Gourmet pepper F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

Experienced summer residents try to distribute plantings, taking into account the fruiting period of the crop, so that the whole season is gradually harvested and harvested for the winter. Hybrids are characterized by early ripening of the crop, resistance to typical diseases, friendly shoots. Gourmet F1 is perfect for growing in most regions of Russia, it is recommended for planting in greenhouses and greenhouses.

Pepper Gourmet F1

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The bush is compact, low, the size ranges from 50 to 70 cm. There are few leaves, they are evenly distributed, the lower ones turn yellow and fall over time. On 1 plant, up to 6 to 12 fruits are tied. Their size is approximately 175-200 gr. The peel is thin but resilient, so the pepper retains freshness for a long time during storage and easily transfers transportation over long distances without loss of taste and presentation. Inside, the fruits are divided into 3 or 4 chambers, few seeds. Due to the fact that this is a hybrid variety, it is useless to collect seeds for the next year, because when re-planting:

  • the plant loses most of its properties;
  • fruit size decreases;
  • yield decreases;
  • the ability to resist disease is lost.

Ripe fruits are very beautiful, they acquire a bright orange-orange color. The first crop appears on the 130-140th day from the appearance of the sprouts; it reaches technical ripeness already on the 95th day, having a dark green hue.

Advantages and disadvantages

The variety is considered one of the most productive, so it has many admirers among beginners and experienced summer residents. The positive aspects also include:

  • good germination of seeds;
  • early bearing
  • a large number of ovaries;
  • large fruit sizes;
  • compact sizes of plants;
  • resistance to transportation and storage;
  • universal use of fruits in cooking.

The hybrid is immune to most fungal diseases. To maintain the health of the bushes, it is sufficient to feed them with combined fertilizers in a timely manner and carry out preventive treatment of leaves from pests.

Important: Gourmet F1 does not suffer from tobacco mosaic.

The disadvantages include exposure to temperature changes, to obtain the maximum number of fruits and earlier fruiting, it is recommended to grow peppers through seedlings.

The subtleties of care

When calculating the planting dates, it should be noted that the plants best tolerate planting in the soil at the age of 60-65 days. Therefore, the best time will be mid-February, since then pepper is not planted in open ground, but in a greenhouse protected from winds and temperature extremes.

The hybrid is not demanding on the composition of the soil, so a commercial mix for garden crops or a composition of turf, peat, a small addition of ash and sand is used.

Seeds are planted at a distance of 2-3 cm, this gap guarantees the normal development of the root system and its integrity during transplantation. It is convenient to plant seedlings immediately in peat cups or individual sections. After that, the surface is covered with any transparent material, glass, film to maintain the level of humidity. The most comfortable temperature for germination is 23-25 ​​° C. After the appearance of the shoots, the film is removed, the plants are sprayed once every 2 days from the spray gun.

In the second half of May, you can plant in the greenhouse, after spilling the beds with warm water. Planting scheme - 4 plants per 1 square. m

About 5 top dressings are carried out per season. The first is introduced in the stage of 3-4 sheets, the next after 2 weeks, then during the flowering and ovary formation. Fertilizing stops when the fruit is formed. Use Orton-Fe, Ideal, Aquaton-micro.

You should know: pepper is susceptible to the invasion of pests, among which the aphid and flea are most often found, the Colorado potato beetle and slugs can sometimes appear.

For preventive treatment of diseases, Extrasol, Karbofos, Bordeaux mixture, Vitaros are used. Spark and Fufanon are effective against pests.

Juicy bell pepper has found application in many cuisines of the world, it is used in fresh, canned form, it is part of salads, sauces and adjika intended for winter storage. Gourmet F1 will be a real gift for summer residents, delighting with an early harvest and excellent taste of bright fruits.

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