Turnip - useful properties and contraindications

Turnip belongs to ancient cultures, it has been used since ancient times as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for many ailments. Since then, turnip has become even more popular, but, unfortunately, not all families introduce it to everyday food. If you are among those few root crop lovers, consider the beneficial qualities and potential harm of the vegetable.

Useful properties and contraindications for turnip

Turnip Composition

Thanks to numerous studies, it was found that turnip accumulates all the substances necessary for the proper functioning of the human body. Unique vitamins, mineral compounds, essential acids and much more - all this is in the root crop.

It contains a lot of ascorbic acid, which acts as an immunostimulant and antioxidant. Vitamin C is needed to cleanse human organs of toxic substances and strengthen protective functions between the seasons and during the spread of influenza.

Turnip is rich in vitamin PP, riboflavin, thiamine, vitamin B5, the natural antioxidant retinol, tocopherol. In turnips there is mustard essential oil, which has bactericidal properties.

Of the minerals, sulfur, copper, zinc, iron, iodine take pride of place. Without them, the human body is not able to function properly.

The composition is not a lot of carbohydrates, but a sufficient amount of protein. They are necessary for the proper functioning of the liver. Proteins stimulate the outflow of bile by unloading the bladder.

But the place of honor in the root crop is given to glucoraphanin. It prevents and treats oncological diseases, because it is able to block the blood flow to cancer cells. It just breaks up.

It is worth mentioning separately about the low calorie turnip, which does not exceed 30 units per serving weighing 100 grams. Also, nutritionists have repeatedly proved the ability of turnips to accelerate fat burning.

Useful properties of turnips

  1. Turnip is useful for the digestive system, in particular the stomach and intestines. Its systematic consumption leads to complete purification from radionuclides, stagnation, salts of heavy metals.
  2. The vegetable is often used in dietary food, because it removes all the harmful substances that do not allow to lose weight. As soon as you introduce the root crop into the daily menu, your metabolism improves, the volumes will melt in front of your eyes.
  3. The beneficial effect extends to the liver. The root crop enhances the outflow of bile, due to which the work of the internal organ is restored, and voids in the structure are also filled.
  4. Not without its effect on the kidneys and the entire urinary system in particular. Due to the fact that turnip has a diuretic effect, the likelihood of pain and inflammatory processes is reduced.
  5. Vegetables are among the most powerful antioxidants. Also, turnip juice is used to treat cough, pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma. The drink removes sputum from the cavity of the respiratory tract.
  6. Experts have found application not only in fresh root crops, but also decoctions based on it. With this tool, rinse the oral cavity with looseness and soreness of the teeth, bleeding gums.
  7. Calcium with phosphorus, which is also not deprived of the vegetable, is necessary to fill the voids in the structure of bone tissue. These minerals are required to improve the condition of hair and nails.
  8. Turnip has long been used as the main component for the treatment of diseases associated with dermatology. Juice, pulp, decoction, infusion treat eczema, psoriasis, acne and other pathologies.

Turnip for hair

Turnip for hair

  1. The composition contains all the necessary elements that improve the condition of the head. Turnip juice is preferably added to homemade hair masks.
  2. If we talk about the benefits for hair, the root crop restores natural pigmentation, and also retains color after staining. Turnip gives strands a noticeable brilliance and obedience.
  3. If you use juice as a cosmetic product, you can significantly accelerate hair growth, overcome greasy seborrhea, dandruff, alopecia (mass loss).

Turnip from Oncology

  1. The root crop contains a decent amount of isothiocyanins, as well as phytonutrients, which are responsible for the suppression of free radicals.
  2. Turnip is necessary for the complex treatment of cancer in combination with directed procedures and medicines. She also needs to eat for the prevention of cancer.
  3. Raw vegetable added to the daily menu prevents cancer of the mammary glands, esophagus, lungs. The thing is the ability of turnips to prevent the development of new capillaries in the place where there is a tumor.

Turnip from Atherosclerosis

  1. Atherosclerosis appears due to the destruction of the walls of the capillaries, as well as the loss of elasticity of the blood channels. This can happen due to intoxication or deposition of cholesterol.
  2. The root crop contains substances that restore the elasticity of blood vessels and capillaries. Also, eating turnips contributes to the withdrawal of cholesterol.
  3. Useful qualities are possessed not only by turnip pulp, but also juice based on vegetables, as well as tops (green “tail”). The use of all parts of the vegetable ensures the prevention of atherosclerosis.

Turnip for the skin

  1. Taking a vegetable improves the condition of the dermis from the inside, but you can additionally apply the root crop externally. All masks have a good effect on skin elasticity, increasing turgor.
  2. The main useful quality of turnips for the skin lies in the fact that it enhances the release of collagen. It is needed to maintain youth, smooth wrinkles and whiten.
  3. Juice from a vegetable in its own form or in the composition of masks helps to deal with crimson spots from acne, freckles, acne, acne.

Turnip for weight loss

Turnip for weight loss

  1. Vegetables are not in vain introduced into the menu of those who are struggling with obesity or simply striving to lose weight. The root crop establishes all metabolic processes, so that food is absorbed faster.
  2. Reception should be daily, only then will it be possible to achieve benefits. Weight loss is achieved through complex cleansing, fluid withdrawal, and increased metabolism.

Turnip for sight

  1. The tops and roots of the vegetable are saturated with carotenoids. Such enzymes are useful and necessary for the normal health of the visual organs. Also, carotenoids prevent a decrease in visual acuity. An abundance of retinol is necessary to improve the response of the optic nerves.
  2. Thanks to vitamin A, a person is able to see better in the dark and in a muffled environment. Retinol also protects the eyes from the harmful effects of TV screens, computers and all kinds of gadgets. Systematic eating of turnips will allow you to bypass the development of cataracts.

Turnip for immunity

  1. Beta carotene is present in sufficient quantities in the root crop. It restores the antioxidant properties of tocopherol. Vitamin E is directly involved in the synthesis of interferon protein. Such a substance blocks the reproduction and activity of pathogenic bacteria and viruses.
  2. In addition, beta-carotene is converted to retinol. It is vitamin A that is necessary for the production and formation of cell membranes. Such fibers resist the penetration of various infections into the human body.

Turnip for respiratory system

  1. Turnip has excellent anti-inflammatory effects. This effect is achieved due to the abundance of ascorbic acid, which acts as a powerful antioxidant.
  2. To cope with any pathologies that are associated with the respiratory organs, you should take a decoction based on turnips. The tool significantly alleviates the condition in bronchial asthma, and also in a short time restores a broken voice.

Turnip for the cardiovascular system

  1. If you include root vegetables in your daily diet, this move will help you avoid the development of angina attacks and some heart pathologies. A positive effect is achieved due to the high concentration of vitamin K in the vegetable.
  2. The presence of phytonutrients in the product significantly improves circulation in the circulatory system. As a result, inflammatory processes disappear, and the risk of developing vascular edema decreases.
  3. Folate is also present in turnips, such substances resist the action of the amino acid in the form of homocysteine. As a result, the risk of developing cardiac ischemia is reduced.

Turnip in oncology

Turnip in oncology

  1. Official medicine has confirmed the invaluable benefits of root crops. Studies have shown that the product is saturated with all kinds of antioxidants. Among the main ones, retinol, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, manganese and beta-carotene can be distinguished.
  2. As for vitamin C, it is more concentrated in the roots of the vegetable. In the tops, on the contrary, there are all other important enzymes for the human body. Together, all substances resist the activity of free radicals.

Turnip for the lungs

  1. If you are a smoker, then you should know that carcinogens in cigarette smoke flush the presence of retinol from the body, causing a shortage of it. Often, vitamin A deficiency contributes to the development of inflammatory processes in the lungs.
  2. The risk of emphysema and other pathologies associated with the respiratory tract also significantly increases. The abundance of retinol in raw materials helps a person fight viral infections and maintain vitamin A levels.

Turnip for kids

  1. It is important to understand that such a product cannot harm a child. However, it is worth knowing that the root crop is allowed to be introduced into the children's diet after 2 years.
  2. Manipulate with minimal servings. In a pinch, small digestive problems can occur.
  3. As soon as the baby begins to well tolerate the new product in the diet, gradually increase the amount of product issued.

Turnip contraindications

  1. Turnip refers to hypoallergenic products, therefore, in the absence of pathologies, problems with it should not arise. Very rarely observed individual intolerance to the composition. The product can cause significant harm to humans if the root crop is abused.
  2. If you do not adhere to practical recommendations, you will soon encounter intestinal colic, flatulence and severe intestinal upset.
  3. Also, raw materials are contraindicated in the presence of acute inflammatory processes of the stomach, kidneys, liver and pancreas. This is due to the high content of coarse dietary fiber.

The vegetable owes its useful properties to its chemical composition. All minerals and vitamins complement each other's action, so the root crop must be included in food without fail.

Video: health benefits of turnips

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