Tomato Phenomenon F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

Any gardener who loves nightshade wants to get the most out of his work in the form of a good tomato crop. Choosing the right sort of tomato is half the battle.

Tomato Phenomenon F1

The F1 phenomenon is an unpretentious productive variety that deserves the attention of all gardeners.

Phenomenon F1 - basic information, features, description of the variety

Tomatoes Phenomenon tasty, with dense pulp, juicy. From ripe tomatoes, you can cook lecho, tomato paste, ketchup.

Fruits The phenomenon of small size, suitable for preservation in general. Ripe fruits are good in salads and when consumed fresh, right from the garden. Anyone who has ever grown this variety will certainly appreciate all its benefits. However, do not rush to planting without first having studied the theory - the main characteristics of the variety, its pros, cons, as well as the manufacturer's recommendations in terms of growing and caring for plants.

Phenomenon F1 is a determinant (small, limited in growth) hybrid variety. Bushes squat, neat. The foliage is dense, while the branches of the bush are not very spreading. A large number of foliage on the branches protects the ripening tomatoes well from excess ultraviolet rays. The leaf of the Phenomenon F1 variety is usual, inherent for solanaceous crops, in shape, the color is dark green. The bush has a good, strong root system. Branched roots are able to fully provide the bush with moisture and nutrients even during drought.

The fruits of the Phenomenon F1 ripen quickly; the variety belongs to the early ones. The first crop can be harvested about 2 months after the first sprouts appeared.

Bushes are not afraid of temperature fluctuations, the variety is suitable for cultivation in the middle zone of the country, where morning frosts are not rare even at the end of spring. The F1 phenomenon feels good in open ground, as well as in greenhouse and greenhouse conditions. Moreover, in the greenhouse, the bushes are usually higher and more powerful, and the fruits are larger than when grown in the garden, where the fruits usually do not collect more than 150 grams.

Fruit Characteristic:

  1. Ripe tomato Phenomenon F1 has an oval shape, bright, rich red color.
  2. The yield of the variety is above average, the fruits are approximately the same in size, ripen at the same time.
  3. The tomato has a smooth, dense peel as if covered with a thin layer of wax, pleasant to the touch.
  4. The peel can be easily separated from the pulp.

If you store the fruits in a cool, well-ventilated area, they retain their presentation for up to 50 days. Ripe tomatoes can be transported over long distances; they tolerate transportation well.

If you believe the reviews of gardeners who were cultivating this variety, it very well resists "tomato" diseases and fungi. Tomato has a pronounced immunity to the effects of bacteriosis, late blight and columnar.

How to grow seedlings Phenomenon F1

How to grow seedlings Phenomenon F1
No one will argue that the cultivation of strong seedlings is one of the necessary conditions for a plentiful harvest. Seeds are sown in boxes at the end of winter - the last days of February or early March. Before planting seed into the ground, it is advisable to soak it with a solution of a growth stimulant, as well as a weak solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). The stimulator stimulates the plant to active development and rapid growth, and potassium permanganate creates additional protection against fungi, rot and bacteria.

Seedlings are successfully grown on window sills in homemade wooden boxes with pre-prepared soil. It should include pure turf land, sand and peat in equal proportions.Tamp the soil slightly, after which you can plant the seeds. After planting, it is advisable to slightly mulch the surface with clean peat. The box should be wide and shallow. In specialized stores you can buy special containers for seedlings.

Water the seeds with water at room temperature, after allowing it to stand a little. It should be watered using a spray gun. If not, a simple sieve for flour, or a small children's watering will do. After the first watering, the container with seeds should be covered with a film and kept warm.

To prevent excess moisture from accumulating in the small greenhouse, it must be periodically opened for a while so that the soil dries out a little. As soon as the first sprouts hatch, the box is moved to a well-lit warm place (most often it is a windowsill). The first week after the appearance of sprouts, it is recommended to maintain a temperature of at least +16 C in a room with seedlings, then gradually increase it to + 22-23 C.

Planting seedlings in the ground

Ready-to-plant material is planted in prepared and fertilized, well-loosened soil. On 1 m place no more than 5-7 bushes. The surface next to the shoots is mulched with sawdust. Bushes are watered regularly until the fruit fully ripens. Watering must be completely stopped 2 weeks before harvesting.

Subject to all the above conditions, Phenomenon F1 will bear fruit well even with significant temperature fluctuations and mild drought.

Video: a unique way to water tomatoes

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