Gray owl - description, habitat, interesting facts

Gray owl is the most common type of owl among those that live in Europe. They can live both in remote corners of the forest, and not far from a person. The species belongs to the family of real owls.

Gray owl


Body length on average ranges from 38 to 40 cm. The wingspan of the gray owl reaches a meter. Adult birds weigh about 0.5 kg. Puberty occurs at the age of 2-3 years.

These birds, like other owls, have a large round head. But they don’t have feather ears. The eyes are also large and round. The shape of the head and eyes is a distinctive feature of owls, by which they are easy to distinguish from other birds. Their eyes are looking forward.

The beak is short, bent. This form allows the bird to easily cut the caught prey.

The plumage may have a different color. There are gray and red individuals. There are dark longitudinal stripes throughout the body.

Legs are covered with short plumage. The body is dense, the plumage is very thick. On the shoulders of the bird there are white strips resembling shoulder straps in their shape and location. The tawny wings are wide and rounded. This shape allows the bird to maneuver during flight. There are 4 fingers on the paws. 2 of them are directed forward, the rest - backward. The claws are sharp and long, which is typical for a bird of prey. The tail is short. During the flight, the owl opens it with a fan.

Other types of owls

All owls have the characteristics of birds of prey. The family includes 123 species. All of them are nocturnal. Some of them are active only at night, while others - only partially. Most members of the family are small. But some species are much larger.

Their color is variegated, not very bright. The plumage on the face is arranged in a circle, forming a facial disc. All these birds are perfectly adapted for hunting. Thanks to excellent hearing and vision, they easily find prey, even if it hid in a shelter. In the silence of the night, the predator listens to sounds and peers into the darkness.

They feed on small vertebrates, can also catch insects. Some species prey on fish.

Living in nature

Gray owl can be found in Africa and Eurasia. Birds are distributed throughout Europe, in the northern part of the African continent. She also lives in Western Siberia. In Asia, the habitat of these birds reaches China and Korea.

They live in mountain and lowland forests. But they can settle even in the park or on the edge of the city. They hunt where there are many old deciduous trees.

Breeding and nesting

These birds are sedentary. Each male chooses for himself a site that he considers his home, and which carefully protects against enemies. When it comes to nesting, males begin to attract females with a peculiar sound in the form of a hoot. This sound can be heard in the forest throughout the fall. They do not build a nest. Instead, they use hollows abandoned by their old masters. Sometimes instead of it is a crack in the wall, an attic or a cave. The gray owl can settle even in a birdhouse.

Breeding and nesting of the gray owl

Before mating, the male provides peculiar signs of attention to the female. He gives her the prey that he caught during the hunt. The female can lay eggs in the period from March to May. Typically, the number of eggs ranges from 3 to 5, but if the food supply is too small or too much, they can be less or more, up to 9 pieces. The incubation period lasts for a month. During this period, the female does not hunt, the male brings food to her. When the chicks appear, the parents bring them food together.At the age of about a month, owls leave the nest and sit on a branch next to each other.


As soon as dusk begins, the bird begins its hunt. Only at dawn does it fly into a hollow or sit on a branch to sleep.

They live in the forest, but they can hunt on the plains. Small vertebrates, insects, and worms can serve as food. Their favorite treats are rodents. They sit on a branch and listen to all the rustling. As soon as the prey is discovered, it takes off without making sounds. Thanks to good vision, the owl perfectly orientates itself even in complete darkness. She grabs prey with her claws, quickly and swiftly diving at her from above. Usually eats the catch in the same place, tearing it with its sharp beak. The sacrifice, which she can eat completely, brings to the beak with his paw.

Interesting Facts

  1. The paws of these birds have 4 fingers, which is typical for almost all owls. One of the fingers is higher in relation to the rest. When the gray owl sits on a branch, then 2 fingers look forward, and the others look back. One of the three front ones is turned back. It is called the reverse.
  2. These birds very zealously protect their cubs. If any stranger encroaches on them, the owl immediately attacks him, trying to scratch his eyes with his sharp claws. Moreover, the size of the threat does not matter. The bird will attack both a small predator and a large one. It can attack even a person.
  3. Representatives of this species do not have goiter in which they could store prey. Therefore, the bird eats often in small quantities. But they still make reserves, storing them in a safe place near their nest.
  4. Individuals living in the forest and in the city eat different foods. The main victims of forest inhabitants are rodents. Urban owls prey on small birds. Sparrows and other wild birds become their dinner.
  5. Often, while walking through the woods, people find healthy chicks. They often fall when they try to learn how to fly. Many believe that the chick is abandoned by his parents or injured, and take him home. But in fact this cannot be done. If the bird has no visible injuries, then you do not need to touch it. Over time, he will return to the nest. You can only help sick or injured owls.

Video: gray owl (Strix aluco)

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