Why is a cat or cat burying food?

Everyone knows that cats have a rather complex character. But this does not prevent them from being favorites of millions of people. Even scientists sometimes can not unravel the reasons for this or that behavior of these pets. One of the incomprehensible and curious actions of a cat is instillation of food. This action of the pet is bewildering for many owners. What could be the reason?

Why does a cat or cat bury food

Everything that cats do can be explained either by their instincts or habits. It’s okay if a cat buries its food bowl in the same way as it does with the toilet. Such an action may be caused by the intuition of the animal. Let us consider in more detail what may be the reasons for this behavior.

Unconditioned reflexes

Almost all animals possess a certain set of unconditioned reflexes. It is these skills that help them survive. One such instinct for cats is hunting. In addition, such reflexes in cats are: stamping, rubbing the muzzle on the arm and others. This is a peculiar way of communication for them.

Consider what basic reflexes will allow animals to survive.

  1. First of all, it is breathing and coughing.
  2. Chewing, vomiting, sucking.
  3. The desire to ensure safety. These instincts include cleanliness. Cats in this way ensure the absence of any smell that other animals can smell.
  4. The desire for schooling.
  5. Maternal instinct and sexual hunting.

It is very difficult to figure out the true reason for digging food. Such an action may be associated with any of the reflexes. After observing the animal, we can only guess the cause, and try to eliminate it.


Experts believe that among all domestic animals, it is cats that have preserved their instincts since ancient times. Cats, although they have long been domesticated by humans, can often show their wild behavior. One such manifestation is instillation of food.

The first reason that comes to mind when we see a cat bury its food is the desire to hide it from other animals in order to ensure itself in the future satisfying hunger. In the wild, not every animal hunt ends successfully, which is why landfill plays such an important role. With their help, you can hold out until the hunt is successful, and not weaken.

Another possible reason is the love of cleanliness and the desire to hide the smell. In order to hunt successfully, a predator must smell absolutely nothing. Otherwise, the prey learns the smell and disappears. In addition, the smell can be felt by a larger predator that wants to feast on a cat. In addition to the desire to eliminate the smell of his body, the cat wants the smell of her food to not attract anyone.

If the animal does not eat up, it can start digging the floor either after eating, or even earlier. The pet wants to dig up stocks that were allegedly buried before this. The reason for this action is the desire for a feeling of satiety. Noticing such actions, you need to feed the pet according to the usual schedule for her, but gradually increase the serving.

A pet can bury food only periodically. For example, during off-season periods. When an animal suffers from vitamin deficiency. As a result, his appetite rises. In addition, hunger can be caused by the presence of parasites in the body.

It is known that these pets consider the house and its surroundings their possessions. Cats and cats leave their smell on the territory. By digging in food, the cat can simply strive for order. Maybe she doesn't like the smell of food, and she tries to eliminate it, as she does with the contents of the tray.

Can a cat feel that her food smells really bad? Based on the experience of many owners, this happens.For example, some dry foods may smell unacceptable to a cat. Cheap low-quality food has a too pungent odor with a sour tint. In addition, even high-quality feed can deteriorate if stored in the wrong conditions. This can also cause the pet to desire to get rid of the terrible smell.

Sometimes a cat can bury even very good fresh food. The reason for this may simply be a reluctance to eat it. This is due to the personal tastes of the animal. Perhaps the taste and smell of this particular dry food causes dislike in the cat.

The desire to bury food may appear if several pets live in the house and are capable of attempting to eat cat food. Even if such cases have never occurred, the pet feels such a probability. This is because in the wild, cats live in prides. In such groups, clear rules are followed. When a cat lives in an apartment with people and various other pets, these rules do not exist. The desire to bury food is also often manifested in those pets who have experienced hunger. The cat is trying to make as many supplies as possible.


Habits arise as a result of some experience. It can be not only positive, but also negative.

Sometimes instillation of food is associated with the fact that the cat is trying to bury it with splashed water, as it is afraid that the owners will scold her for a puddle on the floor. This is due to the fact that the animal remembers how he was scolded for a puddle when they could not accustom to the toilet.

Another possible reason is that the pet does not like the place where it is fed. Should such a habit be eliminated? If it is caused by the fact that the cat is uncomfortable for some reason, then it is necessary. Try changing the feeding place, lay a rug there. Try not to disturb the animal while eating. The main thing is that various irritants and possible competitors should not interfere with him.

Providing quality nutrition, eliminating all irritants and possible causes for concern, you are likely to save the pet from this habit.

Video: interesting facts about cats

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