Bee pollen - useful properties and contraindications

Seeing a bee in the city, they try to shrug it off or get away so that it does not stick its sharp sting into the skin. But beekeepers carefully take care of every bee. The benefits of these insects are huge. Departing for fishing, they choose the most valuable substances that are part of pollen and nectar.

Useful properties and contraindications of bee pollen

We paid attention to the valuable qualities of flower pollen for a long time, and began to use it along with royal jelly and propolis. Of course, it is difficult for people to collect pollen, but the bee copes with this task perfectly. Having flown to the selected flower, with its shaggy legs, the bee catches pollen, which appears thanks to the anther, and carries prey to the hive. There she gradually gathers in a tray. To take advantage of the catch and collect pollen, beekeepers came up with many methods.

Nutrients collected in pollen placers

After a chemical analysis of pollen grains, it became clear that this is an invaluable natural medicine. This product contains:

  • proteins;
  • fats
  • amino acids;
  • vitamins;
  • Proteins
  • minerals;
  • carbohydrates, especially starch, sugar and cellulose.

However, you need to consider: even if the pollen contains the same beneficial substances, their composition can be very different. It all depends on the type of plant, and what content of valuable substances it contains. Therefore, the percentage of proteins, fats, starch and mineral elements varies, and in the widest range.

Observing the patients, it was observed that bee pollen strengthens blood vessels and supports cardiac activity, and patients with cardiovascular diseases, which included it in the course of therapy, began to feel much better after a short period of time. The work of the heart improves due to the fact that after taking pollen, the ability of this organ to use oxygen increases, the walls of blood vessels and capillaries strengthen, blood pressure begins to return to normal.

As a prophylactic against heart diseases, pollen of flowers is also actively used. These processes occur due to the presence of a high content of rutin and potassium in the substance.

If the body does not receive these substances in the right doses, the following pathologies occur:

  1. Immunity sharply decreases, inflammatory diseases begin to prevail.
  2. Fatigue appears, both physical and mental, and endurance becomes low.
  3. Memory worsens, mental activity decreases, as a result of which there is a feeling of self-doubt and inability to relax in time, sleep is lost. Often such conditions lead to neurosis.
  4. Due to the poor functioning of the vascular system, limbs often begin to freeze, and sensitivity to cold rises sharply;
    joints hurt.
  5. Constipation, vomiting and nausea, convulsions and loss of appetite begin.
  6. Wounds do not heal for a long time.
  7. The skin itches, various formations appear on it.

But all these problems can be eliminated by pollen, if you include it in your diet.

The pollen contains vitamins of group B, because this product helps to normalize the work of all metabolic processes of the human body. The presence of vitamin B2 facilitates the work of redox reactions. If it is deficient, the trophic functions of the nervous system are disrupted, and the skin and mucous membranes suffer. For children, this vitamin is needed during growth.

Nicotinic acid, which is also present in pollen, has a positive effect on the digestive system. The body needs it to avoid problems associated with pellagra, when the skin is simultaneously affected, there is constant diarrhea, and disorders of the nervous system occur.


Indications for use of bee pollen

  1. Flower pollen fights with helminthic invasion and is able to eliminate some intestinal diseases, again thanks to the presence of nicotinic acid.
  2. The pollen is supported by the body’s ability to fight microbes and viruses, triggering the necessary processes in the immune system and weakening the activity of microorganisms that enter the stomach, causing an ulcer, and then other inflammatory processes, some of which can later degenerate into a cancerous tumor.
  3. Pollen has antispasmodic and softening effects in the stomach, relieves inflammation. In many ways, these processes occur due to pollen: increased mucus production. This substance can regenerate the mucous layer in the stomach, as well as in the duodenum, and, therefore, new ulcers can no longer occur. Beekeepers are sure that pollen, destroying bacteria, can simultaneously heal ulcers.
  4. Thanks to pollen, the environment of the digestive tract is normalized, the active ability of the enzymes of the stomach and pancreas is enhanced.
  5. With the help of pollen, sclerotic plaques disappear on the walls of blood vessels, and no longer appear, the level of lipids is regulated. Because it is used in the treatment of atherosclerosis.
  6. You can use this substance to reduce high blood pressure very gently, without a sharp jump.
  7. To relieve tension in time, get rid of the feeling of fatigue, improve sleep, replenish the strength of a depleted organism for a modern person becomes a problem, he has such a stressful rhythm of life. But, if you take pollen, these symptoms will disappear, since this substance contains many valuable natural components, primarily zinc, sodium, selenium, vitamins and niacin. Due to them:
  • processes of the nervous system normalize;
  • the immune system is strengthened;
  • physical and mental productivity increases.

Gift to women and men

Flower pollen has a beneficial effect on the female body during the period associated with menopause, helping to balance the hormonal background and toning the female organs. Menopause, although not considered a disease, but the restructuring of the body can be too difficult. Therefore, they use tools to help reduce the negative manifestations of this process. Pollen is a product of natural origin, therefore it will not bring harm to the body. She will be able to:

  • significantly reduce the number of sensations of heat;
  • remove headaches;
  • establish irregular periods;
  • get rid of mood changes.

Bee pollen contains useful substances, such as silicon, sodium, magnesium, which support the female body. Pollen, expanding blood vessels, relieves cramps and spasms of premenstrual syndrome. Her merit lies in the fact that she reduces the risk of a disease such as breast cancer.

Men should also pay attention to the beneficial qualities of flower pollen, as it is capable of:

  • increase vitality;
  • provides nutritional support to the prostate gland;
  • beneficial effect on the nervous and endocrine systems;
  • contributes to increased sexual desire;
  • allows the genitourinary system to work better.

Flower pollen enhances the reproductive ability of men, helping to regulate hormonal levels, increases sperm excretion. At the same time, it has an anti-inflammatory effect if there are infections in the genitourinary system, and prevents the enlargement of the prostate. If pollen is included in the diet regularly, a tonic effect on the genitals will occur.

What other diseases does pollen treat?

Pollen uniquely combines substances that can support vision and improve eye adaptation in the dark. It is necessary to undergo pollen treatment for those people who:

Bee pollen

  • due to the specific features of the profession, they need to restore visual functions;
  • lose vision due to injuries or after operations;
  • are in advanced age;
  • have retinal angiopathy;
  • susceptible to degenerative lesions of the retina.

They use a flower product in the treatment of bronchial asthma, and during a bout of colds and flu, doctors recommend it as a preventive measure.

The content of large amounts of vitamin B1 allows you to fight diabetes.

Take bee pollen and those who monitor their body weight or want to remove extra pounds. Diets are dangerous because they deprive the body of many useful substances, but pollen fills such a significant gap. Losing muscle mass, the body does not experience stress, habitually receiving all the necessary substances.

Terms of Use

Pollen is taken in compliance with the required dosages, not more than 2 to 3 weeks. After you need to take a short break. You can carry out the treatment several times a year.

You do not need to start immediately with a large volume, be treated with small doses to enable the body to get used to such a strong natural medicine. In addition, an allergic reaction may occur. However, it does not happen so often.

You can buy pollen in its pure form and use along with other ingredients, but there are already ready-made preparations in pharmacies, and it remains only to choose the right one. Doctors recommend using pollen along with other treatment methods to get rid of many chronic and acute diseases.

Recommendations for use:

  1. A flower product is usually taken in its pure form like this: 30 minutes before a meal, take a teaspoon of the substance in your mouth. For some time it should remain in the oral cavity. Then chew and swallow. Drinking is not recommended.
  2. Use pollen, mixing with honey. The proportions are the same, but the mass should be homogeneous, for which it is convenient to use a blender. Take on an empty stomach 2 to 3 times a day. If there are blood diseases, then it is useful to eat a baked apple, and with myocardium or ischemia, drink with herbal decoction, which includes mint, chamomile and calendula.

How not to make a mistake when choosing

For pollen to benefit, it is better to buy it from reputable sellers, especially if they have their own apiary.

The product must have:

  • rich aroma;
  • bright color.

Depending on the colors, it has a different palette. Colors are possible: red, orange, yellow and even purple and lilac.

Pollen should be soft, crumbly, without traces of lumps. If, when you press a pea, it flattenes, which means that the treatment has retained all the beneficial substances. If the pea is hard, it means it was overdried.

It is stored in a dry place, no more than two years.

What are the limitations?

Digestibility and tolerance may be low, which will affect the allergic reaction. A side effect may occur in the form of irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa.

During pregnancy and lactation, taking pollen is necessary only after the advice of the attending physician and under his supervision.

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