Tomato Micah - description and characteristics of the variety

Every time before the beginning of the summer season, summer residents have a question - what kind of tomato to use for planting? There are many of them, and among this variety a worthy place is occupied by the hybrid Micah F1. It is about him that will be discussed in this article.

Tomato Micah

Variety Overview

This type of tomato was developed by agricultural specialists especially for regions with a temperate continental climate. It is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation. Recommended for cultivation both in open ground and in greenhouses. It is considered one of the best early ripening hybrids, because it manages to mature before it is affected by late blight.

Hybrid hybrid properties F1

Tomato refers to a superdeterminant hybrid, the height of the plant does not exceed one meter. In addition, he almost never lets stepsons. This greatly facilitates the process of forming a bush and requires less time to care for the future crop. Sings through 100-105 days after planting seeds.

The number of seed nests on one plant grows, as a rule, more than four. Before ripening, the fruits have a light green color, ripe - bright red. They have a flat-circular shape with a slight ribbing. The mass of one tomato is about 100-180 grams. The density is average. The purpose of the variety is universal. It is used not only in personal subsidiary farms, but also in large industrial agricultural farms.

Growing Features

For those who want to engage in the cultivation of tomatoes Mikhey F1, first of all, you need to decide on planting material. Hybrid seeds are not suitable for this purpose, and buying them on the markets can turn out to be a complete disappointment (the seeds will not sprout or give weak shoots). Therefore, it is better to purchase them in special shops for gardeners.

The process of caring for a tomato by Micah before planting young seedlings in the ground is no different from growing other hybrid varieties.

Planting tomato seeds before is not worth it. In order to harvest in July, you need to correctly calculate the planting time. When is the best time to do this? It depends on the average climate data of the region and weather forecasts for the summer season.

Before planting, it is necessary to make a selection of material. Bushes with a weak root system, a thin stem or with a small number of leaves (less than eight) will not work.

During the growth period, the first complex inflorescence appears above every sixth leaf. Seedlings are planted in the soil after about 55 days. In this case, a prerequisite must be observed - the absence of the likelihood of frost. Otherwise, the plants will die. Another condition for good survival is to plant seedlings in cloudy weather.

It must be remembered that this variety loves a dense placement of plantings. Therefore, as soon as the bushes begin to rise, it is required to keep several sprouts. The plant is cut so that two or three stems remain. This will provide good fruiting. In the event that all stepsons are destroyed, the tomato will stop growing. In order to avoid various kinds of infections, pinching the variety is desirable on a sunny day.

The variety is not particularly demanding on the quality of the land. However, a few rules will help increase the chances of getting a good result. It is necessary to abandon planting where eggplants or potatoes were previously cultivated. There is a risk of infecting a vegetable with a nematode. It does not hurt to saturate the soil with useful substances. As a top dressing, you can use organic (chicken manure, cow manure) and mineral fertilizers. The main thing is not to overdo it.You need to do this twice a month. For uniform access to sunlight, plants should be tied up. And do not forget about regular watering.

About 100-150 days should pass from the moment of planting of young plants in the ground until the final ripening of the fruits.


The number of crops and taste properties of tomatoes is directly dependent on compliance with the rules of agricultural technology and seed quality.

Tomatoes ripen almost simultaneously. The first crop is removed approximately 100 days after the formation of the ovary. With a responsible approach to business, up to eight kilograms of tomatoes can be removed from a square meter of the garden. After fruiting, new fruits are not tied.

Grade Advantages

Advantages of the variety of tomatoes Micah
Among the many early ripe hybrids, Mikhey F1 tomatoes in their characteristics occupy one of the leading positions. This variety has many advantages over similar species.

The advantages of tomatoes include:

  1. Great taste, with a characteristic "tomato" smell.
  2. High resistance to low temperatures.
  3. High yield.
  4. Simultaneous ripening of fruits.
  5. Good endurance in adverse weather conditions.
  6. Ripening in low light plantings.
  7. Excellent transportability, including over long distances. At the same time, they retain all their marketable properties.
  8. The possibility of long-term storage.
  9. Flat-round shape (have an aesthetic appearance, it is convenient to use during conservation).

High protection against various diseases:

  • Fusarium neck rot;
  • tobacco mosaic;
  • gall nematodes;
  • cladosporiosis (relative resistance).

Ways to use grown tomatoes

Tomatoes of this type can be used in cases:

  • cooking salad snacks using fresh vegetables;
  • pickling;
  • salting;
  • making lecho, ketchup and adjika;
  • getting tomato juice and pasta.

Provided good care for tomatoes of the variety Mikhey F1, there is a high probability of getting an excellent fruit crop with good taste. A large number of good reviews of summer residents about this variety confirm that the efforts of breeders to breed it were not in vain.


  1. Semen Vladimirovich, 44 years old: Starting this season, I will grow exclusively Michea F1 cultivars. Landings withstood hot weather and heavy rains. The crop was worthy. Taste is excellent.
  2. Inna V., 39 years old: Mikhey bought tomato seeds by accident, succumbing to the entreaties of the seller of the store "Everything for the Cottage." And never regretted it. Especially suitable for conservation. I liked it and fresh.

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