Pepper Prince Igor F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

Hybrid pepper Prince Igor is distinguished by high productivity, stable fruiting and excellent fruit quality. The plant is powerful, well leafy, the fruits are red, tasty and very healthy, they contain a large number of vitamins, including provitamin A. When flowering, the bush of pepper looks very decorative. The seeds of the hybrid Prince Igor germinate 2-3 days later than others.

Pepper Prince Igor F1

Pepper Care Tips

Try to buy seedlings in glasses, not with bare roots. If you grow yourself, then there should be a separate hotel capacity for each plant.

Do not plant the pepper obliquely or by digging it into the soil below the level at which it grew in a cup. Even if the seedlings are elongated, it is better to tie it right away, rather than deepening it, because it will take extra time to straighten and form new roots. In this case, there will be more fruits, but they will ripen much later.

If you expect that pepper will grow in a greenhouse, then you should not heat it before planting. Cold is stress for a thermophilic plant. Bell pepper ceases to develop even at a temperature of 13 degrees.

To disinfect plants and soil, a Bordeaux mixture is used. For 1 bucket of Bordeaux liquid (1%) we take 100 g of copper sulfate. It must be dissolved in 9 liters of water. Then we dissolve 150-200 slaked or 75 quicklime in 1 liter of water. Stirring the solution of copper sulfate with a stick, gradually pour lime solution into it in small portions.

Dip an iron nail into it and dry it. If there is no copper deposit left on it, then the liquid was made correctly. This drug should not be kept in metal dishes, only in plastic buckets or wooden barrels. You can store the drug for no more than a day, do not forget to stir before use.

Why bell pepper is bitter

The fact is that sweet pepper belongs to self-pollinating crops. Like all members of the nightshade family, the stamens in the composition of the flowers are located just below the pestle, providing self-pollination (without the help of insects). Representatives of bitter varieties are distinguished by a different type of pollination, they have a cross. This means that if hot and sweet peppers grow around, then the plants can sprinkle, and the fruits of sweet pepper will be bitter.

How to grow seedlings

Before sowing pepper seeds, they are disinfected, treated with fungicide or potassium permanganate.

Seeds are sown in boxes, covered with glass or plastic wrap to create a greenhouse effect. If mold appears on the ground, it will need to be eliminated immediately, because it can inhibit the development of the plant.

When the first shoots appear, the film will need to be removed so as not to interfere with the plants to develop. After the appearance of 4 real leaves, pepper seedlings are transplanted into separate pots. The height of good seedlings is 30 cm, the plant should have at least 10 leaves. Elongated, frail plants do not tolerate transplantation, are sick for a long time.

How to grow pepper seedlings Pepper Prince Igor F1

  1. In overgrown pepper seedlings, flowers and ovary often fall. After the sprouts are well rooted, they take out a box with seedlings to the street. Do it on sunny days.
  2. If when buying seedlings you find buds or flowers on it, you need to remove them, there will be no sense from them. As a rule, seedlings bloom early due to improper growing conditions and a small volume of capacity.
  3. When transplanting peppers into the soil, the area of ​​growth increases, the plant needs a certain time to build up the root system.In this case, the aerial part does not grow.
  4. Pay attention to the fact that the formation of flowers and, accordingly, the ripening of the crop in this culture occurs in waves, with intervals for rest and recovery.
  5. It is recommended to pick fruits that are not fully ripened, in the stage of technical ripeness. By doing so, you provoke the formation of new buds. If you wait until the fruit fully ripens, then you can lose up to 40% a crop of bell pepper.
  6. On a small area, you can get a large number of seedlings. In a heated greenhouse, seeds begin to be sown already in late February. Seedlings should be planted at the age of 50 to 60 days.

When to plant seedlings

  1. You need to focus, first of all, on the temperature of the soil. One of the common mistakes of beginning gardeners is to track only the air temperature. The soil should be warmed up to 13 degrees, until this moment it is impossible to plant seedlings of bell pepper.
  2. If a young plant after planting stays for a long time at a temperature of 10-12 degrees, it stops growing, freezes, later blooms later and gives a meager crop.
  3. After such a stop in growth, nothing will cause the plants to develop normally - not abundant watering, but fertilizing fertilizers. It is better to wait for steady heat than to rush to the landing. With subcooling, the so-called “aging” of the conductive system of pepper occurs. On such stunted bushes, only one or two fruits can mingle and mature.
  4. Bell pepper is very picky about heat. The optimum temperature is 25 degrees. Attention! At a temperature of 35 degrees and above, flowers lose their ability to fertilize.

For this culture, the correct water regime is also very important. Pepper does not tolerate waterlogging, it is better to undersaturated than to overfill. To preserve moisture in the upper layers of the soil, mulching between rows between sawdust or hay is recommended.

Why flowers and fruits fall

Why flowers and fruits of pepper fall Prince Igor F1
In extreme heat, the pollen grains dry out, which leads to the sterility of pollen and the impossibility of pollination.

At excessively high temperatures, transpiration intensifies, which leads to impaired plant development.

With a sharp cold snap, flowers and ovaries may also fall.

How to increase the yield

Pepper seedlings can be grown independently. You can water the plants with a microbial preparation. For 200 liters of water, take 1 bucket of wood or grass ash, 0.35 buckets of manure, 1 bucket of straw or leaf litter, 0.5 buckets of humus, compost or plain garden soil, 1 shovel of sand, 1 liter of whey.

  1. Allow to wander for 3-4 days and poured into a barrel, the contents of which are insisted for a week, occasionally stirring. After watering with such a liquid, pepper grows like yeast. Three such top dressings per season - and no mineral fertilizers are needed. Bell pepper always grows delicious and environmentally friendly.
  2. The variety is at least resistant to diseases, but still needs to be prevented. Recommended treatment with a solution of laundry soap and biological products.
  3. As they grow, they remove all stepsons, break off the lower leaves. This technique allows you to get larger fruits.
  4. Beds with bell pepper should be well ventilated to prevent shading and infection by fungi.

Due to resistance to most diseases and unpretentiousness, the hybrid has gained many fans among experienced gardeners and amateurs.

Video: how often and how much to water pepper?

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