Tomato Torch - description and characteristics of the variety

Many gardeners involved in tomato cultivation choose for planting those varieties whose bushes occupy little space in the garden and greenhouses due to their compactness. One of such varieties can be called the Torch - these tomatoes do not need to be tied up, they do not need pinching, which makes it easier to care for them, they are very fruitful and bear fruit for a long time - up to frosts.

Tomato Torch


The torch belongs to the determinant species, the bushes are sprawling and compact. This variety got its name due to the shape of a bush - it has a narrow base, and extends upward like a torch.

The main characteristics of the bush:

  1. Not very tall, up to 80 centimeters in height.
  2. Oblivnost is average, the bush itself is compact, not sprawling.
  3. Refers to mid-season, the fruits ripen from 115 to 128 days.
  4. Each brush contains from 2 to 5 berries.
  5. Productivity from one square meter is quite large - 9-10 kilograms.
  6. The setting of berries in inflorescences is one hundred percent.

Characteristics of the fruit:

  1. Tomatoes have a rounded shape, a small ribbing near the peduncle.
  2. The weight of a tomato is on average 80 - 100 grams, fruits up to 150 grams come across.
  3. The pulp is of moderate density, there are few seeds inside.
  4. The skin is smooth, thin, without characteristic protrusions, does not crack.
  5. The color is bright red.
  6. The taste is sweet with a slightly noticeable acidity, juicy.
  7. The fruits have a lot of vitamin C, contains lycopene, a lot of amino acids.


Torch tomatoes are grown using seedlings. It is planted approximately 2 months before the planting in the ground. Before planting seeds, it is advisable to treat them with growth stimulants that increase germination. For future tomatoes, a mixture of garden soil and soil with humus is taken. The earth is poured into containers, recesses of 1.5 centimeters are made, seeds are put in the holes, covered with earth, watered and placed in a warm place. For germination to be successful, a certain temperature regime is needed - approximately 23-25 ​​degrees.


Plants are transplanted into the greenhouse (in southern regions with a warm climate) in the last decade of May, when the weather is set. The soil needs to be prepared - loosened thoroughly, put fertilizers (superphosphate or ash) into the wells. The distance between the bushes is at least 50 centimeters, the aisles should be located at a distance of 60 centimeters. On one square meter you get 6 plants.

Growing Tomato Torch

Watering is often not necessary, watering should be done only when the upper earth crust is completely dry.

It is not necessary to form a culture, as well as to pinch, but you can pinch off the lower leaves and remove irregularly shaped flowers on the hands. Then the tomatoes will gain more vitality and the ability to form.

After the first shoots appear (after about 5-6 days), the containers with seedlings are placed closer to the light - for example, by the window - and the temperature is made lower, approximately 21-23 degrees. Watering the seedlings should be moderate when the ground cover dries. After the appearance of the second leaf, the plants can be dived - planted in different containers. Ordinary plastic cups - clean or from sour cream - are best suited as containers. During a dive, you need to add a little fertilizer to the ground and feed the tomatoes.

Approximately 7-10 days before transplanting, seedlings should be hardened a bit. To do this, the sprouts are taken out into the fresh air (onto a balcony or street), each time increasing the time spent by seedlings in open space for several minutes.

Pests, diseases and their control

Tomatoes of this variety have good immunity and they are not afraid of the main diseases affecting solanaceous ones - late blight, rot, fusarium and so on. As a final protection against diseases, it is worth doing disinfection of the soil. To do this, use copper sulfate or ordinary potassium permanganate. And the plantings themselves are recommended to be constantly sprayed with anti-fungal drugs.

Insecticides sold in stores must be used to control insects. You can use proven folk methods, poisoning pests with infusions of chamomile or celandine. You can also use soap dissolved in water. You need to process only the leaves and stems of the plant, making sure that the liquid does not appear on the soil.

Use and use

Variety Torch is considered universal - tomatoes are used everywhere: fruits are eaten fresh, cut into salads, made from them juices, ketchups, various tomato seasonings. Berries are rolled into jars for the winter.

And another characteristic of this variety is that tomatoes have no green circle near the stem.

Video: Torch Tomatoes

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