Cucumber Zhuravlenok F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

The variety of cucumbers Zhuravlenok is a unique hybrid that quickly gained popularity among farmers, as it has high yields and excellent taste. The variety is a hybrid, because appeared as a result of selection, the seeds of this cucumber combine the positive properties of two crossed species.

Cucumber Crane F1

Main characteristics

Crane f1 is an early bee pollinating hybrid of a cucumber. Bred by Krasnodar breeders and adapted to the conditions of various territories of the Russian Federation. The variety bears fruit well even when other vegetables have a low percentage of yield in the current year.

The hybrid is characterized by reproduction through lateral shoots, growing mainly in the region of the main column. They do not always reach maturity, since they are poorly developed. At the first ripening, the number of fruits reaches more than 8.

Gardeners respond positively about the variety, because Zhuravlenok allows you to collect an impressive crop, without making any special care efforts and high costs. It is only necessary to pay attention to the timely watering of the plant and its top dressing, this will ensure the collection of a large number of cucumbers even in a lean year.

The hybrid is resistant to long-term transportation of any type and does not lose its presentation for more than 3 months.

Grade description

The hybrid bush reaches up to 5 shoots in height, up to 2 m long, and therefore requires regular garter. The period from the first shoots to fruiting is 41-45 days. The first fruit harvest takes place after 48 days.

Pollination of the plant is done by bees. The formation of ovaries occurs according to the type of bundling. The crane has a high resistance to diseases, including bacteriosis, powdery mildew and ordinary mosaic. Planting of cucumbers of this species is possible on any ground.

Fruit characterization

All fruits of cucumbers of this type have the following characteristics:

  • elliptical shape;
  • lack of a neck;
  • medium-sized tubercles on the peel;
  • diameter reaches 4 cm, length - up to 12-13 cm;
  • weight - up to 110 g;
  • frequent pubescence;
  • tuberosity and black spiky spikes.

Hybrid planting can be carried out in any conditions, whether it is film greenhouses or open ground. Productivity per 1 sq. M on average is 12 kg of cucumbers.

The fruits also differ in the palatability of the pulp, which is dense, when consumed, it crunches. Bitterness is not characteristic of cucumbers of this variety.

Cucumbers are universal in use and are used for any kind of preservation, pickling for the winter. Fresh cucumbers are also ideal for salads and appetizers.

Advantages and weaknesses of the variety

The main advantage of the variety is its high resistance to almost any disease and exposure to harmful insects. Cucumbers of this kind practically do not require any preventive work and procedures. However, prophylaxis should be carried out before the hybrid is planted.

Crane F1

The main advantages of the Zhuravlenok variety:

  • stable and high yields;
  • resistance to low temperatures;
  • good tolerance of temperature differences;
  • distinctive flavoring characteristics of fruits;
  • the fruits do not reach a large size;
  • bunch type of fruit formation;
  • always maintain commercial quality;
  • high resistance to viruses and diseases.

The disadvantages of planting Zhuravlenka gardeners include only the need to maintain plant shoots. Since they reach an impressive size, and, accordingly, need constant support. This may cause inconvenience when harvesting.

How to plant, growing process

A decent percentage of yield and high quality fruits can be obtained by following standard recommendations and rules for the process of planting and growing cucumbers.

  1. The first seeds are planted in open ground with the onset of the warm season, namely in May - early June. Planting must not be allowed before the onset of frost.
  2. Further, a warm material, such as a film, is prepared for the subsequent shelter of young shoots that need to be kept warm at night.
  3. Before planting seedlings, it is required to fertilize the earth and form holes in it, abundantly watering them. After this, the soil is ready for planting seeds (depth should not exceed 4 cm).
  4. The plant needs regular watering, and the soil needs to be loosened. All weeds should be removed promptly.
  5. Feeding should be done comprehensively, alternating their various types; mineral, organic origin.
  6. Harvest starts in July, not earlier.

We must not forget about the constant watering of cucumbers, overripe fruits lose their taste because they manage to incorporate many different substances. Observing simple requirements, the growing process will deliver only positive emotions, and the percentage of yield will increase.

Often, early ripening of cucumbers of this variety is noted, or vice versa - too long. The crane is able to bear fruit until mid-autumn, it is only necessary to harvest, this will make it possible to ripen next.

Possible diseases and their prevention

Hybrid resistance to disease has excellent performance. The plant is able to withstand infectious diseases like rot and mold.

For prophylaxis before planting seeds, it is possible to process part of the seeds by selecting the largest of them. Any means of complex value will do.

The F1 crane can rightfully be considered a unique hybrid, suitable for growing by any gardener. Following the easy rules for growing, these cucumbers will delight excellent harvest.

Video: 10 times more cucumbers from the bush with this cultivation

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