How many times a day should a cat write?

Any attentive owner who monitors the health of a pet is concerned about the question - how many times a day he should urinate. There are specific standards for each type of pet, including cats.

How many times a day should a cat write

When calculating, you should pay attention to the individual characteristics of individuals:

  • cat age;
  • its mass;
  • what feeding is it on;
  • gender;
  • the cat is sterilized or not;
  • the way of life that he leads.

Often, if a portion of urine becomes more or less than the established norm, this is a sign of a disease. But do not panic. The rate of urine production is the average amount characteristic of most healthy cats. There are many factors that affect the body of an animal, not signaling a problem, but reflecting the characteristic features of health and content.

Features of urination in kittens

In newborn kittens under the age of 3 months, the urinary system begins to form. During this period, kittens can urinate 1 time per day. This is not a deviation from the norm. As they grow older and improve the genitourinary organs, kittens begin to write more often - 2-3 times a day.

At six months, the peak of animal activity occurs. If the kitten looks healthy, moves a lot, plays, while the owner leaves water in the public domain, then the baby will drink a lot. And this means that the number of urges to urinate will increase. At this age, kittens can write up to 6 times a day.

Features of urination in adult cats

First of all, you need to know that because of the different structure of the urinary system, the rates of urination in cats and cats are different. At the age of over 1 year, males write on average 2 times more often than females. This is facilitated by a number of important circumstances:

  1. Cats have thinner urinary canals than cats, i.e. they hold less urine.
  2. In addition, the channels have a more curved shape, and this leads to incomplete emptying, i.e. actual channel volume is reduced. To draw urine, the cat has to write more often.
  3. If the cat is neutered, this leads to an even greater narrowing of the urethra.

For an adult cat, urination becomes the norm - from 3 to 4 times a day. For a neutered cat - up to 6 times a day.

In this case, cats should go to the tray on average 1-2 times a day. Although there are nuances due to female physiology. During pregnancy or during estrus, the number of urinations in a cat increases, which is a variant of the norm.

The dependence of urination on the nature of nutrition

The difference in the diet of different cats leads to a change in the frequency of visits to the tray. An animal that feeds predominantly on dry food is more often thirsty. Leave water in the required quantity near the feed. The more fluid the pet consumes, the more often he feels the urge to urinate. In such individuals, owners should monitor not only the number of urinations, but also the quality of the urine itself:

  1. There should not be any impurities in the urine.
  2. The volume of each serving is important, the amount of urine should not be scarce.
  3. When visiting the tray, the animal should feel relaxed, not experience pain or difficulty urinating.

Monitoring the behavior of a cat eating dry food is very important. They often suffer from urolithiasis. Especially the risk increases in the case of a castration cat.

It is possible to reduce the risk of developing such diseases if you carefully select premium foods intended for such animals and provide your pet with enough clean drinking water.

Animals that are fed exclusively dry food require water in a volume 3 times the amount of food eaten.

The main causes of urinary disorders

Relatively safe include:

Causes of urination disorders in cats

  1. Stress due to a change in lifestyle (most often it is moving, changing owners, the appearance of another pet, fear).
  2. Unexpected transition to another type of food (from dry to wet and vice versa).
  3. Castration, sterilization operation.

Such changes are hard on animals. They become depressed, irritable. At such moments, violations in the functioning of various organs are observed, appetite is disturbed, the nature of urination changes. But usually this condition passes on its own and does not require the intervention of a veterinarian. Males adapt faster - about 3 days, females longer. Despite the stress, after a few days they all begin to go to the tray, as expected - 2-3 times a day.

Symptoms of the disease

Signs leading to dangerous health effects:

  1. The complete absence of urination within 2 days, or vice versa, too frequent urination, including when the animal does not have time to reach the tray.
  2. It is obviously painful for the animal to write or it is difficult (the cat behaves uneasily on the tray, meows loudly).
  3. Urine contains blood, sand.
  4. The animal behaves sluggishly, apathetically.
  5. Loss of appetite.
  6. There are signs of the disease (fever, dry, hot nose).

If one of the listed signs is detected, it is necessary to show the animal to a specialist as soon as possible.

Thus, the average urination rate for cats is as follows: kittens up to six months - from 1 to 3 times a day, from six months this number increases to 5-6 times, and adult animals go to the tray 1-2 times a day (females ) and 3-5 times (males).

Video: how often the kitten goes to the toilet

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