Tomato Fireworks - description and characteristics of the variety

Many gardeners grow tomatoes of different varieties, each of which has individual characteristics. Fireworks are distinguished by the presence of large, fleshy and juicy fruits. The second name of the variety is Kaleidoscope. Plants perfectly develop and bear fruit in greenhouses and in open beds in the garden.

Tomato Fireworks

Grade description

Plants grow to a height of 2 meters. It is recommended to form bushes in 2 stems with obligatory garter to the crossbar or to the trellis. The leaves of the bushes are wide, saturated green. Variety Fireworks is distinguished by an unusual color of the fruit. On bright red tomatoes, a placer is formed from dark, golden or orange stripes. The shape of the fruit is flat, flattened on both sides. The middle of the tomato is convex, the sides are ribbed. The peduncle has an articulation.

The average weight of one tomato is 400 grams. The taste is juicy and aromatic, the pulp is dense. From one square meter, you can collect 6-6.5 kg of ripe large fruits.

Cultivating varieties

Sowing seeds is carried out approximately 2 months before the intended planting in the ground. When growing in greenhouses, you need to immediately put the supports to which the bushes will be tied. Without this, full cultivation is impossible. Under the weight of the fruit, the stems may break. From the second stem, all stepsons must be cut off - this will allow the plants to rationally use the food they have received.

Seeds are laid in fertile soil, watered and cleaned in a warm place with good lighting, you can add additional illumination, if necessary. After hatching the seeds and the appearance of 2 leaves, the seedlings are dived into separate cups. Before planting in the soil, it is necessary to harden the plants. To do this, take out pots or glasses with seedlings on the street first for 20-30 minutes, then increase the time every day.

3 bushes should be placed on one square meter. When the summer season comes to an end, you need to leave a few leaves above the upper brush, and cut off the top. So nutrients will only come to the fruits and their development.

During the cultivation of the variety, sick and old leaves must be discarded. It is necessary to feed plants with complex organic and mineral fertilizers several times during the summer. Watering the bushes is required with warm, settled water. It is advisable to carry out watering after sunset. An important point is the timely loosening of the soil, hilling and weeding. Regular weed removal will help get rid of pests and dangerous fungal diseases in a timely manner.

Most gardeners noted high yields for the crop. However, all opinions indicate that you need to have experience in order to achieve a rich harvest. Care of the variety includes several stages, each of which should be carried out in a timely manner.

Tips for gardeners on growing a variety

Growing Tomatoes Fireworks

  1. To prevent the occurrence of diseases or from the invasion of harmful insects, it is recommended to treat the bushes with special insecticides.
  2. Regularly inspect the bushes to identify affected leaves. If there are signs of infection with a fungus or insects, you need to remove the affected leaves and conduct treatment with chemicals.
  3. Fertilizers for tomatoes should contain nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Top dressing should be applied during the growing season, during flowering, and during the beginning of the collection of the first ripe fruits.

By fully observing all the tips and tricks, you can achieve high yields.Tomatoes are perfect for making juices, sauces, for pickling and pickling. Strong peel and dense pulp will allow tomatoes to be stored fresh for a long time.

Reviews gardeners

  1. Veronika Antonovna, 39 years old: I have been growing the variety for the second year, and I really like it. Red fruits with stripes are very fragrant with a pronounced tomato flavor. The pulp is fleshy and juicy. Tomatoes can be stored fresh for a long time. I prepared many preparations for the winter. Caring for the bushes is the easiest, no different from caring for other varieties of tomatoes. I advise everyone to try this variety.
  2. Olga Andreevna, 55 years old: I learned about the Fireworks variety from the Internet when I selected seeds for my garden. I decided to try to grow it in a greenhouse. I liked the tomatoes very much. Since I am a gardener with experience, it was not difficult to take care of. The result was excellent. I made juice and leto for the winter, as well as fresh tomatoes. I think they will last until the New Year. Be sure to plant the variety for next year.

Video: Fireworks Tomatoes

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