Pepper Big mom - description and characteristics of the variety

A variety for those who like to grow large-fruited peppers of cheerful, bright colors. Orange color promises sweetness and does not deceive. Big Mom - this is a delicious taste, beautiful shape of the fetus, simple agricultural technology, productivity and unpretentiousness.

Pepper big mom

Description and characteristics of the variety

It has been on the market for 8 years, launched by Aelita agricultural breeders. Since 2012, it has been registered in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of Russia, which provides recommendations for cultivation in different climatic zones. In the south of Russia, the variety can be grown in open ground. In the middle lane, Siberia, in the North - under shelter and in greenhouses. According to gardeners, in the open air the variety succeeds below the "golden parallel" (latitude of Tula and Belgorod), where the best combination of daylight and solar heat.

  1. By maturity pepper Big Mom - early ripe. From seedlings to fruiting 120-130 days. The first fruits ripen about four months after sowing seeds for seedlings.
  2. Indeterminate, srednerosly. In open ground - from 50 to 60-70 cm in height. Sometimes - 30 cm. In greenhouses - up to 1 m. The height of the bush depends on the climate and conditions, the duration of the summer.
  3. The bush is spreading or semi-spreading with a powerful root system. The leaves are dark green, slightly wrinkled, fairly smooth. The stalk is strong, but during fruiting - burdened with large fruits, it needs a garter.
  4. Fruits grow on the bush with their tops down. The shape is cuboid, barrel-shaped, cylindrical, flattened on the sides, with a slight ribbing. The skin is smooth, shiny, glossy.
  5. The length of the peppers is 15 cm or more, sometimes with the palm of your hand. Weight - from 120 to 200 g, even on the beds. Juicy, fleshy, with thick walls from 0.6 to 0.8 cm. In the section, the structure of the fetus is four-chamber with an average number of seeds that are well removed.
  6. Peppers are dark green in technical ripeness, and bright orange in biological ripeness. Beautiful, glossy fruits of good presentation.
  7. Pronounced pepper aroma, sweet taste, juicy pulp with a pleasant aftertaste even in green fruits. For full coloring of mature peppers it takes 2-3 weeks, sometimes a month. You need to have patience so that the peppers become like in the picture - orange handsome.


The purpose is universal. Suitable for fresh consumption, as blanks, for freezing. They recommend eating more mature peppers directly from the bush - they contain a lot of beta-carotene, vitamin P, potassium and phosphorus. And it’s just delicious to eat a sweet pepper sprinkling with juice. Add to salads and hot dishes - the fruit does not lose color when cooked. Stuffed peppers of this variety are especially tasty because of the thick, fleshy walls. Used for all types of winter blanks, which it enriches with taste and decorates with a rich color.

Productivity and immunity

Productivity: from 1 sq. m you can collect 7 kg of fruit. According to gardeners on one bush, 6 to 10 peppers ripen. In the Chernozem zone, an average of 1 to 1.3 kg is obtained from one plant in the open ground. The variety is medium-yielding, but the quality of peppers is higher than that of more productive varieties.

Resistance to diseases and pests is above average. With good care, the Big Mama variety is almost not susceptible to attacks by aphids and spider mites.

The variety tolerates spring frosts well under cover, quickly copes with cold shock and develops at the usual pace. In late summer or early autumn, with a persistent decrease in temperature to + 12- + 14 C, it ceases to grow and bear fruit.

Peppers are speedy, well tolerate long-term transportation. The variety is not a hybrid. You can collect your seeds from ripe fruits and grow for the next year.They will repeat all the signs of the Big Mom variety.

Agricultural technology

It is recommended to grow seedlings even in the south, otherwise the crop can only be expected by autumn.

Growing Pepper Big Mom

Growing seedlings

  1. Sowing time depends on the period of planting in the ground or greenhouse. 70-90-day-old seedlings are planted in a permanent place. On average, sowing dates: mid-February - early March. If you plan to plant pepper in a greenhouse, then the seeds are sown earlier, in open ground - later.
  2. Success depends on seed quality and plant care. Before sowing, you need to calibrate the seeds. Then carry out the treatment (disinfect, pickle) - soak for 20 minutes. in a light pink solution of potassium permanganate and rinse in running water. Then, for better germination, the seeds are soaked in any growth stimulator (Epin, Zircon, Novosil, Humat) for several hours (2-4 hours) and sown in nutrient soil or peat tablets.
  3. The soil must be nutritious and disinfected. Plant seeds in containers, followed by diving, or immediately in 300-350 ml glasses. The seed placement depth is 1-1.5 cm. The container is closed with a film and put into heat. Shoots appear on the 5-10th day. It is noted that Big Mama seeds give good, friendly seedlings.
  4. As soon as the first sprouts appear, they are created the conditions of a long daylight hours (12-4 hours). For this, seedlings are illuminated with fluorescent or LED lamps (phytolamps). In the first 4-6 days they shine around the clock. Dosing up to 12 hours is continued until two true leaves appear in plants, then the duration is reduced. If you observe the seedlings, you can see that in the evening the leaves close when the light is no longer needed. When the seedlings get stronger and reach 20 cm in height, it is transferred to the windowsill, and artificial lighting is stopped.
  5. In addition to light, seedlings need constant heat and uniform watering. It is impossible to dry the earth, but it is also harmful to overfill. The soil must be moist. The higher the temperature, the more moisture is required. Watered with warm water under the root.
  6. A pick is done when there are 2 real leaves on the plant. Peppers do not tolerate picking, so many gardeners plant them one at a time in tablets or small glasses, and then do a transshipment in a larger container.
  7. Seedlings are fed several times. First, at the stage of two real leaves, before a pick, the second time - after 10-14 days and the third - a week before landing. If the seeds were planted in a special soil, then the first top dressing is not carried out. A solution of urea and potassium humate is used. You can use ready-made fertilizers for seedlings.
  8. 4 weeks before planting, seedlings begin to harden to reduce stress. The first bud is removed.

Care and Harvest

Big mom

  1. A 70-90-day-old seedling with a height of about 20 cm with 8-12 leaves and buds is planted in a permanent place. Better not wait for the flowering. Usually plants are planted in May - early June. It depends on the region, weather and growing conditions. Pepper is a thermophilic plant. Even in a greenhouse, it will not grow and develop if it is cool outside. But you can’t overdo the seedlings at home - the resulting inflorescences and ovaries can fall, which will reduce the yield.
  2. The soil for Big Mama peppers is chosen nutritious, friable, loamy, where legumes, pumpkin, cucumbers and cabbage grew before that. Do not plant peppers after nightshade. They do not like the neighborhood of cucumbers.
  3. The place should be sunny, sheltered from strong winds.
  4. Seedlings are planted in prepared soil, in holes drenched with warm water. Placed in 2 rows at a distance of 35 to 40 cm between plants and 50-60 cm between rows. The stem is not buried in the ground. The planting pattern may be denser in the south, where sprawling bushes protect the fruits from the burning sun, and looser in the north, so that peppers get more sun and are less affected by diseases and pests.
  5. To seedlings better settled down, it is planted on a cloudy or rainy day.While the adaptation period lasts, the bushes are watered in the morning and evening.
  6. Watering needs warm water. Pepper is watered under the root or grooves are made between rows for irrigation. Watering should be sufficient so that the soil does not dry out, remaining moderately moist. This is important for large-fruited varieties such as Big Mom. With a lack of water, the fruits are smaller, the yield is reduced. But it is also impossible to fill the soil - this can cause waterlogging and attract slugs. It is watered in the evening, after sunset without burning the leaves. Mulching with peat, humus, mowed grass will help preserve humidity.
  7. On beds without shelter, the plant can not be formed. When the height of the peppers reaches 30-40 cm, remove all stepsons below the first branch of the stem. In the greenhouse, the bush is formed into 2 stems, removing excess side shoots, and stepson, removing unnecessary stepsons in the axils of the leaves. By the end of summer, pinch growth points of fruiting stems.
  8. With the beginning of fruiting, Big Mom peppers need a garter. As soon as the growth of pepper is 50 cm, supports or a vertical trellis are installed next to the heavy fruits to not break the plant.
  9. The first fruits appear a month after planting. They can be harvested at the stage of technical ripeness, when they are poured and formed, but remain green. New ovaries will grow faster, which will increase productivity. The following peppers can be left to ripen on the bush - they are the most juicy and delicious.
  10. Top dressing is mandatory for this variety to increase the yield and quality of peppers. Top dressing is carried out three times. The first - soon after planting (after 10-14 days) with nitrogen fertilizers. The second - after active flowering, and the third - when the first fruit begins to ripen. Use organic and mineral fertilizers, ashes. The Big Mom variety loves potassium and magnesium, so you need to enrich the dressings with these elements. During fruiting, the amount of nitrogen in the fertilizer is reduced. To attract bees and increase the number of ovaries, peppers are sprayed with boric acid and sugar (100 g of sugar, 5 mg of boric acid, 10 l of water) several times during flowering and fruiting.

In late August - early September, when it gets colder and frosts are possible, peppers on the beds are covered with a film or covering material to extend fruiting.

Pepper Big Mom is not capricious and grateful. He needs good soil, regular watering, warmth and a little gardener care. The variety is deservedly popular in all regions of Russia, due to the successful combination of early ripeness, unpretentiousness of the plant, aesthetic and culinary properties of fruits.

Video: Big mom pepper

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