Tomato Alaska - description and characteristics of the variety

Gardeners receive a large assortment of tomato varieties for the possibility of choosing the most fruitful and nutritious option. Each has individual characteristics in terms of the preferred soil, cultivation, taste, destination (there are salad varieties, but there are those that are also suitable for canning). The right choice of tomato varieties is a guarantee of a large harvest and good taste of the fruit, so you should not neglect the basic rules in this matter.

Tomato Alaska

Each region has its own special climate, which needs to be adjusted to be able to get a large crop of delicious and nutritious fruits. And if the weather in the summer does not please with sufficient heat and sunlight, then Alaska tomatoes are ideal. For a short and cool summer, this variety is ideal due to the ability to cope with unstable temperature indicators without harm to the fruit.

The main properties of the variety

The Alaska variety is characterized by early maturity, due to which it is possible already in early summer to eat excellent tomatoes filled with juice and useful substances. It is necessary to sow seeds for seedlings in early spring so that the plants get stronger earlier and are poured with juice for the opportunity to subsequently please with taste and saturation. The ripening period is from 80 to 100 days, which can be considered an ideal indicator for the season with short and cold summers.

Tomatoes are stunted, but due to the large weight of the fruit, the stem can bend and deform. To prevent damage, it is recommended to tie up the tomatoes so that the load is evenly distributed and inconvenience is excluded during subsequent harvesting. Many gardeners say that this is not just a stunted, but a dwarf variety, since in most cases the height of the plant does not exceed half a meter.

Characteristics of bush fruits

The variety pleases with good fruiting, thanks to which you can plant a small area and stock up with ready-made fruits for the coming winter. You can get about two kilograms of fruit from one strong bush, which is considered an excellent indicator for summers with insufficient sunshine and heat.

An important point is the quick filling of flowers and taste, which will delight gardeners who wish to try home crops as early as possible and boast of its beautiful view.

Thanks to the dense peel, tomato fruits are ideal for conservation, as they will not crack and lose their shape. And also the fruits can be stored in a cold place for a long time without violating the integrity, taste and color. The most important thing is to properly arrange the place so that a stable temperature is maintained in it. It can be a refrigerator or a cellar, depending on the volume of fruits in need of storage.

Secrets of a good harvest

The secrets of a good harvest of tomatoes Alaska
It is not enough just to sow the seeds, as there are some rules that are important to consider in order to obtain a large, tasty and high-quality crop.

  1. Proper care is a guarantee of good fruiting and rich taste. The bushes will be small in size, and if properly formed, they will not take up much space, which can be considered an important property when growing in a small garden. 5-6 bushes can be planted per 1 square meter of the garden, which will subsequently grow, but will not be intertwined. In this case, about 15 kilograms of fruit can be collected from a site of this size.
  2. An important role is played by the treatment of bushes with various preparations for pests and diseases in order to prevent the development of problems that can lead to plant death.
  3. Do not forget about moderate soil irrigation, since moisture nourishes the roots and allows the plant to grow quickly, and the fruits will gain juice for taste and color. But do not water excessively if there is already an important climate.

A properly selected tomato variety, depending on the soil and the place of growing the plant, allows you to get a large crop of really tasty fruits. But remember that even the highest quality varieties of tomatoes will not be able to please with the proper yield if it is planted incorrectly and left without proper care in the future. Leaving: weeding, watering, top dressing and treatment from infections and diseases, as well as timely garter - the main points that form the proper growth and fruiting of the plant. And therefore, it is important to carefully address the solution of garden issues for harvesting tomatoes for the winter.

Video: tomato variety Alaska

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