Cucumber Funny gnomes F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

Funny gnomes belong to hybrid species. So, their productivity is much higher than their counterparts - ordinary cucumbers. They grow well in greenhouse conditions, covered with a film, in the open ground.

Cucumber Funny Gnomes F1

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The variety is characterized by an early ripe harvest. Already after 38 - 40 days from the date of emergence of seedlings, the first fruits can be picked. Ripening time is stable warm weather: until the end of August - beginning of September.

The root system and the bush itself are quite powerful, growing in a single stem. Cutting off stepsons is required, only in this case the correct formation of the bush will occur. Funny gnomes have a bunch of ovaries in a bunch, and each bunch has an average of 4 - 5 pieces. If you adhere to all the conditions for the care of this variety, then the harvest will be good - over 8 kg from each bush.

Cucumbers have a shape resembling a cylinder. The color of the ripened fruit has a dark green color in the area of ​​the stem. Where the flower is located, the color is slightly different: light green, there are also yellow stripes that stretch to the middle of the cucumber.

The length (on average) of each vegetable is about 9 cm, weighing 80 - 90 grams. Thin skin is covered with small, plentiful tubercles; white spikes are necessarily present. The pulp is very juicy, crispy, fragrant and sweet. Even with poor watering, bitterness will be absent. Funny gnomes are perfect for any kind of canning, thanks to them we get delicious tasty fresh salads and snacks.

If the harvest is not harvested on time, you do not have to worry that the fruits will overripe. Transportation is well tolerated even over long distances, and does not deteriorate for a long time, if all storage rules are observed.

This variety is parthenocarpic, it does not need pollination by insects.

How to achieve high yields

Like many other cultivated plants, it is advisable to grow the Funky Gnomes by sprouting seeds. Professional gardeners do it this way: they place the seeds in warm, settled water, and when they pick up moisture and swell, they leave it on a damp cloth for several days. Roots quickly appear in seeds, therefore, after 2 days, almost all of them are completely ready for planting.

However, many prefer to plant ready-made seedlings. The beginning of this procedure is March. Be sure to carefully prepare the soil: it is desirable to have the soil loose and light. It will take some organic matter to keep the Fun Dwarfs alive. The whole crop is very dependent on the quality of seedlings.

Since this variety grows in a bunch, he does not like picking. In order not to disturb the plants with transplants, they immediately prepare plastic cups in the right amount, pour the earth into them, lightly water it. It is comfortable for seeds to grow if the depth of their penetration is 2 - 3 cm.

Some prefer to use special boxes for growing seedlings. In this case, you will need to make grooves, and already plant seeds in them. The distance between them should not exceed 7 cm, and the interval between rows should be up to 20 cm.

Until the first sprouts appear, all containers should be carefully hidden under the film. At this time, the task is to maintain the temperature in +20 - +22 degrees Celsius and water, but in very moderate doses, so that the soil is only slightly moistened. When 2 leaves are visible, you can feed the plants.

Landing of the Funky gnomes in the ground

Landing of the Funky gnomes in the ground
You can plant seedlings without fear when after the appearance of the first seedlings 25 to 30 days have passed.It should be noted that at home, the harvest will not be so plentiful, because this variety is best grown in a greenhouse or in open areas.

If the place is chosen open, then from 4 to 5 sprouts are placed on one square meter. The 30 by 70 cm pattern is convenient when planting, since all the bushes have good access to light, do not interfere with each other during growth, and it is always convenient to process each plant by watering and removing weeds. Landing time - late April - early May, when night frosts have already receded. The soil must be prepared in advance by adding organic fertilizers and digging. Manure and chicken droppings are very useful as fertilizers. Loosening and watering is also mandatory.

If the cucumbers ripen in greenhouse conditions, the rules remain almost the same. Indoors, they are grown mainly in those regions where the climate is cold. Some people prefer to plant seeds immediately, then this should be done in mid-April, not earlier. The beds are prepared in the usual way: the soil must be dug up, all weed grass removed, organic matter added, and the ground well moistened.

Before placing seeds in the ground, they are also germinated, and in each prepared hole 2 seeds will be placed. You need to calculate so that no more than five holes are located per square meter. If cucumbers are planted with seedlings, then up to three plants are placed per square meter.

It will be necessary during plant growth to ensure that there is a strong root system, the leaves are properly formed. With proper regular care, these are the results.

Funny gnomes love water, but the soil does not need to be too moist. Watering is required every 2 - 3 days, but only to exclude the daytime, when the sun shines brightly. Usually this procedure is carried out in the evening or in the morning. It is not recommended that moisture get on the leaves, otherwise the plant may be severely damaged in the future from sunburn. If cool days have come, watering can be much less common.

Important! For irrigation, water should be settled and warm.

Cheerful gnomes grow together, if they are additionally fed. It can be various types of top dressing - both root and extra root. But the main thing to remember is that too many nutrients can provoke a number of diseases or the plant begins to wither. It is necessary to proportionally alternate mineral mixtures with organic fertilizers. Usually they try to combine top dressing with watering.

Video: cucumber care in early summer

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