Cucumber Brother Ivanushka F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

Hybrid varieties of cucumbers are grown by many domestic vegetable growers. These species are unpretentious to weather conditions and receive a rich harvest. Variety Bratets Ivanushka was bred for cultivation in open beds in the garden or in greenhouse structures where access for bees is provided. The hybrid is not self-pollinated, therefore it needs pollination by insects.

Cucumber Brother Ivanushka F1

Grade description

Bushes of medium height, to increase productivity and ease of care, it is recommended to tie them to trellises. The variety is characterized by an early ripening period. The fruiting period begins 45-50 days after planting the seeds. Small cucumbers, during harvest, reach a length of 8 cm. The mass of one fruit is 80-90 grams. The skin is green, the color in the area of ​​the flower is light, yellow stripes pass along the fruit. A surface with weak unexpressed tubercles. The pulp is dense, does not contain empty spaces. The taste of cucumbers is sweet, does not contain bitterness.


Fruits are great for fresh consumption, used as vegetable salad ingredients, suitable for slicing. Cucumbers have excellent pickling qualities. They look attractive in jars after pickling or pickling. Due to its attractive appearance and good resistance to transportation, the variety is often grown on an industrial scale on farmland.

Grade Advantages

Manufacturers recommend the cultivar Brother Ivanushka for cultivation, and indicate the following advantages:

  1. Early harvest, fruiting duration. With good care, picking cucumbers can last until the very frost.
  2. High rates of picking cucumbers.
  3. The presence of persistent immunity to common diseases and pests.
  4. Good presentation, the ability to transport over long distances without loss of presentation.
  5. Excellent taste characteristics, lack of a bitter aftertaste.

Growing Features

The best yield result can be obtained if you grow cucumbers by seedling method. Sowing seeds should be carried out in April. The soil should first be fertilized and sanitized in any way.

Seeds purchased at the store do not need additional processing. 20 days after the sprouts are biting, they can be planted in a greenhouse or in open beds. During the day, the air temperature should be kept from 22 to 25 degrees, at night - at least 16 degrees. 4 plants are planted per square meter. Immediately you can set the trellis to which the lashes will be tied as they grow.

Care Rules

Variety Brother Ivanushka should be regularly cared for. The yield and quality of the fruit will depend on this. It should be watered with warm water. A drip irrigation method is preferred. With this method, moisture will flow to the root system, and will not get on the leaves and stems. Watering is carried out in the evening or early in the morning.

Brother Ivanushka F1

After watering, so that the soil is not covered with a crust, it should be loosened. It will also positively affect the balance of air exchange in the root system of plants. Weeding once a week will help get rid of weeds that spread dangerous fungal viruses and harmful insects. Particular attention should be paid to the introduction of complex fertilizers.

Top dressing

During growth and development, plants are fed 4 times.Such measures are carried out during transplanting seedlings to a permanent place, then after 12-14 days, the following additives are added during flowering of bushes, and during fruiting.

Such organic fertilizers are excellent for fertilizing the soil: humus, bird droppings, rotted plants. Of the minerals used for additional plant nutrition: urea, ammonium nitrate, superphosphate.

Disease control

For the prevention of many diseases, preliminary preparation of the soil and seeds for planting is carried out. If the seeds were not processed by the producer, then the procedure should be carried out independently. For this, the seed material is placed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Then washed well and planted.

If cucumbers are grown in a greenhouse, then stagnation of water and moisture should not be allowed. This can lead to decay of the roots of plants. It is also recommended to regularly inspect the bushes for leaf damage or for the presence of pests. If you find one of the problems, you must immediately take action. Spraying plants with special insecticides will help solve this problem.

Video: proper care of cucumbers in the greenhouse

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