Sizovoronka - description, habitat, interesting facts

Blueprint is a bird similar in size to a jackdaw. In addition, its size and shape of the beak also resembles a raven family. With the difference that it is painted in brighter colors. The bird is considered to be a crayfish and belong to the syovoronov family. The total size of her body is 35 centimeters, the width of the wingspan of the bird reaches 67 centimeters. The average weight of an adult reaches 165 grams.


The plumage, located on her head and neck, as well as in the abdomen and on the inside of the wing, is represented by a greenish-blue hue. The back of this bird is covered with a reddish-brown plumage, the feathers of the feathers, as well as the lower back, are painted in dark brown. The tail plumage of the synovolus has a blue color, only a pair of feathers located in the center of the tail is brown, and the legs and beak of the bird are covered in dark brown. The coloration of young individuals completely coincides with the colors of the older tribesmen, only expressed in a dimmer tone.

The females of the rodents practically do not differ from the males, they have the same size and characteristic color. Despite the length of their legs, these birds move extremely rarely and with great reluctance on the earth; they prefer to take positions on the upper floors of the forest and keep a close watch from there.

Favorite Habitats

The bluefin is considered a migratory bird due to the fact that it often travels long distances. It is widely distributed in the central and southern parts of the Eurasian continent. She also lives in northern Africa, and she can also be found in Europe. For wintering, most of these birds fly to Africa. They give their preference to hot areas with a dry climate. To build nests, the blue-turret requires places with a reliable cover, and for hunting it needs areas with open space.

Representatives of this species are lovers of sandy expanses that border forest areas, or include single groups of trees. The most successful place for nesting they consider the hollow of old trees. During their nesting period, they can choose a light pine forest consisting of pine trees for settlements. A prerequisite for these birds is the presence of extensive glades or clearings formed for power lines. Deciduous forests or those of a mixed nature may also be equally attractive to them, if they are located on the banks of rivers or forest lakes.

Quite often, the blue-rooks can be found on the fringes of forests that are associated with open areas, such as fields or meadows, and maybe also drained spaces of former swamps. The bird is not whimsical to the nature of the forest. The main condition she considers the presence of trees with a hollow and the proximity to the open area, which she uses for hunting.

Given their habits, a bright bird will not go deep into the forest, because there are few that attract it. But to build a nest on a lonely tree growing by the road or in a field, less often on the outskirts of settlements, it can easily, provided that there is a hollow in this tree.

Chick hatching period

From the places of wintering, the bluefins arrive from mid-April to mid-May and settle in single pairs. In Eastern Europe, it settles exclusively in tree hollows, it often takes up a hollow yellow or green woodpecker, but prefers places in old trees of natural origin. The height of the hollow of the bird can range from 2.5 to 12 meters from the soil level.Inside, the lazy bird does not arrange for special litter; it will lay its masonry directly in the wooden dust, or use the nest of the previous owners for this.

Coracias garrulus

The laying of the blue-vortex contains from 3 to 6 eggs, but more often 4 of them, the eggs are elliptical in shape and enclosed in a white shell, with a glossy coating. The approximate weight of an egg is 15 grams with a size of 36 millimeters in length and 30 millimeters in width. The bird is capable of laying one egg per day.

The nesting period of birds of this species has extended borders; fresh clutch is not difficult to detect both in mid-May and in the twentieth of June. They hatch the chicks once a season, both parents take part in hatching eggs. The incubation period lasts for 19 days. It is noteworthy that parents begin to sit on the eggs after the last egg is laid, which leads to a one-time offspring.

After the birth of the chicks for another month continue to remain in the hollow. And they leave their shelter with fully-formed birds, continuing to return for several days, and then leave their parents forever. Bluefins go to wintering places, without waiting for the arrival of autumn, they go on a seasonal flight in the second half of August, and only some individuals can linger until mid-September.


The main objects of hunting of this bird are large insects and their larvae, less often they are not attracted by large lizards or frogs, although sometimes a bird can even catch a mouse. Eating large quantities of large insects that are harmful to cultivated plants, it is of great benefit and deserves respect.

It is very interesting to observe when a bright bird preys on a mouse. Having taken a high observing position on a tree, the top of a pillar or power line, the blue grinder carefully peers down. Having noticed her victim, she quickly rushes down and grabs the mouse by the tail with her beak. The bird carries the caught mouse to the nearest tree and, while continuing to hold it by the tail, beats its head on a hard surface. The predator will continue this procedure until it makes sure that the mouse has returned its ends, only after that the mouse will be swallowed whole.

Video: blue roe (Coracias garrulus)

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