Cucumber Emelya F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

In our country, many varieties of cucumbers are grown. Varieties differ in taste, color and taste of the fruit, as well as adaptability to growing conditions. Emelya breeders have developed a variety specifically for cultivation in greenhouse conditions. In this case, it gives the highest possible yield. The ripening is friendly, therefore, the variety is used not only for private farms, but for cultivation on an industrial scale. Plants adapt perfectly to worsening weather conditions without compromising yield.

Cucumber Emelya F1

Grade description

Bushes are non-determinant, shoot lengths can reach 2.5-3 meters. The shape of the leaves resembles a pentagon, the color is uniform green. Type of flowering prevails female type. The fruits are small in size, the average weight of one fruit is 130 grams. Cucumbers grow to a length of 14-16 cm. The peel is thin, dark green. On the surface, pronounced tuberosity is noted. White spikes are present. The fruits have an elongated oval shape resembling a cylinder. The consistency of the pulp is dense and juicy, there is no smack of bitterness.

Cucumbers are crunchy; when overgrown, they do not lose their taste. The seeds are small, capable of retaining the ability to germinate for a long time.

Crop Care Rules

Of great importance for obtaining a good harvest and quality fruits is proper care and the creation of comfortable conditions for growing varieties. To get a rich and healthy crop, the following activities should be carried out:

  1. In the greenhouse, it is important to constantly maintain the humidity level and optimal temperature.
  2. Cucumbers do not like drought, so watering should be carried out regularly, with an interval of 1-3 days. In the rainy season, the amount of watering can be reduced. It is not recommended to water the plants with cold water.
  3. For full growth and development, it is necessary to regularly apply organic and mineral fertilizers. Nutrient mixtures should contain nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium supplements.
  4. To facilitate the care of cucumbers, lashes of plants are recommended to be tied to a vertical trellis.

Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse requires some additional manipulation. The structure should be aired periodically. In good calm weather, you must open the door or remove the film shelter.

Temperature and humidity

With insufficient moisture, the fruits of cucumbers begin to develop poorly, the leaves of plants begin to dry out, thereby shortening the fruiting period. With waterlogging of the soil, root rot occurs, and the risk of infection with viral fungal diseases also increases. Therefore, it is very important to regulate the humidity level in the greenhouse to obtain good harvesting performance. For cucumbers, the norm is 75-85 percent. It is also necessary to maintain an air temperature that is comfortable for plants - + 22- + 28 degrees.

In order to increase the humidity in the greenhouse, it is enough to put dishes and buckets of water there. In this case, it is necessary to open a greenhouse or organize periodic ventilation. High humidity is removed by ventilating the structure. The temperature in unheated greenhouses directly depends on weather conditions on the street. However, one should not worry. Plants tolerate small jumps in temperature. If you are worried about your landings during a sharp cold snap, then you can take agrofibre and cover them with landings.


As soon as the bushes reach a height of 30 cm, they are tied to a trellis. With growth, lateral shoots and ovaries are removed, only the main stem remains up to 0.5 meters. Then above, after 1 leaf, also pinch the lateral branches. After another half meter, pinching is done after 2 sheets. This method of formation will help to get good crispy fruits and a rich harvest.

Diseases and harmful insects

Emelya has excellent resistance to most diseases. The only misfortune that can slow down the normal development of plants is powdery mildew. Therefore, for prophylactic purposes, it is recommended to treat plants with fungicides.

Often, cucumbers are affected by pests such as aphids, spider mites or whiteflies. For the prevention and control of insects, folk remedies and special preparations are used. Infusion of onion husks or wormwood will help plants avoid the invasion of pests.

The variety of cucumbers Emelya is intended for cultivation in closed ground. Universal vegetable culture is used in canning, as well as for fresh consumption.

Video: F1 Emelya cucumbers

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