Sumatran tiger - description, habitat, lifestyle

Sumatran tiger means an individual that is inferior in terms of overall characteristics to all its other brethren. This is the smallest subspecies, characterized by aggressive behavior. Living in the wild, he easily attacks a person. However, many circus performers give birth to tigers to perform circus tricks, since they are very susceptible to training. In today's article, we will consider everything that affects this individual, so that you make your own opinion about the predator.

Sumatran Tiger


  1. These predators are relatively small in size. They are inferior to other brethren, for example, Bengal or Amur tigers. These animals have certain characteristics that distinguish a small-sized mammal from other tigers. The main feature is that the presented individuals are aggressive, they attack almost always without warning. The population is declining due to changes in the distribution and conflicts of tigers with humans.
  2. The discussed individuals are quite beautiful. They are distinguished by behavior, the ability to get food by any means, high intelligence, distribution, easy learning, when it comes to tamed circus animals. The musculoskeletal system has a slightly different structure, in comparison with brothers. The strips are also scattered around the body in a certain order, and the pigmentation of the body itself is more saturated.
  3. However, despite the smaller overall features, this predator stands out with strong and strong legs. They are developed, muscular, powerful. Jumping is possible due to the fact that the limbs located on the back are slightly longer than the front ones. They have 4 fingers, while the front paws are five-fingered. Tigers have membranes between the fingers, the nails are strong and sharp, grow up to 8 cm in length and even more. Individuals of male gender have sideburns. They extend from the cheeks and neck to the neck.
  4. These same whiskers are necessary for the animal to protect from external influences, for example, branches and twigs. Predators live mainly in the jungle, therefore this feature is important for them. The tail is elongated, it serves as a kind of balancer, helps the animal to maintain balance and serves as a means of communication with self-similar. When an individual reaches puberty, its jaws are fully formed and equipped with 30 teeth. The fangs grow to 4 cm in length. On average, the remaining teeth are unremarkable and small.
  5. Individuals of the species under discussion have large eyes with rounded pupils. The irises are pigmented in a yellowish tone, however albinos are famous for their blue irises. Predators have color vision. The tongue is covered with tubercles, they serve as assistants in the separation of bones from meat in the process of eating the victim. Individuals that have reached maturity grow up to 0.6 m along the withers. They can extend up to 2.6 m along the body. About 1 m is assigned to the tail, and the weight category is 70-125 kg.
  6. On the pigmentation of the body, we can say the following. Animals are colored either brown-red or orange. The stripes are strictly black. These individuals differ from Amur and other sebiform pigmentation of limbs. They are also striped. The longitudinal pattern is wide, the stripes are close enough. They seem to stick to each other. Ears at the ends are whitish, with spots.


Sumatran Tiger Lifestyle

  1. Tigers are defined as aggressive mammals that can attack humans without warning.In summer, individuals are most active when dusk sets in. Then they can hunt throughout the night, because during the day it is impossible to do this because of the unbearable heat.
  2. As for winter time, individuals get food in the afternoon. These representatives of the species have a good sense of smell, which allows you to track prey and take its trace. Then the animal gently sneaks up behind or from the side and makes an attack. The throw is carried out necessarily from the shelter, some tigers can wait hours for the victim or chase after it for quite some time.
  3. The main option for hunting is the extraction of food, as they say, from an ambush. The attack is carried out from the side of the body or from the back of the victim, very unexpectedly and effectively. Tigers immediately aim at the neck, bite and try to break the spine. But some individuals simply strangle prey. Representatives of the family drive ungulate cattle into water sources, because in this environment there are practically no equal to predators. They swim great.
  4. When an animal slaughter or strangle prey, it pulls it into a secluded corner. After this, the meal begins. If you start from the observations, for 1 meal the tiger eats about 20 kg. meat. Thanks to this, the animal can stay without food for a couple of days without feeling hunger. The main characteristic of Sumatran individuals is that they adore swimming. They are sent to the water, they can cool for hours in natural springs.
  5. When individuals communicate with each other, they are entwined with tails, rubbing their heads against each other. However, to a greater extent, these animals like to live alone. Only females can choose the territory for themselves and offspring. Predators divide sites among themselves, the individual territory occupies about 40 km. and more. It is important for tigers that there is food in the habitat.
  6. The individuals under consideration have been watched by specialists for a rather long time. It is noteworthy that Sumatran tigers do not tolerate the presence of another male on their territory. However, other adults can easily cross the possessions of such a wild animal.
  7. It is worth noting that often the territories owned by males overlap areas where females are present. Often, males constantly mark habitable terrain with feces and their own urine. In addition, on the trees you can see special marks that animals leave with their claws.
  8. When young males grow up and become sexually mature, they go in search of their own territory. Often, stronger youngsters try to take away the already settled area from adults or old males.

Life span

Sumatran and Chinese feline representatives are very similar. Therefore, under natural conditions, the considered individuals live for about 15-18 years. As a result, we can say that if you do not take into account the subspecies of such a predatory animal, in general, their life expectancy is almost the same. There is only a slight difference. If the presented animal is kept in captivity, then the average indicator of life expectancy will be 20 years.


Sumatran Tiger

  1. The considered animals mainly live on the island of Sumatra, which is located in Indonesia. This area is considered very small. Therefore, the full potential of wild animals is greatly limited.
  2. Due to the increase in the population of people and deforestation, this subspecies is not something that normally cannot breed, animals simply gradually disappear. The tigers in question are on the verge of extinction. Year after year, such predators retreat deeper into the jungle.
  3. The problem is that tigers constantly have to adapt to new conditions. In addition, the wild beast spends much more energy in search of prey in such difficult conditions.Otherwise, such animals can be found in various places, as they are diverse.
  4. The discussed predatory individuals are found in dense and humid equatorial forests, on river floodplains, mangroves, and peat bogs. However, in most cases, wild cats prefer places in which there is abundant cover of plant origin.
  5. Among other things, in the habitats of the considered individuals, surely enough shelters, water sources and as much food as possible in the form of various animals must be present. The presented tigers love the area where there are steep slopes. This way they can view their territory.


  1. The considered individuals just belong to the category of animals that feed mainly on the flesh. Wild cats often prey on medium sized animals. The most common victims of tigers are crocodiles, wild boars, badgers, rabbits, orangutans, zambars and some birds.
  2. In this case, the weight of production can be from several kilograms to half a ton. If a wild cat managed to catch a large prey, the tiger will eat for several days. We should also talk about diet, if you are going to keep such an animal in captivity.
  3. In this case, the menu can be quite varied. Often the animals in question are fed various meat, fish and poultry. At the same time, breeders necessarily and regularly add various vitamin complexes. Due to a properly balanced diet, tigers in captivity live longer.


Sumatran tiger breeding

  1. When the mating season begins, the females continue to be in this state for only about 6 days. Males, in turn, try to entice sexually mature darlings with the aroma of fresh prey. In addition, tigers begin to roar and arrange evening games.
  2. Males arrange fights among themselves for the attention of females. In this case, wild animals cause each other quite serious damage. After all the games, a full pair is formed. Cats spend a rather long period with each other until the female becomes pregnant.
  3. A characteristic feature of the considered individuals is that the male often remains with the female until the birth. Moreover, for other individuals, such behavior is uncharacteristic. Often the male continues to help the female feed offspring. As soon as the young grows up, the head leaves the family.
  4. The male can return to the female as soon as the mating season begins again. At the same time, animals continue to breed actively throughout the year. They do not have a specific mating season. Otherwise, young growth reaches puberty at the age of about 4 years. Pregnancy in females lasts about 3.5 months.

It remains interesting that the youngsters try not to leave their mother until they learn how to hunt. At about 2 years old, the offspring begins to lead a completely independent lifestyle. In the litter, the female can have up to 3 kittens. They are born blind and helpless. For several months, they exclusively feed on breast milk. Soon, solid food gradually begins to enter their diet.

Video: Sumatran Tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae)

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