Cucumber Vyaznikovsky 37 - description and characteristics of the variety

Cucumbers - this is one of the most common and favorite cultures in the country. It is especially pleasant when they combine yield, taste, quality of fruits and resistance to various adverse factors. And not necessarily it should be modern varieties or newfangled hybrids. The proof of this statement is the variety “Vyaznikovsky 37”, verified by more than one generation of gardeners.

Cucumber Vyaznikovsky 37

Characteristics and features of the variety

This old, one might even say “old” variety, has been grown since the beginning of the 20th century. Cucumber named after the city of Vyazniki, Vladimir region.

This is a bee pollinated type of cucumber early ripening. From seedlings to the beginning of fruiting 40-55 days pass. But with competent agricultural technology and cultivation in closed ground, it is possible to harvest in 35 days. Cucumbers are cylindrical, elongated in ovoid shape, with a light green skin. Lighter, yellowish stripes along the entire length of the cucumber can appear on it. Zelentsy are covered with small tubercles and small black spines.

Cucumbers of this variety are mainly 10-12 cm long, and weighing 100-120 gr. The diameter of the fruit is 4-5 cm. They are dense, strong, with elastic skin, resistant to cracking. The variety is distinguished by high tasting characteristics. Cucumbers are really tasty, crunchy, juicy pulp with a thick cucumber aroma.

The versatility of the use of fruits is different. Good for both fresh consumption and the preparation of various salads. And also for the now popular carving dish decoration. And by itself, these cucumbers are simply created for pickling, pickling and whole-fruited salting. Moreover, during conservation, the fruits retain their high qualities. Recommended for cultivation in many regions of the country.

Grade Strengths

  1. The variety has an almost century-old history of cultivation, but is still popular.
  2. Suitable for cultivation both in open and protected ground (film, glass, polycarbonate greenhouses, as well as tunnels).
  3. Possibility of growing cucumbers both through seedlings and direct sowing of seeds in the soil.
  4. It maintains good productivity in adverse weather conditions and demonstrates high overall stability.
  5. Vyaznikovsky 37 contains a large amount of vitamins and substances useful for the human body, and helps to remove harmful compounds from the body.
  6. Vegetables are characterized by good indicators of portability and keeping quality. For a long time they retain their commercial qualities, do not rot and do not significantly lose size during storage.
  7. Cucumbers are suitable for universal use, for sale in the markets of fresh vegetables.
  8. It has high palatability and high productivity.
  9. Resistant to certain diseases and pests of cucumbers.
  10. The possibility of growing both with placement on a trellis, or simply creeping on the ground.

Secrets to Successfully Growing Varieties

Cultivation of cucumbers Vyaznikovsky 37

  1. Planting cucumbers according to the scheme 70x30 cm or no more than 3-4 plants per 1 sq. M.
  2. Seedlings or seeds are planted in open ground after heating the soil to + 13C + 15C degrees. This usually happens in mid-May.
  3. Regular fruit sampling.
  4. Preparation of beds before planting seedlings or sowing seeds. Moreover, the preparation of the beds must be completed no later than 3-4 weeks before planting.
  5. Compliance with crop rotation during cultivation, plowing siderates in the soil, healing and enriching the soil. Suitable white and yellow mustard, rye. Do not create joint plantings with tomatoes.
  6. Periodic loosening of soil and weeding of weeds. As well as general sanitary cleaning of plantings, with the removal of residual fruits and dried or diseased leaves.
  7. Mulching rows with cucumbers with agrofibre, agrofabric or organics (straw, mowed siderates). They help in the prevention of fungal diseases, retain moisture and protect the soil from overheating.
  8. Ensuring regular watering of plants and maintaining high humidity when grown in a greenhouse. Plus regular airing of landings.
  9. Sowing seeds for seedlings should begin in late February and the first half of March.
  10. Planting cucumber seedlings in the soil when they reach the age of 25 days and having 4 true leaves. It is advisable to avoid overgrowing seedlings, and if necessary, to process with a growth regulator. “Athlete” is perfect, stopping growth and making seedlings stronger and stockier.
  11. Regular preventive treatments against diseases and pests, at least several times per season.
  12. Regular top dressing of cucumbers, starting in the phase of the appearance of two true leaves. Moreover, it is necessary to combine processing on the sheet with fertilizing at the root.
  13. In order to stimulate increased growth of lateral shoots with flowers of a predominantly female type, it is necessary to pinch. Pinching of the central stem is carried out over the 5th sheet.

Reviews of gardeners about the variety

Vyaznikovsky 37

  1. Lyudmila Perepelitsina, 39 years old: No wonder the people say that everything is new, it’s a well-forgotten old. So I, following this principle, decided to try the old Vyaznikovsky 37 variety last season. I planted seedlings in May and sowed at the end of March. Prepared the beds, planted. Cucumbers began to grow well, nibbled at a height of half a meter. He began to branch strongly, so you need supports or trellis. I pulled on a special cucumber net. Cucumbers really liked her. And I liked the variety. Zelentsov are many, they are tied up constantly, tasty, only a few pieces are a bit bitter. They are good both in rolls and in salads. Yes, and just eat.
  2. Sveta, 43 years old: I decided this year not to bathe with cucumbers. A neighbor gave seeds; Vyaznikovsky turned out to be 37. In early May, she made holes and just planted in the ground. 80% sprouted. I didn’t do the supports, and let me crawl along the bed. I just watered it and fed it once. But the result was quite normal. The main thing is to collect cucumbers on time. And then if they lie on the ground for a long time, the side turns yellow. And the taste is good. In general, a sort of hard worker!

Video: Vyaznikovsky 37 cucumbers

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