Cucumber Dragoon F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

Most gardeners have been preoccupied with growing vegetables since spring. This variety of cucumbers has become popular among summer residents due to its high yields and good immunity. Great for fresh consumption and as preserves in the form of canning.

Cucumber Dragoon F1


In order to understand what features of this variety, it is necessary to study its characteristics well. After reading this information, it will be easier for the summer resident to navigate how to properly organize the process of growing a particular type of cucumber.

The plant gives medium-sized fruits - no more than 12 cm, and its flowers are of the female type of bouquet ovaries. The average ripening period for vegetables is approximately 1.5 months. The fruits grow cylindrical in shape with a thin skin and weighing up to 90 g.

Growing seedlings

In order to get an earlier crop, it is recommended to sprout seedlings first. It is worth paying special attention to the careful attitude to the root system of plants.

Basically, when growing cucumbers from seeds, gardeners use cardboard boxes or special peat. Peat pots are convenient in that seedlings will no longer need to be removed from them - planting in the ground occurs with them, which helps to avoid possible injury to the roots of seedlings. After some time, these pots themselves become fertilizer.

It is necessary to carefully monitor the shoots, because healthy plants are a guarantee of a good harvest. Watering is carried out as necessary, without overly moistening and without overdrying the soil.

While the plants are still growing in the room, they must be fed with special growth stimulants. Seedlings are transferred to the main place after the final retreat of frost.

Transplanting to beds

It is recommended to choose a territory with a flat surface and the absence of frequent drafts. It is advisable that this place is well lit by the sun most of the day.

If sowing takes place directly on the beds, then the crop has to wait a few weeks later than in the case of seedlings. Ash and humus are laid in the prepared holes for planting. Then the seeds are deepened by about 3 cm there and covered with a film, which will need to be removed after the appearance of the first sprouts.


To care for this variety should be the same as for any other - in time to water, loosen the soil, periodically fertilize. It is necessary to water with warm water in the evening. Drip type irrigation is also recommended to avoid possible burns from large drops.

Loosening the earth around the plant will help ensure constant oxygen access to the roots, and will help maintain the required level of moisture. Loosening should be started after planting, at least once a week, and also periodically check how the soil is permeable to moisture. In the case of slow absorption of water into the ground, it is necessary to carry out the procedure of loosening.

At the same time, it is worth remembering that you need to loosen it very carefully, not deeper than 4 cm. Also pricking the soil - 6 punctures for each sq.m Hilling helps root development.

Growing plants in greenhouses, you need to water them at least 2 times a week. To maintain proper air circulation and humidity, spraying is recommended in the morning and evening.After flowering begins, irrigation is stopped or minimized - in this case, more female-type flowers appear.

Watering cucumbers Dragoon F1

It will be more correct to water the plants along the grooves. To create them, the hilling of all bushes is carried out. This helps prevent root rot. Watering is recommended to be carried out with water heated during the day to at least +25 ° C. It is necessary to achieve good soil moisture during irrigation, per sq.m. no less than a bucket of warm water.

Top dressing
It is necessary to fertilize plants with organic and complex fertilizers, periodically alternating them. Regular weeding will contribute to additional prevention from pests and diseases. It is advisable to arrange the fruits, laying the boards so that the cucumbers do not directly touch the ground.

This variety has good immunity to major cucumber diseases. Processing with special prophylactic drugs is possible only before the beginning of flowering, in order to prevent then harmful substances from entering the fruits.


  1. High yields.
  2. Good immunity.
  3. Unpretentiousness in leaving.
  4. The ability to shoot small cucumbers even at the very beginning of fruit growth - in the form of gherkins.


  1. Nina Fedorovna, 52 years old: Good afternoon! I grow Dragoon variety for the second year. I can say that I am pleased with the amount of the harvest, we collected a decent amount of cucumbers throughout the summer season. I planted the cucumbers immediately in the garden in a sunny place. Satisfied - sprouted well. There were no diseases on them over the summer. I watered about 2 times a week, fertilized with manure from autumn. Next season I plan to buy seeds and grow again. And recommend to friends.
  2. Irina Mikhailovna, 64 years old: Hello my dear gardeners! We bought this new variety for me together with my friend in the country, we live nearby and often, when visiting, they compared how this variety behaves. Everything in this plan coincided. We first sprouted seedlings and already planted after the end of frost in May. I took the first cucumbers, and Natalya in a day 4. The cucumbers grow to medium size, sometimes I took them very tiny for pickling. Fertilized with conventional fertilizers, but infrequently. Watered with warm water, settling during the day. It is important not to flood the bushes, sometimes I even slightly dried the soil, but not much.

Video: drip irrigation for growing cucumbers

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