Pepper Kakadu F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

Excellent taste and the original shape of the fruit, resembling a beak of a parrot, brought the hybrid well-deserved popularity, especially since the other characteristics also correspond to the declared ones. The variety was bred in 2003 by Moscow scientists at the Vegetable Research Institute. We were guided by greenhouse conditions, but it turned out that in the central and southern regions the culture perfectly sings in open ground. A year later, an application was submitted for listing on the State Register and Kakadu F1 took its rightful place among other famous varieties.

Pepper Kakadu F1

Description and Features

Pepper refers to mid-early, fruiting period occurs 125-130 days after planting. The bush is tall, sprawling, subject to agricultural technology reaches 1.5. Fruits of an unusual curved shape, when ripening, are colored unevenly, in technical ripeness they are dark green, fully ripened acquire a deep red color. The average weight reaches 200 - 250 g, there are specimens up to 500 gr., Wall thickness of about 8 mm., Length - 30 cm, the pulp is dense with a bright rich aroma.

Often a variety causes controversial comments about its yield. It is worth remembering that hybrids are characterized by a large number of ovaries that form even under adverse conditions. In order to bring the result closer to the declared crop of 3 kg. from the bush for the season, a modern removal of excess flowers should be carried out, leaving 10-12 fruits. Then the plant’s resources will be enough for their full growth and formation. Otherwise, a large number of small peppers with thin walls are obtained.

A feature of the variety is its good indicator of germination and resistance to the whims of nature. In open areas it is grown in the Central, Volga-Vyatka, Volga, North-West regions. In colder areas you will have to use film shelters. Productivity from 1 sq.m. with a planting density of 3 to 4 shrubs, it ranges from 8 to 11 kg.

Important: To obtain an earlier crop, a seedling method of cultivation is used.


  • high degree of seed germination;
  • unpretentiousness to the composition of the soil;
  • ovary formation under any conditions;
  • good yield;
  • disease resistance;
  • excellent taste;
  • universal application;
  • ability to long storage in technical ripeness;
  • long distance transportation possible.

When harvesting, it is advisable to quickly process fully ripe fruits.

The disadvantages are the large height of the bushes requiring garter, the uneven ripening of the fruits. It is useless to collect seeds for planting for next year, the initial characteristics of hybrids are not preserved. In regions where late spring frosts often occur, cultivation in greenhouses is recommended.

The subtleties of growing

The main supplier of seeds for wholesale and retail customers is the company Gavrish, known for its high quality planting material and strict adherence to processing and storage rules. It is more profitable to purchase packages with double protection, where the inner bag is made of foil material that protects the contents from high humidity and preserves the high germination of seeds. All species undergo mandatory disinfection treatment.

A characteristic feature of any kind of pepper is a long seed germination time. Pre-soaking for 2 to 3 days before planting will help speed up the process. Unviable ones are eliminated by such images, the rest will sprout much faster.Since the culture is thermophilic, after planting, the containers are covered with a film or glass. The optimum air temperature is 22-25 degrees.

Pepper does not tolerate numerous transplants; it is more convenient to immediately sow it in cassettes or individual peat cups. Dive at mass landing is carried out in the phase of 4 leaves.

Preparation of soil for seedlings
For germination, pepper needs a light soil mixture consisting of:

  • land;
  • sand;
  • ashes;
  • compost.

You can use purchased soil for nightshade or universal for vegetable crops. It usually already has all the necessary fertilizers, but this should be further clarified upon purchase. Pepper is demanding on the quantity and quality of elements, especially on the presence of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus in the soil, reacts equally negatively to the deficiency and excess of substances. To obtain strong viable seedlings, it is important to maintain a balance and timely carry out the necessary nutrition.

Landing and care
Plants are transferred to a permanent place on 60 - 65 days after seed germination. They are staggered, the holes should not be too deep, since the root system is superficial. To avoid growth delays and prolonged adaptation, plants are not buried below the first node on the trunk. The bushes of this hybrid are voluminous, tall, sprawling, therefore, when planting in the soil, a density of not more than 4 bushes per 1 sq.m. It is more convenient to immediately install the trellises, the garter is required during the growth period, additional fixation is carried out during the formation of the fruit, otherwise the trunks cannot withstand the load.

Landing and caring for the cockatoo percept

When drawing up the feeding scheme, it is recommended to alternate organic and complex fertilizers. An excellent result is given by pouring infusion of ash and mullein, then applying Superphosphate, Kemira-Lux, Agricola, Fertik and others containing a balanced complex of substances.

It is worth remembering: chlorine should not be in the composition, pepper does not like it.

During the period of possible frosts, open plantings should be covered with a film at night, otherwise the plants will lose some of the leaves and flowers from hypothermia. Watering is carried out once a week, if the summer turned out to be dry and sultry, then as the earth dries up. Excessive moisture provokes rotting of the roots and the development of fungal diseases that can destroy the fruits and the plant itself despite the high immunity of the hybrid.

To obtain a plentiful harvest during planting, one should take into account the alternation of crops and do not choose for the pepper beds where potatoes, corn, and eggplants grew. A good predecessor will be cabbage, root vegetables, legumes, mustard, aromatic herbs, garlic.

Pest protection

No immunity can save from the invasion of aphids, spider mites, bears, Colorado potato beetles, slugs. These types of pests cause significant damage to the future crop. The neighborhood of large anthills is also dangerous. In order to preserve the bushes, you will have to regularly inspect the bushes for damage and the appearance of unwanted visitors. For prevention, you can sprinkle aisles with a mixture of sand and hot pepper powder, garlic tops, chopped mustard greens.

For prophylaxis, plants are sprayed with Aktara, Karbofos, Spark, Akarina, Fitoverma preparations. When ripening fruits, it is recommended to switch to folk remedies, including a mixture of decoctions or infusions of wormwood, tansy, tobacco dust with laundry soap.

Kakadu pepper is not suitable for stuffing because of the ribbed curved shape, but it is marinated well, it is part of salads, sauces, lecho, adjika, and can be stored in a cool, dark place for up to 2 months.

The hybrid is in demand among experienced gardeners who own the secrets of proper crop cultivation and annually enjoy a plentiful harvest.

Video: growing pepper from A to Z

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