Common peacock - description, habitat

Among other large birds, peacocks occupy a special place, the family to which they belong has a name - pheasant. In close relations with them are birds, whose tail imitates the construction of the roof. Unlike their relatives, pheasants are owners of a long tail that can surprise with magnificent forms. All the magnificence of the peacock's tail can only be appreciated when it is loose, and in this form it is very difficult to imagine that this exotic bird belongs to the order of chicken. Those who had the chance to contemplate such a spectacle were unlikely to have associations with domestic hens. But the irresistible beauty of a peacock is not its only virtue.

Ordinary peacock

Distinctive features of the male peacock

The total length of an adult reaches 1 meter 30 centimeters. That part, which is rightly considered a tail, grows to 50 centimeters in length. But the plumage, which creates the spatial effect of an exotic bird’s tail, is actually a flyworm, the length of which reaches 1 meter 60 centimeters (in rare cases, the length of the tail of a peacock exceeds 2 meters). A bewitching imitation of the eye at the ends of each feather, in the tail, visually increases the actual size of the tail fan.

The weight of an adult male peacock varies between marks from 4 to 5 kilograms.

Not only the tail feathers of this bird abound in colorful flowers, from the head to the base of the rib cage the peacock male is painted in a catchy form of bright blue-pearly shades, passing from dark blue to emerald green tones on its back, lined with characteristic glossy shimmers. The lower body of the bird is painted black, which creates an expressive contrast with defiant colors of the neck and back.

The color of the tail of the bird is also represented by several colors. In the classic version, the tail feathers are composed of blue, green and light brown colors. However, there are varieties of peacocks, the color of which is predominantly white, such individuals can easily become an exotic decoration of any country estate for lovers of extravagant sensations.

In nature, the bright color of the tail of the peacock is of no small importance. The bird uses its tail as protection against attackers, when open, it shows the predator a hundred eyes that can confuse anyone. The males effectively use the colorful pattern of feathers of their tail during the mating season, captivating their chosen ones with the splendor of decoration.

The peacock head is decorated with a peculiar crest, which is often called the peacock crown, crowning the head of an unusual bird. The wings of an exotic handsome man are small in size, but, nevertheless, allow the bird to fly quite well.

To move on the ground, a piquant cavalier has a pair of long and strong enough legs that allow him to move with impressive speed. Despite his festive outfit, a peacock can quite confidently make its way through the thickets and dig up the soil in search of food, in the model of its behavior all chicken habits can be easily seen.

By its coloring, the young male peacock strongly resembles the female with the inexpressive colors of his feathers. Only at the age of three males reach puberty and for the first time put on their characteristic outfit.

Modest image of a female peacock

Belonging to the order of peacocks is clearly expressed by the presence of sexual dimorphism - the female is significantly different in its appearance from the male. When looking at these birds, it seems incredible how expressionless it looks against the backdrop of a pompous male. The beauty of the peacock females is striking in its modesty and touching ease. They are rightly considered caring mothers and are able to serve as decoration of any site with males. The modest girlfriend of the peacock was dubbed the pea, in tune with the monotony and gloom of the color of her plumage.

Modest image of a female peacock

Bright colors in the plumage of the pavas are located only on her neck, most often these are blue feathers, although sometimes they can be green. On the head of the female there is also a bizarre crest, but, unlike the bright blue peacock crown, the head of the pava is painted in an inexpressive gray-brown color. The structure of the tail of the female is almost completely the same as that of the male, although it does not have long feathers of the upper tail that serve as the main distinguishing feature of the attractive male.

Despite the fact that the outfit of the pavas does not differ in many bright colors, it is unattractive, nevertheless, you cannot name it. On the small head of the bird are large expressive eyes, its smooth movements are filled with sophisticated grace, the whole appearance of the pavas is filled with manners of importance and greatness.

A peacock female does not need to attract too much attention. Its main task is to postpone masonry and hatch full-fledged offspring, and to sit on a nest, having a plumage suitable for disguise as the environment, is much more convenient than to stand out at the wrong time for this. It is noteworthy that the female is engaged in the construction of the nest for peacocks.

Not so long ago, scientists established an interesting fact; it turns out that peacocks use infrasound signals for communication, which remain inaccessible to human hearing.

Characteristics of the behavioral manner and lifestyle of peacocks

Peacocks spend most of their life moving on their feet, although they generally fly quite well, but these birds are not able to climb high into the sky or fly long distances. And on his feet, the peacock feels very confident, despite his long tail, he is quite easily able to overcome various obstacles, such as the dense plexus of tall grasses and overwhelming-looking bushes.

The majestic appearance of the peacock is actually very misleading, given that it belongs to a shy and cautious animal, ready to take flight at the slightest danger. The voice of the peacock, which he is in no hurry to boast of, is distinguished by its sharpness and penetration. It is interesting that peacocks use loud sound signals not only at the moment of danger, but also in the portent of rain, like many other birds, for example, crows. The rest of the time, even at the time of marriage preludes, the peacock remains proudly silent.

Peacocks do not live in pairs in the manner of many other birds; a peacock harem numbers from four to six females. Peacocks spend night time sitting on a tall tree, drinking plenty of alcohol before it. It is not uncommon that they like to have noisy concerts before going to bed. The peacock always begins its morning with a visit to the watering hole and only after that the search for the edible begins.

When the peacock's nestlings grow stronger and grow enough, the birds gather in packs of up to 60 individuals, during this period they molt and the males lose their sparkling tail.

The life expectancy of a peacock in nature rarely exceeds the mark of 15 years, and in captivity, some individuals manage to reach 25 years of age.

What the majestic bird menu consists of

Pavo cristatus
Peacocks prefer to eat exclusively on earth.The basis of the bird's diet includes seeds of various plants, young green shoots and leaves, all kinds of fruits and berries. But to consider them vegetarians is a mistake, because with great pleasure they are ready to enjoy both invertebrate animals and large vertebrates, such as various lizards, toads, small rodents and even snakes.

It is noteworthy that in the villages of India, residents have long kept peacocks for the extermination of a large population of snakes. The most interesting thing is that the birds do not disdain even the most poisonous representatives of reptiles.

Breeding and breeding offspring

Peacocks are characteristic representatives of polygamous relationships, the harem of an adult male, as a rule, totals up to 6 females. The breeding time of these birds begins in April and is in an active phase until the end of September. Prior to the nesting period, peacocks arrange enchanting mating games. Gathered in an open area, each male, defiantly dissolving his tail, skillfully performs honed movements of mating dance. Performing unhurried turns, he effectively presents his outfit in various angles.

During the mating season, the males demonstrate not only attractive features of their decoration, but also angry outbursts of fiery temperament. Very often, such dances end in the most fierce battles between males, which do not exclude even bloodshed. If the male during the courtship considers that the female did not treat him with due respect, he may well turn his back to her, thereby demonstrating his dissatisfaction. The male will continue his dance until the female submits to him.

Basically, the pavas arrange their nests on the ground, trying to hide from their eyes, using any shelter. But in rare cases, their nests can be found on trees and even on roofs. Most often this happens because they do not disdain to occupy the empty nests of other birds.

Only a caring female is engaged in hatching eggs from peacocks, the incubation period of her offspring lasts 28 days. The chicks of these representatives of the order Kuroobrazny are directly related to the category of brood type birds. Only when they are born, they automatically follow their mother as bewitched.

Video: Javanese Peacock

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