Camelina oil - beneficial properties and contraindications

Ginger oil has long been prized for its healing properties. Nowadays, the very name of people is surprising and alarming - is it really a useful tool made from mushroom mushroom? In fact, the source of oil is the annual cereal "saffron rychik", or rather its seeds. You can meet a strange plant in the northern regions of our planet.

Useful properties and contraindications of camelina oil

Unpretentious saffron milk like weed quickly captures the area, so our ancestors actively used it for food, used it in medicine, and even light sources filled it with oil.

Gradually, the grass was replaced by sunflower, which made cultivation and production more profitable from an economic point of view. However, many people continue to use camelina oil in pharmacology and home medicine due to the valuable properties of seeds.

Chemical composition and value of components

An inconspicuous-looking plant turned out to be a storehouse of healthy components. Seed oil contains:

  • chlorophyll;
  • carotenoids - 1.8 mg .;
  • phospholipids - 0.8 mg .;
  • amino acids;
  • phytosterols;
  • tocopherols - 80 mg .;
  • tannins;
  • antioxidants, etc.
  • vitamins of various groups (A, E, K, F, D, etc.);
  • minerals (potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and others);
  • mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega-6, Omega-3, Omega-9) - up to 56% of the total mass.

Oil includes a significant amount of vegetable fats (more than 99 g per 100 g of product), which makes it indispensable for nutrition of the skin, hair follicles and nail plates. There are few proteins and carbohydrates in camelina oil (0.02 and 5.7 g, respectively). Calorie content is very high - 901 kcal, so nutritionists do not recommend using it to draw up a therapeutic or fasting diet.

The product based on camelina seeds contains a significant amount of vitamin E - a natural antioxidant, which is ahead of other vegetable oils (linseed, sesame, cedar, olive, etc.). Doctors indicate that only 1 tablespoon of camelina oil makes up for the daily need for vitamin. Regular use protects cells from oxidative processes, prevents early aging, improves the health of hair and skin. Vitamin E is also involved in the formation of the muscle corset, ensures the health of the heart muscle and blood vessels, partially provides general immunity.

Vitamin A in the composition of camelina oil is involved in the general metabolism, the synthesis of important hormones, and is also responsible for the regeneration and healing processes. Regular use of a medicinal product from seeds has a beneficial effect on the organs of vision, the condition of the skin and mucous membranes.

Omega polyunsaturated acids (linoleic and linolenic) are optimally balanced, which allows you to positively affect the overall metabolism. The oil also contains oleic acid.

Magnesium is involved in the metabolism, and also produces an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect. Thanks to the microelement, the plasma glucose level is stabilized, which is important in the treatment of diabetes. Magnesium also calms the central nervous system, helps restore its connections with internal systems.

Potassium and magnesium strengthen the heart muscle and blood vessels.

Phospholipids in cold pressed camelina oil are useful for restoring the structure and function of the liver. That is why the tool is recommended for use after operations or injuries of this organ.

Chlorophyll helps to heal damage and acts as a natural antiseptic.Thanks to it, white blood cells (leukocytes (provide immunity) and hemoglobin (responsible for oxygen saturation of cells) are more actively synthesized. Chlorophyll is beneficial for the endocrine, respiratory and digestive systems.

Phytosterols help fight cancer cells, produce a bactericidal effect. They also positively affect the functioning of the prostate.

Camelina oil in medicine

Healing remedies are used in various fields of medicine, ranging from endocrinology to dermatology.

Camelina oil in medicine

The main properties of camelina oil are as follows:

  1. Promotes rapid restoration of the skin after injuries, cuts, burns, frostbite, ulcerations, injuries, etc. Oil accelerates tissue healing, promotes the regeneration of the upper layer of the epidermis and mucous membranes. Also, the drug is an antiseptic, preventing the propagation of pathogenic microflora, reducing the focus of inflammation.
  2. Reduces the risk of division of malignant cells, helps to slow down the oncological process.
  3. Tones up and strengthens vascular walls, promotes their cleansing from cholesterol and atherosclerotic plaques. It is used for the following vascular diseases: thromboembolism, thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis, varicose veins, large vein thrombosis, stroke, etc.
  4. Strengthens the heart muscle, stabilizes heart rate and pressure. It is actively used to treat angina pectoris, hypertensive conditions, ischemia, and also reduces the risk of heart attack.
  5. Participates in hemostasis, ensuring normal blood coagulation. Promotes the synthesis of blood cells, reducing the manifestation of anemia. Changes the lipid composition of plasma, regulating the exchange of "good" cholesterol and fats. Also reduces the level of components that contribute to increased thrombosis.
  6. It binds and neutralizes free radicals, cleans cells from metabolic products, poisons, metal salts and other harmful components.
  7. Helps to cure diseases of the digestive tract, establish digestion. An oily layer of healing camelina oil envelops the delicate gastric mucosa, healing cracks and micro-wounds. An ulcer, enterocolitis and gastritis in this case are an indication, and not a contraindication to use. Also, the oil is actively used for other diseases of the digestive tract during the rehabilitation period (hepatitis or cirrhosis, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, kidney stone and gallstone disease, etc.). The anthelmintic properties of camelina oil have long been discovered - regular use allows you to get rid of pathogenic microflora and parasites of the stomach and intestines in a matter of days.
  8. It activates the immune system, increasing the body's resistance to infections and diseases. Promotes the synthesis of leukocytes, which are the first to reach the lesion.
  9. It has a positive effect on the reproductive health of both women and men. Amino acids, minerals and vitamins of camelina oil contribute to the synthesis of sex hormones.
  10. Prevents the occurrence of diseases of the reproductive system. In men, it reduces the risk of developing prostatitis, adenoma, or oncology of the prostate gland. In women, it reduces the manifestation of PMS, weakens menstrual pain, and alleviates the symptoms of menopause. Also, camelina oil has long been used in diseases of the ovaries and mammary glands as an oral or local agent.
  11. It benefits during pregnancy and lactation, saturating the body with a shock dose of vitamins A and E, omega fatty acids.
  12. Regulates the concentration of sugar in plasma, due to which it is used in the treatment of diabetes of the non-insulin-dependent type, including gestational.
  13. It promotes crushing and facilitates the release of calculi in urolithiasis, kidney stones and cholelithiasis.
  14. It supports visual acuity and prevents its regression.

Ginger oil in cosmetology

Our ancestors noticed the benefits of cereal ether to the skin and hair.

Ginger oil in cosmetology

  1. After application, it penetrates very quickly into the upper layers of the dermis, nourishing and moisturizing it.
  2. Awakens and stimulates hair follicles, strengthens them, prevents brittleness and hair loss.
  3. Protects hair from the influence of external factors (increased humidity, sun rays, salty sea wind, etc.). Also, regular use of oil reduces the electrification of hair.
  4. Effectively nourishes the scalp, thereby reducing the manifestation of seborrhea.
  5. Vitamins A and E in the composition of the product increase the tone and elasticity of the epidermis, contribute to the synthesis of collagen fibers, elastin.
  6. It produces a rejuvenating effect, smoothing out “crow's feet”, nourishing dry age skin, reducing the effects of external factors and the influence of hormonal levels. Also, the oil prevents the appearance of age spots.
  7. It acts as an antiseptic, reduces inflammation and redness, and promotes the rapid healing of wounds.
  8. It is used to reduce local allergic reactions and to combat the rosacea network.
  9. Helps to cure various dermatitis (urticaria, eczema, neurodermatitis, lichen), psoriasis. To treat frostbite, burns and sweating in children, saffron milk is moistened with a napkin and applied to the lesion. The treatment is 2-3 days.
  10. Regulates the metabolism of fats, due to which it controls the production of sebum. Regular application of the product to teenage or problem skin reduces oily sheen, tightens pores, and heals acne and acne.

For skin treatment, night cream, pilling, mask, milk, toner or foam for washing are enriched with a product. Suitable for sensitive and baby skin.

Hair treatment involves the use of camelina oil in balms, conditioners, serums, lotions, sprays and masks. 50 ml of the product should account for 1 tsp. seed products.

Oil is used in aromatherapy for general relaxation and healing of the body. It is also used as a massage base to improve the condition of the skin and small vessels.

Application features

In order for camelina oil to bring maximum benefits to the body, it is necessary to choose it correctly.

  1. The product should be fresh and exude a subtle aroma of cereals.
  2. Use unrefined and cold pressed oils to preserve antioxidants and prevent oxidation after uncorking the bottle.
  3. Buy oil in a small container. After its opening, it comes in contact with air, which significantly reduces the shelf life. If camelina oil begins to darken or bitter, then the term is over.
  4. Store the product from the seeds in the refrigerator, tightly screwing the lid.

Before use, be sure to read the list of contraindications:

  1. Individual intolerance of the components in the composition, the presence of acute food allergy in history.
  2. Obesity of varying degrees (oil has a very high calorie content).
  3. Pregnancy and lactation (can be used with caution and with the permission of the attending physician).
  4. Pancreatitis, pyelonephritis, gastritis and other diseases of the internal organs in acute form.

Camelina oil is rarely seen on the shelves in a supermarket or pharmacy. However, if this valuable tool catches your eye - be sure to purchase. Thus, you will receive a universal therapeutic product for all occasions. And if in medicine camelina oil is not useful to you, then it is successfully used in cooking for dressing various dishes.

Video: what is the benefit of camelina oil

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