Cucumber Director F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

Not so long ago a variety of cucumbers appeared. The Director deservedly deserved the attention of farmers and gardeners. The Dutch breeders, thanks to which gardeners received a new type of seed for growing, wanted to be able to harvest almost the whole year, and, of course, to enjoy the high taste of the vegetable.

Cucumber Director F1

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Hybrid variety Director - a powerful plant, although the bushes do not stretch much. Reproduction occurs in bundles, the bundle ovaries themselves are formed quite actively, and most nodes are concentrated in the middle part of the trunk. Side shoots appear in a short time. Type of flowering - female. Leaves are green, dense.

The number of ripened cucumbers on one bush does not exceed the number of 8 - 10 pieces, this variety is classified as mid-early ripeness. This species does not mature very quickly, usually about a month after planting in the ground.

Many farmers will confirm that this species is very productive and fruiting is stable. The main thing is that a sunny place should be chosen for him, since the Director is a sun-loving plant, prefers constant heat. Therefore, it can be planted in open soils only in those areas where the plant will not be cold. This variety is excellent fruiting in greenhouse conditions.

Externally, the Director cucumbers look pretty attractive. According to entrepreneurs, they have a decent presentation: the fruits in size and color do not differ significantly from each other.

Ripe fruits have a shape resembling an elongated cylinder, the skin is thin and smooth, with no significant irregularities and roughness, its color is dark green. Pubescence is average, without white plaque. On average, a mature cucumber weighs 70 - 80 g., And the length of the vegetable is from 11 to 13 cm.

The crisp pulp has a greenish color, there is no bitterness, there are no voids inside the fruit, there are seeds, but very small ones. The taste of the variety is pleasant, characteristic, because it is attributed primarily to the salad type. The Director is also used for salting.

Cucumbers carry over long transportations normally, they are stored for a long time.

How to grow a good harvest

Director - a variety that is not distinguished by capricious properties. Plant it in the same way as other varieties of cucumbers. You can immediately place slightly swollen seeds in the ground, or you can grow seedlings before.

Seeds are buried in the soil by 3 cm. It is advisable to place several seeds in the prepared hole, during growth a strong sprout will break through, defeating a weaker one. In the Director variety, the pollination method is parthenocarpic, so the bushes should grow at a certain distance from each other, the most acceptable scheme is 50 to 50 cm. For a good and fast seed growth, the most optimal temperature regime is required. This is a heat-loving variety, therefore, you can plant seeds directly in the ground when the soil is warmed up to +15 degrees.

Forming the beds, be sure to disinfect the land. The best way is to use a 0.05 percent potassium permanganate solution. After this, you need to dig the land carefully.

How to grow Director F1 cucumbers

Important! Experts advise to plant cucumbers for high yields in those places where legumes were previously grown, with the exception of beans, or early potatoes and cabbage of various varieties.

Variety Director is mainly grown by seedling. In the prepared container, preferably 8 by 8 cm in size, prepared seeds are laid in the soil, deepening them by 2 cm. The soil should be ennobled by buying in a specialty store a special mixture intended for vegetable crops.Such a method will also be useful if the soil is treated with Extrasol-55 with a 0.2 percent composition.

When the first leaves, already formed and large, appear, top dressing of the roots is performed. It is necessary to take care of this part of the plant so that the bush grows well and bears fruit. As a top dressing, the Kemir-Lux tool is used. Well established and "Radipharm".

When the seedlings are transplanted into the open ground, the roots should be processed using means such as Epin, Zircon - to choose from.

For seedlings that will be on an open surface, it is more convenient to grow if they are planted in a checkerboard pattern, and the distance between them corresponds to the following parameters: 30 cm between the bushes and one meter between the beds. If you comply with these requirements, then there will be 4 plants per square meter. When greenhouse conditions are prepared for plants, then the dimensions should be slightly different: about 55 by 65 cm, which means that there will be 3 bushes on one square meter.

Proper care is the key to high yield

Growing a variety of Director, you do not need to use any unusual methods. Standard knowledge and periodic care will be required.

Director F1

We must not forget about systematic watering, otherwise, having lost moisture, the leaves may lose their brightness, darken and curl, the fruits will be deformed, have bitterness. Irrigation scheme depends entirely on the method of cultivation. You should also consider the natural features of this place. If the climate is dry or weather conditions cause drought, you will have to water more often.

A greenhouse crop will require regular watering so that the soil does not remain dry. The alternation of aridity and waterlogging should not be allowed. Water should be warm.

If the crop grows on open ground, watering is done in the afternoon. Optimum soil moisture for cucumbers is to a depth of 40 cm. It is advisable to use water that warmed up during the day under sunlight.

Topping grade Director must be added. For this, superphosphates and ammonium nitrate are needed. A month will pass, and one more top dressing, intended for the root system, will follow. To do this, manure diluted in water or bird droppings are used. Extra-feed additives, which contain useful trace elements, are necessary for plants, because they are added every two weeks.

It will be necessary to pinch the culture, but only when the first 8 leaves are already there. For greenhouse plants, the mandatory formation process is carried out.

Weeds are constantly required to be removed, because otherwise, part of the crop may be lost due to the fact that the roots may suffer, the nutrients of the cultivated plant may not be fully received, and will be weakened.

Possible diseases

The Hybrid Director has a strong immunity, and many diseases can be avoided. But rot and white mold can appear on plants, especially inherent in those cucumbers that grow in greenhouses or greenhouses. Therefore, preventive measures will be needed, which include spraying the plants. In this case, the most useful means are "Abiga-peak", "Previkur" or copper oxychloride. These drugs are not only good protection against diseases, but they also saturate the bushes with vitamins, increase immunity. The term of the last processing should be done no later than 30 days before harvesting.

Video: Director F1 cucumbers

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