Snow White pepper - description and characteristics of the variety

Many gardeners with great responsibility approach the choice of varieties of vegetable crops that they plan to plant on their sites. Vegetable growers speak perfectly of sweet pepper of the Snow White variety. He is appreciated for the excellent commodity characteristics of the crop. The excellent taste of the fruit is also noted. The advantages of the variety also include high productivity, low maintenance and resistance to many diseases, often affecting peppers.

Pepper Snow White

Grade characteristics

Snow White is a well-established variety of sweet pepper. It differs in early ripeness. The ripening period is approximately 100 days (from planting seeds to harvesting the first crop).

Distinctive features of this variety of vegetable culture is the following:

  1. Good resistance to many diseases that often affect peppers.
  2. When growing this variety, a medium-sized plant is formed, the height of which reaches no more than 50 centimeters.
  3. You can grow a culture under the film or in greenhouse conditions.

Large leaves of a pale green color with a slightly wrinkled structure grow on the bushes.

Many vegetable growers want to learn about the features of the crop before planting a particular variety in their garden. If you study the reviews of a large number of gardeners, you can find out that Snow White gives attractive externally fruits with excellent taste and aroma. Peppers have the shape of a triangle or cone. The surface of the fruit is slightly ribbed. The peduncle is pointed to the top, it is not pressed into the fetus.

Crop description

  1. Peppers are evenly spaced on the plant. The fruits are slightly inclined to the beds, from which they look drooping.
  2. The peel of ripe fruits is smooth. In diameter, as a rule, they reach 9 centimeters. In length - up to 12 centimeters.
  3. The walls of the fruits are not thin, their thickness is 0.6-0.7 centimeters.
  4. Also, the variety Snow White differs from many other types of this vegetable crop in that it produces large fruits. The weight of each pepper is 100-150 grams.
  5. Separately, it is worth mentioning about the color of the ripe crop. It was because of her that the variety was so interesting and original named. And the essence is that unripe peppers are painted in light green with white tints. Only the fruits that have ripened to the end become bright red.

Of the other distinctive features of the peppers of the variety Snow White, it is necessary to distinguish their universal scope in all areas of cooking. Ripe fruits are pickled, stewed, consumed fresh, prepared from them vegetable salads and various preparations for the winter.

Harvest can be transported without any problems even over long distances, while the commercial qualities of the fruits are not lost - this is another advantage of the Snow White variety. The walls of the fruits are characterized by density, large thickness and meatiness, due to which ripe vegetables can be stored for a long time. Due to the density of the skin, the fruits do not crack.

Experienced vegetable growers recommend that in order to extend the shelf life of the fruits, they should be provided with favorable conditions. It is better if in the room where the peppers lie, the temperature will be from 3 to 6 degrees.

Positive qualities of the variety Snow White

An undoubted advantage of this type of sweet pepper are good yield indicators. Gardeners will be able to remove 3-5 kilograms of ripe fruit per season without any special effort.If you carefully look after the vegetable crop, this figure can be increased to 7 kilograms.

The variety is distinguished by friendly ripening of fruits. The plant grows low, so when grown in greenhouses will take up little space. Due to the listed qualities, this type of vegetable crop is often grown for commercial purposes.

Caring for such a plant is not accompanied by any difficulties. When cultivating this variety, the usual agricultural measures are carried out - it is necessary to regularly loosen the soil, water it in a timely manner, remove leaves to the first fork and make mineral fertilizers.

The opinion of gardeners

Most garden owners have extremely positive comments on Snow White sweet pepper. It is appreciated for its high productivity, unpretentiousness in leaving, good taste and marketability of fruits. Without making much effort when growing this vegetable crop, you can harvest a rich crop, so this variety will be an excellent option even for beginner growers.

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