Tomato Fletcher F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

Each self-respecting gardener tries to grow a rich crop of different crops, including tomatoes, on his personal plot. After all, tomatoes have long become a favorite delicacy of Russians. But, in addition to excellent taste characteristics, tomatoes have a whole range of useful trace elements. Therefore, the housewives diligently make impressive reserves of canned snacks for the winter period.

Tomato Fletcher F1

But, unfortunately, the climatic features of many Russian regions make it impossible to grow your favorite tomato varieties in open ground, and sometimes in greenhouses. For this reason, experienced summer residents are trying to select ultra-resistant varieties of tomatoes. It is in this category of garden crops that the Fletcher F1 hybrid belongs. A tomato of this variety perfectly adapts to life in the open ground, it does not require special care, but it always pleases with a good harvest of large fruits.

Features of the Fletcher variety

Although this hybrid appeared relatively recently, it has already managed to gain some popularity among experienced summer residents and ordinary amateur gardeners. Judging by numerous reviews, tomato "Fletcher F1 received such" popular "love for its unpretentiousness. For its good growth, it is enough to conduct a standard set of events in a timely manner. This crop belongs to varieties with early ripening. It is noteworthy that tomatoes feel great both in the comfortable conditions of the greenhouse and on the street. If we talk about the main characteristics of the hybrid, then you should pay attention to the following parameters:

  1. Height. Fletcher F1 is a determinant hybrid, so its height does not exceed 1.5 meters.
  2. Fruiting period. This is an early variety that gives ripe fruits 70 days after planting in a permanent place.
  3. Productivity In the process of growth, brushes are formed on the tomato bush, each of which contains up to four massive fruits of bright color.
  4. Disease resistance. Hybrid Fletcher F1 is able to withstand plant diseases such as Fusarium or Verticillin wilt. Tomato bushes are not affected by the nematode and a number of other common diseases.

I would also like to note that the Fletcher F1 variety differs from other tomatoes in that it is actively increasing its green mass. Its leaves are dark green in color and are relatively small.

The creators of this hybrid recommend growing it in open soils, as well as in conditions where temporary film shelters for plants are used. With competent agricultural technology, the hybrid yields about 3.2 kg per square meter of planted area.

Description of hybrid fruits

All the brightest epithets are suitable for describing the external characteristics of Fletcher F1 fruits: juicy, sweet, large. In addition, tomato has the following distinctive features:

  • ripe tomatoes have the shape of a ball, slightly flattened at the poles;
  • the mass of one mature specimen reaches 190 g;
  • the skin of the berry is strong, but not rough;
  • ripe fruit acquires a dark red color;
  • juicy tomato flesh with a sweetish-sour taste.

According to experienced summer residents, mature tomatoes retain their basic qualities well for three weeks from the time of removal from the bush. Hybrid Fletcher F1 perfectly tolerates transportation without losing commercial qualities. Tomato is recommended for cultivation in private household plots and on the scale of small farming structures.

Some useful tips

Fletcher Tomatoes F1
Despite the unpretentiousness of the new hybrid, in order to get a decent crop of tomatoes, you need to follow some rules of agricultural technology and care:

  1. Seedling containers should be placed in a place where the temperature will be stably kept at not lower than + 25C heat.
  2. After the appearance of the first sprouts, ensure maximum access to light (16-18 hours per day).
  3. When full leaves appear, you should pick the seedlings in separate containers.
  4. Hybrids should be watered moderately.
  5. According to the scheme, carry out root and foliar dressing of plants.
  6. In order for the plants to be resistant to external factors, it is recommended to regularly ventilate the room.
  7. In the fall, organic fertilizers must be applied to the proposed landing site, and in the spring - mineral complexes.
  8. For the strength of the root system of bushes, calcium nitrate is introduced into the soil (per 1 l. Art. Per hole).
  9. During the ripening period, it is recommended to do the garter of the hands.
  10. Plant Fletcher F1 seedlings should be at the rate of 60 to 60 cm.
  11. For better adaptation of young plants during planting, spraying with an anti-stress drug should be carried out. Then, before the onset of flowering, nitrogen fertilizers must be periodically applied. All of these measures will contribute to the rapid growth of the hybrid and a good harvest of these wonderful tomatoes.

Reviews gardeners

Summer residents have already managed to evaluate the worthy qualities of the Fletcher hybrid and those who tried to grow it once plan to grow this culture in the future. This is confirmed by the numerous responses of lovers of vegetable growers.

  1. Vera Ivanovna, 63 years old: Last year, a neighbor in the country gave me only four Fletcher F1 bushes for the experiment. I had free space on the beds, and I planted bushes. By the fall there was such a crop that there was no limit to surprise. Very good grade.
  2. Victor Vasilievich, 54 years old: I have long been specializing in growing tomatoes. Therefore, I closely monitor all the new products. The appearance of the Fletcher F1 hybrid did not go unnoticed: at first it planted only a couple of dozen bushes, and the next year - already three times more. Great variety and excellent harvest.

Video: Tomato Care - The First Important Steps

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