Claudio F1 pepper - description and characteristics of the variety

Despite the fact that the Claudio F1 hybrid is relatively new, it has an honorable place in the list of pepper hybrids in terms of taste. When fully ripened, the tomatoes turn saturated red. The bush is tall, strong. The fruits are large, up to 0.3 kg. Claudio F1 pepper is perfectly transported; it retains its taste and appearance for a long time after harvesting.

Pepper Claudio F1

Hybrid Description

Even experienced gardeners spend a lot of time in search of a variety that would be unpretentious and at the same time give good harvest results. Finding such a plant is not easy. In this article, we will talk about a hybrid of bell pepper Claudio.

With proper care and a favorable climate, up to seven kilograms of product can be collected from one bush. Claudio pepper has a high yield, lends itself perfectly to various types of transportation, ideal for implementation. It is advisable to grow seedlings in a greenhouse under a film.

The advantages of the hybrid are drought tolerance. It should be carefully monitored so that the soil near the bushes is not excessively waterlogged, as this can lead to damage to the root system by rot.

The hybrid is not characterized by high demands on the regime of soil moisture and fertilizing fertilizers.

Growing seedlings

For disinfection, pepper seeds are soaked for a quarter of an hour in a pink solution of potassium permanganate. Before sowing, the seeds are soaked for several hours in a stimulating solution of heteroauxin.

  1. Pepper is planted in a pot and covered with plastic wrap. Seeds begin to germinate on the third - fourth day. In such a pot, plants feel good until the age of 30-35 days.
  2. Not only the quality of the seedlings depends on whether there will be a good crop, but also on the soil. Pepper seedlings grow well in porous, structured soil. To prepare the soil mixture using peat, turf land, coarse river sand. When planting seeds, leave 2 cm between the plants.
  3. When the first shoots appear, the shelter is removed so that it does not interfere with the young plants to develop.
  4. A pick is a transplanting of seedlings from a container into the ground or another container with a pinch of the root tip.
  5. When picking, choose the best, and most importantly healthy plants. Zhiruyuschie shoots grow excessively from excess nutrition and soil moisture. On such bushes, the fruits ripen after the due date.
  6. The culture is responsive to fertilizing with organic fertilizers. They recommend feeding bushes with humus.
  7. Pepper seedlings love warmth. It is especially sensitive to damage to microscopic roots, young plants should be transplanted to a permanent place of cultivation very carefully.

So that young plants are not susceptible to disease, seedlings are treated with biostimulants. Growing seedlings of the Claudio hybrid does not require a lot of labor and time.

Soil preparation

When developing a new plot for digging soil per 10 m2, 60 to 80 to 100 kg of humus (peat-humus compost), 600 g of superphosphate and 300 to 400 g of potassium nitrate or 250 to 300 g of potassium chloride are added. On fertile chernozem soils, the norms of top dressing are reduced by 20%. The introduced nutrients are thoroughly mixed with the topsoil.


Planting pepper seedlings Claudio F1
In the process of planting seedlings on the bottom of the hole, it is desirable to place humus, it must be combined with the upper fertile layer of soil. You can add superphosphate, and in the absence of this component, use wood ash.

The roots are preferably treated with a solution of clay with mullein, the so-called "talker". Often there is added a growth regulator such as heteroauxin.

Pepper negatively tolerates a lack of water. As a result of drying, small but well-observed cracks will appear on the upper soil layer. Proper watering of seedlings after planting is a mandatory procedure that is urgent.

The root system of newly planted plants should come into contact with the ground. When you finish transplanting, the soil around the young plant must be properly tamped, after which watering the seedlings abundantly, do not forget to mulch the soil around the pepper with a mixture of straw and humus. Young plants abundantly water and mulch the surface of the soil.

Cultivation and care

When planting in open ground, make grooves with recesses of about 7-10 cm. In the future, it is convenient to irrigate into such grooves. To retain moisture in the soil, it is recommended to mulch the aisles with straw, mowed grass or sawdust. Plants prefer illuminated places.

When you plant seedlings, do not skimp on the place, give it as much space as possible, if you neglect this advice, then the upper part of the plant will darken all the peppers near you. For this reason, the likelihood of death of seedlings increases significantly.

  1. Timely weed removal in the early stages of plant development is an important agricultural technique. Weeds take nutrients from the soil. It is very important to remove weeds when grown outdoors.
  2. At the end of June, lateral processes - stepsons - actively develop at the base of the leaves. Their numbers need to be regulated. The root system of the plant spends energy on maintaining stepsons, which does not contribute to productivity.
  3. Avoid thickened landings. The result of a violation of the planting pattern is low yields. Do not forget to feed the plants with a solution of urea, and during flowering with a solution of nitroammofoski.
  4. Pour pepper under the root with water heated to a temperature of 18-22 degrees. The optimal regime of watering pepper - twice a week. With every 10 watering, apply complex fertilizers. During the ripening period, remove the lower leaves. This technique will increase air exchange in the garden, which will minimize the risk of infection of plants with fungal diseases.
  5. The soil around the transplanted plant needs to be slightly compacted, sprinkled with earth. Next, the seedlings are abundantly watered.
  6. Peppers grow well and bear fruit on sandy loamy soils and chernozem. Do not forget about hardening seedlings before planting.

Features of growing pepper

Features growing pepper Claudio F1
The advantage of this plant is that it does not need too many additives. Excess fertilizers are likely to provoke the formation of fattening shoots to the detriment of the crop.

  1. During flowering and fruit setting, the plant needs abundant watering. It is recommended to water the flowering pepper under the root every two to three days. Watering this culture after flowering can be done less frequently, avoiding drying out and cracking of the soil.
  2. In the second half of summer, plants should be fed with mineral complex fertilizers.
  3. Form a plant, do not allow excessive growth of lateral shoots. The soil before planting should be provided with nutrients, and then annually maintain a diet at the same level.
  4. Many beginner gardeners are wondering how to fertilize bell pepper. During the period of intensive root growth, the plant needs top dressing with organic and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.
  5. Under the bushes, approximate fertilizer rates per 1 sq. Km. The meter is as follows: 3–5 g of organic, 3 g of potash fertilizers and 3–4 g of superphosphate.
  6. Growing Claudio pepper and caring for it will not be difficult. If you follow the basic rules and agricultural practices, then any gardener will receive an excellent harvest.With proper care from one bush, you can collect up to 8 kg of fruits. But do not forget that this result can be achieved with proper care.
  7. When planting, when the buds on the stems start growing, the seedlings will need to be constantly watered in order to restore leaf growth. As a rule, Claudio pepper seedlings are well received, new roots are intensively formed.

In the absence of rain, pepper should be watered daily for 12 to 16 days, until the leaves are fully restored. Further care is to keep the soil clean and free of weeds.

Attention! When introducing a large amount of mineral substances, the effect of stimulating the growth of additional shoots may be observed. In this case, the ripening period of the berries can be shifted.

Video: Claudio Pepper F1

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