Pepper Golden Anniversary - description and characteristics of the variety

This variety of bell pepper is cold-resistant and ripens in the middle of the summer season, approximately 111–115 days after planting. Suitable for cultivation in open ground and film shelters, but requires careful care. The bush has a compact form of not more than 50 cm in height.

Pepper golden anniversary

Fruit characterization

  1. Fruits grow large with thick, up to 8.5-10 mm, walls. They have a flat round shape with large ribs and a glossy surface. Upon ripening, a golden yellow color is obtained.
  2. The mass of one fruit reaches 120-200 grams. The variety is juicy and beautiful, without bitterness, taste. Crop reaches 4-4.5 kg per 1 square. meter planting with proper watering and top dressing.
  3. Differs in resistance to verticillous withering and long fruiting.
  4. Suitable for fresh consumption as well as for preparing a variety of dishes. Non-digestible, which makes it especially good for stuffing.

Cultivation agricultural

Peppers are best grown in a greenhouse with or without heating. It is also possible in the open ground, but only with full confidence in the stability of climatic conditions.

First of all, you need to choose the seeds for sowing. If planting material is purchased in a specialized store, then, as a rule, it does not need processing. If these are seeds of home production, then they must be calibrated and disinfected with the help of special preparations.

Before planting, the soil must be loosened and fertilized. As the seedlings germinate, they need a pick. The variety tolerates a change of soil very well, so you should not abandon this stage.

To germinate seedlings, seeds are planted about 2-2.5 months before transplanting into open ground or a greenhouse. The most suitable temperature for proper pepper growth ranges from +26 to +28 ° C.

Outdoor planting

It is recommended to plant the plant on beds in row-spacings up to 50-60 cm wide and the interval between the bushes should be approximately 25-30 cm. The depth of planting of potted seedlings is 2-3 cm deeper than the pot, non-potted to the place of attachment of the rhizomes. During planting, it is important to ensure that the leaves are not sprinkled with earth. The most suitable time for planting is in the afternoon, not forgetting about watering and mulching the holes.

Before disembarkation, the soil must be prepared. Place seedlings in the amount of 5-7 pcs. per 1 square. meter plot of soil. This variety needs good watering, top dressing with complex mineral fertilizers and thorough processing of the sprouts themselves. It is necessary to clean the land from weeds in time and process the plant from pests.

The most suitable time for caring for a plant is evening hours in cloudy weather. This prevents the possibility of burns on fruits or shrubs of pepper from sunlight. If fertilizing or drugs get on the leaves of the bush, they must be thoroughly washed with water.

It takes about 4 months to grow a full-fledged plant with fully ripened fruits. During this period, it is important to provide him with full care. It is necessary to choose the right fertilizers based on organic matter and prepare the soil. Pepper prefers a looser soil with a neutral acidity content. If initially it does not have these parameters, then it is necessary to provide additional land care.

Video: how to water pepper seedlings

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