg per 1 planting m2. The plant is extremely resistant to diseases and pests. Fruits are glossy with a dense skin, they are well preserved and amenable to transportation without losing their presentation. Great for growing for sale. Pollination is due to bees. The highest productivity can be achieved by planting the crop in medium-loamy, loose soil.

Fruits are elongated cylindrical in shape, from 14 to 18 centimeters, weighing 90 - 110 grams. The peel is a pleasant saturated color, glossy, tuberous, without pubescence. The vegetable has a pronounced pleasant smell, the fruits are juicy, crunchy, not bitter. Cucumbers are suitable for pickling and preservation, as well as for fresh consumption.

Everything you need to know about plant cultivation

Bidrett F1 cucumbers have two planting methods: seedling and non-seedling. Manufacturers recommend using the first method. To seedlings turned out healthy, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Prepare the container. Each bush should be placed in a peat pot, but you can also use plastic pots for seedlings.
  2. The soil for planting seeds must be disinfected. It can be prepared independently, well, it is better to buy a ready-made light substrate for seedlings of crops.
  3. Each seed is immersed to a depth of 1 - 1.5 centimeters.
  4. Moisturize the soil before sowing, not after.
  5. The temperature in the room in which the seedlings are located should not be lower than 21 ° C.
  6. The room with seedlings should be well-lit. If necessary, you can optionally install special greenhouse fluorescent lamps.
  7. The next watering is carried out only after 5 days, after the first seedlings.
  8. Hardening is carried out 5 days before planting in open ground.
  9. The first shoots appear already on the third day after sowing. Seedlings should be planted in open ground, no later than 2 weeks after germination. The optimal time for growing seedlings is mid-May.

Planting seedlings in open ground

Bidrett F1 cucumbers are suitable for cultivation in different climatic conditions, but, like all heat-loving crops, they can hardly tolerate cold. Before the plant enters the soil, it is necessary to harden. For this, 2 days before planting in open ground, the temperature in the room with seedlings is reduced to 16 ° C. This method will help seedlings adapt to lower temperatures at night.

Before embarking, it is necessary to prepare the soil. This should be done at least 2 weeks before disembarkation. Soil preparation has the following sequence:

Planting seedlings of Bidrett F1 cucumbers

  1. Decide on the landing site. Do not plant cucumbers where pumpkin cultures were previously grown. This can cause disease in young seedlings. Bidrett F1 cucumbers can be planted in the soil after a tomato, potato, pea or cabbage. Such a neighborhood would be safe.
  2. Cucumbers have a weak root system, they quickly absorb moisture and nutrients, so the earth must be completely cleared of weeds.
  3. As already mentioned, Bidretta F1 grows well in medium-coarse and breathable soil. To prepare such a soil, it is necessary to add peat mixture, chernozem, sand, as well as straw (sterile, sawdust possible).
  4. Before planting, the soil must again be dug up and moistened.
  5. As soon as the soil temperature reaches 15C ° - 16C °, and the seedlings get stronger, they can be planted in open ground. Seedlings are placed at a distance of 40 cm from each other, and the distance between the beds should be at least 1 meter. Thus, on one m2 the number of sprouts should not exceed 3 pcs.


Despite the fact that Bidrett F1 cucumbers are relatively unpretentious, they nevertheless require elementary care from the moment of landing and until the last training camp. The essence of all care is regular watering, the systematic removal of weeds and loosening of the soil.

The soil must be thoroughly moistened, at least once every three days, avoiding moisture on the leaves. Loosen the soil every time after weed removal. This provides good oxygen access to the rhizome. Such procedures should be carried out from planting seedlings in open ground to the very last harvest. No additional fertilizers are needed after planting seedlings.

Gardeners reviews

  1. Maria, 45 years old: Hello! For the past several years, I have successfully grown Bidrett cucumbers in my country house. No difficulties and unforeseen circumstances arose. Even an inexperienced or novice gardener can grow this variety. The plant is very hardy, tolerates bad weather conditions and even drought.
  2. Smirnova Svetlana, 61 years old: Good day! I have been cultivating Bidretta for the fifth season in a row. I plant seeds immediately in the ground. Already on the 50th day after planting, you can harvest the first crop. The variety is stress-resistant, responds well to watering and feeding. It is very important to take the crop on time, otherwise the fruits will outgrow and break the stems. For all the time, the plant has never been sick. I did not find any flaws. I recommend to all gardeners!

Video: F1 Bidretta cucumbers

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