Rocky dove - description, habitat, interesting facts

The discreet charm of this bird is not immediately noticed. At first glance, he looks like his city brother, who is found in any village near human habitation. Nevertheless, these are different species of one pigeon family. Their habits and habits are also significantly different.

Rocky dove

Familiar stranger

The full name of the bird sounds like a rocky dove. It is given according to the place and method of its nesting. A rocky dove leads its chicks in gorges, caves, on the slopes of hard-to-reach rocks, cliffs of river banks. In appearance, it is similar to a city sizar, but if you look closely, the differences are noticeable:

  1. An adult is smaller.
  2. The color is the same for each bird, the tail feathers are noticeably lighter, 2 transverse stripes are visible on the wings.
  3. Held in uninhabited places, rarely flies to housing.

This species became the ancestor of decorative breeds, among which the most famous are datysh, turmans, a curly dove, a peacock, a Saxon priest. There are several directions of domestic pigeons, where the practical use of poultry has become the main parameter. Species 4: meat, flight, postal and decorative. And they all appeared thanks to the genes of a rocky dove.

The bird is very careful and distrustful, prefers quiet secluded places near rivers, on rocks and cliffs. Observers never noticed him sitting on a tree. The basis of nutrition is plant food, where the seeds of wild herbaceous plants prevail, in the summertime diluted with snails, slugs, worms, and cocoons of insects. In severe snowy winters, they can give up personal principles and unite with the city cesars in search of food.

Rocky Dove Family Chores

The courtship period and pairing ends by the first of April. The creation of a nest begins, which consists of a small recess in a crevice or cave, approximately at a depth of 40 - 50 cm, not far from the entrance. The birds do not spend much effort, limiting themselves to a sparse litter of several dry blades of grass, a small number of feathers and a thick layer of litter. Nesting niches have been used for several years. As soon as the amount of garbage exceeds reasonable limits, a nest is built elsewhere. Usually there are 2 eggs in the clutch, the female incubates them for 15 to 16 days. The male at this time guards the approaches to the nest, angrily reacting to border violators. By the time of hatching of the first chick, goiter of birds begins to produce “milk”, which will become the only food for babies up to ten days of age. Further, parents bring them a moistened grain mixture. After departure from the nest, young individuals stay nearby, and their parents feed them. Closer in winter, birds of all ages gather in flocks and fly to places of wintering.

Columba rupestris

Pigeons nest in a colony of 20-30 pairs. It’s more convenient to fight off natural enemies, and there are many of them. The ravens became the most malicious pests ravaging nests. Falcons and hawks are also not averse to feasting on chicks, and sometimes even adult birds.

Interesting Facts

  1. Dove does not sit on trees. Scientists have hypothesized that the bird does not perceive the tree as a reliable object, preferring buildings or rocks. It is believed that this is a kind of system of adaptation to living conditions.
  2. The myth of "bird milk" turned out to be a reality. Of course, this substance has nothing to do with real milk, but for chicks it is the only food in the first 1 - 2 weeks of life.
  3. Pigeons became the first birds domesticated by humans.
  4. Pigeons swiftly lightly roll backwards in the air most likely for pleasure.Scientists have not yet found a practical reason for such somersaults.
  5. Birds have color vision.
  6. A couple is created for life and treats each other with care and tenderness.

The rocky dove is widespread throughout the world, excluding very arid areas and permafrost areas. Its swift and graceful flight often makes you stop and admire the amazing creation of nature.

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