Cucumber Gunnar F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

Another Dutch hybrid of cucumber from the famous seed company Enza Zaden. Despite the expensive planting material, this hybrid is increasingly gaining popularity among summer residents and gardeners. And this is not surprising. Through the efforts of breeders, the early ripening period, excellent fruit qualities are successfully combined in it, while it has a high stable yield and resistance to many diseases.

Cucumber Gunnar F1

Characteristics and features of the hybrid

Parthenocarpic (self-pollinated) hybrid of cucumber. This cucumber appeared not so long ago. Bred by breeders of the world famous company Enza Zaden in the Netherlands. The ripening period "Gunnar F1" is very early. From the appearance of sprouts to the beginning of fruiting, 38-42 days pass. Cucumbers of beautiful appearance, the hybrid produces a high percentage of homogeneous fruits of the first grade.

The bush has good growth power, is formed from one central stem. Side shoots (stepsons) are short. The plant is open, but well leafy, with large leaves and flowers of a predominantly female type. Forms 2-4 fruit ovaries in one sinus. The fruits are bright, saturated green in color, with small lighter, yellowish stripes at the ends of the cucumbers. They are medium tuberous, with white soft spines, often pubescent. May be coated with a slight waxy coating. The fruits grow, according to the results of the whole season, 10-15 cm long, and weight gain 80-120 gr.

The hybrid is resistant to overgrowth. But even with the lengthening of the fetus, its thickness remains virtually unchanged. The fruits of "Gunnar F1" are inherent in really high taste. Tasting assessment by experts - 4.9-5.0 points out of 5 possible. Although green and strong, dense, the flesh is juicy, with a crunch and a rich, fresh aroma.


The hybrid has a very high and stable yield. Moreover, it shows high results not only in sheltered, but also in open ground. The skin is thin, but strong and elastic, resistant to mechanical damage and cracking. Cucumbers of this hybrid do not contain bitterness.

It is recommended, first of all, for cultivation in protected ground conditions, as well as under temporary shelters. But it is possible to grow in the open ground. Productivity indicators in the spring-summer turnover are 18-22 kg per 1 sq. Km. m., and already productivity in the summer-autumn is much less - 9-12 kg per 1 sq. km. m. Resistant to many diseases and pests of cucumbers.


The fruits of this hybrid have universal application. This and all kinds of preservation, pickling, pickling, pickling. And, of course, eating fresh and making salads. Great for growing with the goal of selling fresh vegetables to the markets.

Inscribed in the State Register of Plant Varieties of the Russian Federation in the Central and Central Black Earth District.

Hybrid Strengths

Strengths of Gunnar F1 cucumbers

  1. The compact habit of the bush greatly facilitates plant care and harvesting.
  2. The hybrid shows excellent results both in amateur cultivation in the country, and in large industrial plantations.
  3. Beautiful appearance of cucumbers and high commercial quality, good and stable yield.
  4. Great taste, greens with a little crunch and a rich cucumber aroma.
  5. It is suitable for successful cultivation both in the conditions of the open, and sheltered soil. But of course, the hybrid can reach its full potential only in greenhouse conditions.
  6. Best suited for selling in the wholesale and retail markets of fresh vegetables.
  7. It has high rates of keeping quality. Suitable for long distance transportation. When stored for a long time, it retains high commodity characteristics.
  8. Zelentsy are resistant to overgrowing. But it is advisable to make samples daily, or with a difference of 1 day. Or in the case of infrequent presence in the country or garden plot at least once every 3 days.
  9. It tolerates a significant level of salts in the soil. Therefore, it is possible to cultivate it in saline areas.
  10. Universality of use of fruits.
  11. The fruits are perfectly tied without the participation of any pollinating insects (bumblebees, bees).
  12. The hybrid is highly resistant to major diseases and pests of cucumbers. To downy mildew shows weak resistance.
  13. High adaptation to various growing conditions and negative environmental factors, in particular to temperature differences.

The secrets of successfully growing a hybrid

Growing Gunnar F1 cucumbers

  1. In the first 5-6 sinuses, all leaves, lateral shoots and cucumber ovary are removed. The so-called "blinding."
  2. The hybrid is intended for cultivation in spring-summer, winter-spring (only in heated greenhouses) and summer-autumn circulation in protected ground.
  3. When the plants grow into a height of 2 m, pinch the top. This is done in order to limit further uncontrolled growth. And the yield will continue to increase due to side shoots.
  4. Hybrid seeds calibrated, have a high germination energy. Of course, if the terms and conditions of storage were met.
  5. Seeds do not require soaking in a solution of fungicide and growth stimulant before planting. Branded seeds have already been treated with Tiram. Locking just in the water for a day is also not required.
  6. Removing all side shoots as they grow. This is done in order to avoid thickening of the plantings and to form an ovary of cucumbers mainly on the central stem.
  7. Conducting a regular inspection of plantings of cucumbers, timely detection of lesions by diseases and pests. Sanitation, with the removal of residual fruits and diseased or dried shoots, leaves.
  8. Preparation or purchase of high-quality, nutritious, well-aerated peat substrate for growing seedlings.
  9. Growing the hybrid "Gunnar F1" only through seedlings.
  10. Compliance with crop rotation on the site. Avoid neighborhood with tomatoes. Good predecessors for cucumbers are cabbage, onions, garlic, celery, herbs and legumes.
  11. Due to the fact that the hybrid has high and regular yield indicators, it is necessary to provide the plant with a comprehensive nutrition.

Reviews of summer residents of the hybrid

  1. Maxim Zvantsev, 34 years old: We needed a hybrid. And such a hybrid, selling the fruits of which, we would have beaten off if not all, then definitely part of the money. The fact is that last year we bought a polycarbonate greenhouse, and this is a very expensive pleasure ... Gunnar was advised. They planted early - for seedlings in February, and in March they already planted them in the greenhouse. By the way, it is heated. What can I say, I liked it. I didn’t get sick, but I did two treatments with biologics. The hybrid is really very early, productive, with marketable tasty fruits. Thanks to him, another season and we will beat the greenhouse!
  2. Angelina Storozhenkova, 30 years old: It was a difficult name for me. I remember from history - Gauls, Huns ... Well, now Gunnar. Bribed that Holland, although the seeds are not cheap. Raised in an unheated greenhouse. The result is excellent! The whole bush is directly hung with handsome cucumbers. Tasty and sweet. You can eat and roll up. Pleased with this Gunnar.

Video: Gunnar F1 cucumbers

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