Cucumber Borisych F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

This variety belongs to mid-early hybrids. From the day the first seedlings appear, it takes from 1.5-2.5 months. In central Russia, ripened cucumbers are removed already from June to the end of August.

Cucumber Borisych F1


Variety, due to its characteristics, refers to high-yielding. It is well suited for growing both in closed greenhouses and in open beds. It has become widespread not only in Russia, but also in other states. It can be found among farmers in Ukraine and Moldova.

This vegetable crop is characterized by female type inflorescences. Shoots are distinguished by a powerful stem and provide the entire plant with the maximum amount of necessary substances. Growth of adult bushes when grown in closed greenhouses reaches 2.5 m.

In the case when there is a landing in open spaces, the plants grow a little smaller. Low-grade varieties with a small amount of greens make it easier to care for the bushes. Today, the state inspection monitors the quality of seeds and the level of productivity, and therefore, by purchasing seeds of this variety in specialized departments, you can be sure of the quality of the selected seed.


The variety is distinguished by the power of stems that can withstand various environmental conditions and even a large number of fruits.

Among the advantages:

  1. High yield.
  2. Do not be bitter.
  3. Saturated pleasant taste.
  4. Preservation of taste even during long-term storage.
  5. Immunity to major cucumber diseases.
  6. Adaptability to different growing conditions.
  7. Pronounced cucumber flavor.

This variety is able to withstand and resist major diseases. Good indicators of tolerance to stress allow even novice gardeners to get a rich level of yield. Fruits, as a rule, grow medium-sized, and are used as additives in salads.

What kind of fruits grow?

This variety is neat in fruit. They are of medium length and slightly elongated in length, which usually does not exceed 20 cm. Having a rich dark green color, cucumbers have a tuberous surface with pimples. Usually weigh within 180 gr.

Their flesh has a soft juicy structure. Some cucumbers on the peel may show faint streaks. The fruits are characterized by a rich sweet taste, which makes them a favorite variety among people of different age categories.

The variety is distinguished by excellent indicators for the formation of ovaries, in which it then grows to 3 fruits. With good care during the growing process, you can get up to 19 kg \ sq. M. cucumbers. When grown in open beds, yield indicators are slightly lower - up to 16 kg / sq.m.

Growing recommendations

As a rule, this variety is planted directly in the soil, without preliminary cultivation by the seedling method. In order to get an early harvest even in conditions of changing weather conditions and temperatures, it is recommended to plant in open beds when reaching + 15C.

Growing tomatoes Borisych F1

To get a good harvest, it is necessary to plant seeds in a pre-fertilized and rested soil. Before the planting process itself, it is necessary to water the wells with warm water and sow to a depth of 2 cm. At first, it is advisable to cover the beds with a film that is removed immediately after the first seedlings appear.

If the gardener still decides to germinate the seedlings in advance, then they should do this about 3-4 weeks before transplanting into the ground.By the time of transplantation to the main growing place, at least 3 leaflets should have already been formed at the shoots. The recommended time for planting in the soil is the second half of May, provided there are no frosts.

There are no special requirements for the care of this variety. It is recommended to regularly weed, periodically loosen the ground and feed fertilizers. Watering is recommended to be carried out with warm water, so as not to lower the yield of cucumbers.


  1. Anna Fedorovna, 60 years old: I immediately liked the name and made laugh. I remember. My husband is just Ivan Borisych. That is precisely why it actually took. I mostly grow tomatoes, but this year we also started cucumbers. Before that, they grew them about 5 years ago. They began to sow closer to June, we have the northern part of the region, and in May there were even more frosts and a little snow fell. They did not begin to risk early landing. Almost everything came up, more and was not necessary. Just the greenhouse was enough for everyone. We are satisfied with the harvest.
  2. Karina S., 51 years old: Good evening! Granddaughter writes a review, I dictate. They took this variety in the spring and in May planted directly in the greenhouse. I was pleased - the shoots turned out decently. They cultivated, watered, loosened the soil, fertilized 2-3 times per season no more. Cucumbers did not pick up any diseases. I will recommend it to all my friends and neighbors in the country. Because the truth is a successful variety turned out to be so unpretentious. It turned out to be medium-sized cucumbers, very sweet in taste - to the joy of our entire large and friendly family.
  3. Olga, 42 years old: Good day! That summer, together with my mother, we were engaged in a garden, back in the winter we went to a fair and collected various vegetable and flower seeds. Mom chose a new variety. The name seemed memorable, funny. Cucumbers grew average and with a very pleasant aroma, we even specially left in the room so cool they smelled. The neighbors came to visit and immediately asked what kind of variety it was! And it tastes so sweet !!! Helped the mother not to forget to fertilize, we watered with warm water, did not forget to loosen - the usual garden manipulations! They planted directly on the garden in June, so I won’t say that they immediately harvested the crop, but still were satisfied.

Video: Borisitch F1 cucumbers

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