Cucumber Break F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

The variety of cucumbers Break F1 belongs to the hybrid group. It was bred by domestic breeders of the Gavrish company. The hybrid is characterized by high harvesting rates, as well as minimal labor costs for its cultivation.

Cucumber Break F1

Grade description

Bushes of cucumbers grow tall - up to 2 meters. Large foliage, saturated green. The foliage of plants is average.

Cucumbers have a dark green color. The skin surface is dense, the presence of small tubercles is noted. The mass of one vegetable varies between 100-150 grams. The fruits have a diameter of 5 cm, a length of 10 cm.

Variety Break is characterized by high productivity, from one bush you can collect from 15 to 20 kg. The consistency of the pulp is dense, with excellent taste. The seeds are small, for planting the next year are not suitable. The tastes of the fruits are sour-sweet, the aroma is pronounced cucumber.

Culture cultivation

Break cucumbers are grown in seedling and seedling methods. Sow cucumbers for seedlings in March. In order to get a higher crop, it is recommended to plant cucumbers with seedlings. To do this, purchased seeds must undergo preliminary training.

The seed material is soaked for 20-30 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate. After this procedure, the seeds are washed for two minutes under running water, then wrapped in a piece of cloth or gauze, and placed in the freezer for about 1 hour.

The prepared soil is poured into a suitable container, the seeds are laid to a depth of 1 cm. Crops are harvested in a dark and cool place. For faster sowing of seeds, it is necessary to provide the crops with the optimum temperature - from +20 to +25 degrees during the day, and from +12 to +17 degrees at night.

After the emergence of sprouts, containers are placed near the window. In the phase of formation of 4 true leaves, seedlings are transplanted into the ground. The ideal time for landing is the beginning of May. To plant cucumbers, you need to choose a sunny place. To obtain a richer crop, it is recommended to put rotted manure into the soil.

Landing should be in accordance with the distance. Between the rows should be left 70 cm, and between adjacent plants should be at least 50 cm of free space.

Variety Care Rules

Break F1

  1. The hybrid variety needs regular watering. In the southern regions, cucumbers are watered every 3-4 days; in the northern regions, the amount of watering is reduced to 1 time per week. Preference should be given to the drip method of irrigation. Thus, the root system of plants will receive the necessary moisture, and the leaves and branches of the bushes will remain dry. This is very important, if the leaves are regularly wet, they can begin to dry.
  2. After watering, it is necessary to loosen the soil. This will help to avoid the appearance of a crust on the soil and normalize air exchange in the root system. Timely weeding will help get rid of weed grass, which is a carrier of dangerous fungi and harmful insects.
  3. Additional nutrition is introduced as plants grow and develop. About 10 days after planting, you need to add organic matter to the soil. Peat or humus will do just fine for this. During the flowering period, emphasis should be placed on fertilizers that contain potassium, and during the beginning of fruiting and the first harvest it is recommended to introduce phosphorus mixtures.
  4. Bushes grow to 2 meters, so they need to be tied. Special grids are best suited for this purpose. To achieve larger cucumbers, it is necessary to break off the formed mustache on the plants.

Diseases and Pests

Despite its good resistance to diseases, the variety Break is not infrequently infected with fungi. The most common disease is powdery mildew. To combat and prevent the bushes should be sprayed with a solution of Bordeaux fluid. It is advisable to carry out the procedure every week. A good remedy for the black leg is colloidal salt, and brown spotting can not resist exposure to the special drug Silk.

During the growth and development of the bushes can be attacked by harmful insects, which can cause irreparable harm to plants. Slugs, aphids and fleas will recede if the bushes are treated with insecticides purchased in specialized stores. It is also recommended to regularly conduct a visual inspection of plants for the presence of affected leaves or pests. Some problems are enough to solve on your own, simply by manually removing the aphids or diseased leaves.

Variety Break has earned respect among gardeners across the country. It can be grown in open beds and in greenhouses. Dense and crispy cucumbers will delight you all summer.

Video: F1 cucumbers

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