Pepper Butuz - description and characteristics of the variety

Daily consumption of fresh vegetables enhances immunity and the general condition of the human body. Pepper "Butuz" is considered a vegetable rich in vitamins and minerals. Its sweet taste and pleasant smell will decorate any dish on the table. To obtain a good harvest of this plant, it is worth carefully reading its characteristics and growth characteristics.

Pepper Butuz

Grade description

The mid-early variety of sweet pepper “Butuz” ripens within 110-130 days. The shrubs of the vegetable are quite wide, reaching a height of 75-80 cm. This feature of growth requires the binding of the plant to the support. Pepper leaves are medium sized and have a dark green color. This kind of vegetable is suitable for planting in a greenhouse and soil.

The ripe sweet pepper fruit has a cylindrical shape. The stage of full ripening of sweet pepper begins from the moment the vegetable acquires red color. The weight of a mature vegetable reaches 200 g. The walls of the fetus are quite wide - 7 mm. Sweet pepper can be consumed fresh, frozen and canned.

“Butuz” variety can be grown on unprotected soil and in greenhouse conditions. The average yield of pepper is 12-14 kg with 2 sq. M.

Advantages and disadvantages

The clear advantages of this variety are:

  1. Mid-early full ripening.
  2. The fruits are characterized by bright color and a glossy surface.
  3. Excellent gastronomic qualities, allowing you to use the vegetable in cooking.
  4. Disease resistance.

Despite the large list of benefits, this variety of sweet pepper is not very high yields. In addition, wide shrubs require binding to the support.

Growing varieties "Butuz"

Despite the unpretentiousness in the care, a good yield is possible subject to all the rules for growing. One of the main stages of the landing and care technique is the high-quality preparation of the place. You also need to be responsible for preparing the soil for seedlings, treating seeds and caring for the sprouts before transplanting into the soil.

For stable growth of “Butuz” sweet pepper fruits, you need to strictly adhere to crop rotation rules. The shrub will develop well on the ground, where cucumbers, lettuce, herbs or cabbage previously grew. But to plant in the soil after potatoes or a tomato is strictly not recommended.

Also, when choosing a place to land, you must comply with the following conditions:

  1. A sufficient amount of sunlight should enter the site.
  2. Vegetable growth must be well ventilated.
  3. Other species, especially bitter or hot peppers, cannot be planted near one variety.
  4. Preliminary preparation of the site includes mandatory fertilizer application in the autumn period.
  5. Before the onset of winter, you should deeply dig a place for sowing. This method allows you to destroy the bulk of harmful bacteria and microorganisms.

Seedling soil

To prepare a high-quality substrate, a mixture of ordinary soil, sawdust, humus and sand is used. Such conditions can provide good quality and a large number of seedlings. Next, the substrate is disinfected by treatment with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or placed in the oven for 40-50 minutes. These methods will help get rid of harmful bacteria, which can subsequently cause death of seedlings.

IMPORTANT! The maximum temperature at which it is possible to disinfect the soil is +100 ° C.With an increase in the indicator, not only microbes, but also useful microelements will disappear in the earth.

Seed preparation

In order to select only high-quality seeds, calibration should be carried out. In a pre-prepared saline solution (not more than 5%), all seeds should be placed. After a few minutes, empty grains will float to the surface, and at the bottom will remain suitable for reproduction.

Seeds should also be treated with weak potassium permanganate solutions, placing them in a small container. So that the grains do not crumble, they are wrapped in a small piece of material or gauze.

A few weeks before planting, the seeds can be refrigerated daily for 30 minutes. Thus, they will not be afraid of the frost, and the chances of survival will increase several times.

Seedling preparation

Seedlings of Pepper Butuz
Seeds are planted on seedlings in early spring. Tanks for growing need to be disinfected. They should also have drainage holes. Grains are laid in pre-watered soil, at a distance of 1.5 cm. The pot with future seedlings is covered with a film or covered with a lid to create a suitable temperature of +27 ° C. In order to accelerate the process of seed germination, you can use additional lighting. NOTE! The film or lid from the container must be removed after emergence, otherwise the shoots will stretch and weaken.

After 14-16 days, seedlings need to be fed with mineral fertilizers. Pickling of sprouts is carried out after the appearance of more than 2 leaves on each stem.


In early June, seedlings of sweet pepper are transplanted into open ground or a greenhouse. First you need to dig shallow holes and fill them with warm water with humus. The distance between rows should not be less than 65 cm, and between bushes - 45 cm.

Together with sprouts in the ground, you can install small pegs for the future garter branches of pepper. Watering plants should be carried out 5-7 times a month. Care must be taken not to waterlog the surface, since the risk of disease in this case increases several times.

Resilience to disease and climate change

The “Butuz” sweet pepper variety is a rather heat-loving crop, therefore sharp changes in temperature indicators will have a direct impact on the productivity of the bush.

Be sure to carry out preventive treatment according to this schedule: 14 and 24 days after disembarkation. In parallel with this, you can process peppers from harmful insects.

Butuz pepper is a good choice for growing in a summer cottage or in a greenhouse.

Video: 10 mistakes when growing sweet pepper

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