Pepper Bulgarian - description and characteristics of the variety

Pepper Bulgarian is chosen by many vegetable growers. The great popularity of the variety is due to the unpretentiousness of the plant, excellent taste characteristics and attractive appearance.

Pepper Bulgarian

Grade description

Agronomists allow the cultivation of Bulgarian pepper variety under any conditions. The plant is actively growing, properly formed and gives a good harvest both in open ground and in closed greenhouses.

The Bulgarian pepper variety is distinguished from other representatives of this culture by its high yield and average fruit ripening period. Vegetable growers harvest the first crop 130 days after the appearance of the first seedlings. At the same time, summer residents collect at least 3.5 kg of ripe peppers from 1 square meter, the weight of each of which is on average 160-170 gr.

The fruits of the variety are large and bright red. Their taste characteristics exceed all expectations. Mistresses use Bulgarian pepper for cooking fresh, vegetable salads, first and second courses. In addition, the presented type of vegetables retains its characteristics after preservation in whole or in sliced ​​form.

The presented variety is characterized by small sizes. Bushes reach no more than 70 cm in height, differ in the average number of tops, which is painted in a rich shade of green.

Variety of pepper Bulgarian is entered in the State Register of Plants and is grown in all climatic regions.

Fruit Characteristics

Ripe fruits of the variety have a cone shape, glossy skin and juicy flesh. The wall thickness of each ripe pepper can vary from 5 to 7 mm.

The fruits are distinguished by good taste characteristics. Unlike other representatives of this culture, the presence of a bitter aftertaste is not characteristic of the Bulgarian variety. The fruits are very sweet and juicy, which is one of the main reasons for the popularity of this variety.

Vegetable growers who grow peppers for sale also prefer the Bulgarian variety. This is due not only to the taste characteristics and attractive appearance of the fruit, but also to good keeping quality. In addition, ripe fruits perfectly tolerate transportation over long distances, without losing their taste and appearance.

Growing Features

  1. Agronomists recommend growing the Bulgarian variety by pre-germination of seeds. Germination should begin in early March.
  2. After sprouting 2 real leaves, it is recommended to dive young seedlings.
  3. The transplantation of young pepper bushes to a constant place of growth occurs after 70 days, after the germination of the first seedlings.
  4. Experienced vegetable growers recommend placing the plant on a bed in a 50 × 40 pattern. This will ensure good growth and proper development of the bushes.

Fertilizer application

When growing Bulgarian pepper, one should not abandon the systematic introduction of fertilizers. For the entire period, the bushes are fed 3 times.

  1. 7 days after planting, using superphosphate.
  2. During the period of active flowering and fruit formation - with the use of superphosphate, potassium sulfate and urea.
  3. During fruit ripening - using superphosphate and potassium salt.

Disease resistance

Variety Bulgarian is distinguished by good immunity and is not prone to the occurrence of diseases such as:

  • Tobacco mosaic.
  • Fusarium


Pepper Bulgarians belongs to unpretentious plants and does not require special care.To get a good harvest, it is enough to follow the standard rules for caring for representatives of this crop, systematically introduce fertilizers into the soil and carry out preventive treatment against common pests.

Variety of pepper Bulgarian will become the pride of a summer cottage and will delight you with a large number of delicious fruits!

Video: Bulgarian pepper

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