Pepper Hercules F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

Hercules hybrid pepper variety is popular among farmers due to its high quality indicators. The wide popularity of this culture among gardeners is due to the excellent yield, large fruits and the versatility of their use.

Pepper Hercules F1

Hercules is a hybrid with a long fruiting period. Suitable for planting in open areas (South of Russia), in regions with a cool climate - planting is done in greenhouse conditions.

Grade Features

Peppers of this variety are characterized by an early ripening period. The process of technical ripening takes about 80 days from the moment of planting seedlings. Yield indicators depend on the type of cultivation. A plant planted in a greenhouse will bring over 3 kg of fruit, in open soil - only up to 2.5 kg. One way or another, such indicators are considered high for a given culture.

The Hercules variety can be used for growing in private garden plots and in industry, it tolerates long transport times, as it does not fade and does not lose its presentation for up to 3 weeks.

This variety of culture is highly resistant to short-term temperature drops, as well as to drought conditions. Cope with a large number of fruits, while - they do not decrease in parameters.

The hybrid Hercules pepper variety is popular among farmers due to its high quality indicators. The wide popularity of this culture among gardeners is due to the excellent yield, large fruits and the versatility of their use.

Hercules is a hybrid with a long fruiting period. Suitable for planting in open areas in the conditions of the South of Russia, in regions with a different climate conditions - planting is done in greenhouse conditions.

Description of the bushes

The plant belongs to medium-sized, its bushes are quite powerful and reach 70 cm in height. A characteristic high degree of leafiness and a well-developed main stem with skeletal branches. The bushes are compact, up to 3 plants per 1 square meter of land can be planted.

The bushes have a strong root system, with a large number of lateral roots, which allows the plant to withstand its own weight and all large fruits. Installation of the support and tying is not required.

The foliage is dark green. The leaves are wide, have an elongated shape and a smooth edge, with a smooth surface.

Fruit characterization

Bell peppers of this variety are formed on a bush in an amount of up to 12 pieces. Fruits are high in sugar and find many uses in the culinary field. They can be consumed fresh and processed.

Characteristics of the fruits of pepper Hercules F1

The following features are characteristic of fruits:

  1. Large dimensions.
  2. Cuboid shape.
  3. Dense, but at the same time, thin skin.
  4. Glossy surface with a slight sheen.
  5. Length reaches 12 cm, width - 10 cm.
  6. Walls up to 10 mm thick.
  7. Weight - about 250 gr., Maximum - up to 350 gr.
  8. Rounded cream-colored seeds with a flattened shape.
  9. A dark green hue during the period of technical ripeness, alternating bright red with the onset of maturity.
  10. Pulp with a homogeneous structure and crispy characteristics.

The seeds of the variety are characterized by good germination, reaching 95%, however, since the variety is hybrid, seeds obtained from fruits grown by sowing may not have the same varietal characteristics as the mother fruit.


Each plant requires specific care.Subject to the proper requirements for the care of Hercules peppers, one can expect the growth and development of healthy bushes that correspond to the description of the variety, which can provide decent yield indicators.

Peppers of this type need regular watering, at least once a week. Depending on weather conditions, the frequency of watering may vary. At high air temperatures, the frequency of irrigation is doubled. In case of rains and with a decrease in temperature to + 20C. Watering should be reduced, or it should be stopped altogether. Morning or evening time is optimal for watering. Up to 3 liters of water may be needed to water each bush.

Adding hydrogen peroxide to water will improve its quality and bring it closer to rainwater in terms of quality.

Pepper Care Hercules F1

Loosen the soil with the necessary oxygen. The root system will gain access to the receipt and assimilation of the necessary elements from the soil. The procedure should be carried out with care, being careful not to harm the roots. Therefore, it is worth making loosening after watering the plant or after the rain has passed.

For intensive growth and high-quality flowering of peppers, they need seasonal top dressing. Fertilizers will extend the fruiting period. To provide the plant with the necessary nutrition, 3 supplements will be enough. Suitable nitrogen and phosphorus-potassium fertilizer formulations.

Hercules belongs to varieties with good ability to form bushes, without the help of the farmer. However, there is a way to stimulate productivity and a longer fruiting period. Removing the first peduncle in the node of the main stem stimulates the growth of branches. As a result, it is possible to increase the yield to 20%.

Prevention of possible diseases and pests

Pepper is highly resistant to common diseases like spotting and tobacco mosaic. But it can be infected with late blight. Eliminate the problem will allow processing using fungicides or garlic broth used to spray the bushes.

In moments of high air temperatures, the variety is susceptible to attacks by aphids and whiteflies, as well as spider mites. At-hand tools like ammonia and a solution of laundry soap will help to overcome harmful insects.

The necessary solution is prepared according to one of the following recipes:

  1. Lump soap should be grated and diluted the resulting chips in warm water at the rate of 100 g. soap on 10 liters of water. After the soap has completely dissolved, you can begin to spray the plants. You need to carry out the procedure in the morning, and the next day the solution is washed off from the bushes with water. For the complete elimination of insects, a course of treatments with a frequency of 7 days is required.
  2. For 10 l of water, you need to take 30 ml of liquid soap, mix and add 20 ml of ammonia, the resulting solution to process the bushes by spraying. Such a procedure, in addition to pest control, will become a source of additional nutrition. It is carried out in the morning or in the evening.

If such methods do not have the desired effect, you should use insecticides, for example, Bioreid, following the instructions indicated by the manufacturer on the package.

Hercules F1 is a high-quality hybrid culture with high yields. Large and beautiful fruits with juicy pulp and rich aroma will delight any gardener.

Video: Hercules F1 pepper

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