Tomato Pink unique F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

The variety "Pink unique F1" was bred in Holland. The main goal of breeders was to increase the level of total productivity among tomato crops. The fruits have excellent properties, and the taste has already been appreciated by many vegetable growers.

Tomato Pink unique F1

Besides the fact that the variety has excellent characteristics, its small size fruits are suitable not only for cultivation for the family table. This variety will be a good option for supplying tomatoes for sale.

Description and characteristics of the variety

The Pink Unique variety is truly unique and rightfully occupies the best place among tomatoes, including hybrids. Despite the fact that they do not give offspring and their seeds are not suitable for annual planting, plants grow well, develop, do not get sick, and are resistant to pests. The bushes themselves grow healthy, strong and give tasty fruits.

The variety "Pink unique" belongs to indeterminants. This means that the culture has unlimited growth and develops to the very frosts. This should be considered when leaving.

The ripening time is average. After planting a seed, 110 to 120 days pass before the formation of full-fledged tomatoes. In each case, this time may be a little more or less. It all depends on climatic conditions.

Adult shrubs are able to reach heights of up to 2 meters. Covered with medium-sized green leaves. With proper care, the variety forms from 6 to 7 brushes, from 4 to 6 fruits ripen on each of them.

The main characteristics of the fruit

Among the main characteristics of the Pink Unicum tomato are:

  1. Mass of the fetus: reaches up to 250 grams.
  2. Color bright pink.
  3. The number of internal chambers containing seeds is large.
  4. The pulp of the fruit contains a lot of juice, so ripe fruits are so tasty and juicy.
  5. Taste: sweet.
  6. Peel: smooth, even, with a little gloss.
  7. Shape: most often rounded. However, sometimes you can find fruits with ribbing on the surface.

These characteristics are quite enough to make a choice in favor of growing this variety on its site. By the way, the hybrid feels great in any conditions: in the open ground, and in the greenhouse, and in the greenhouse. It can be successfully grown in any field, even with a harsh, cold climate.

Cultivating varieties

Pink Unicum seeds are purchased in stores and can be ordered online. For seedlings, the seeds are planted around mid-March. Before planting in the soil, it is required to carry out processing, disinfection of seeds, for which potassium permanganate is used. In a solution with potassium permanganate, you need to soak the seeds for only 20 minutes. After that, treat with a growth stimulant. For example, "Epin." Seeds are placed for 16 hours in this product, prepared clearly according to the instructions on the package.

Growing tomatoes Pink unique F1

At the same time, containers for seedlings are being prepared. The soil for future tomatoes is scalded with water with high temperature, you can boil it. Seeds are planted after 7 days to a depth of 1.5 to 2 cm. At the very beginning, for faster germination, greenhouse conditions are created by covering the containers with a film. When greens appear, the film is removed. Important! During this period, it is necessary to create sufficient lighting.

The pick occurs when two full green leaves are formed. After 2 months, the bushes are planted in the chosen place for constant growth.


Planted plants require proper care. It includes the following procedures:

  1. Timely watering.
  2. Mandatory tying to the supports.
  3. Carrying stepson, forming 1 or 2 stems.
  4. Fertilizer application.
  5. Timely weed removal - it is necessary that the tomatoes receive all the nutrients.
  6. Loosening the soil.
  7. Maintenance, control of the ambient temperature, it should not be below +15 degrees.
  8. Maintenance of humidity in the amount of 70-80%.

Providing all these conditions will help grow tomatoes healthy and get a quality crop.

Advantages and disadvantages

Summarizing the reviews of gardeners, we can distinguish the main advantages and disadvantages of the variety.


  1. Excellent taste, much more sophisticated than other hybrids.
  2. High immunity.
  3. High yield: from 1 m2 you can really get a crop of 10 kg.
  4. The fruits are good both fresh and processed.
  5. Good transport tolerance, resistance to damage.
  6. Stored for a long time.

Among the shortcomings, only the need for garter and the formation of bushes are highlighted.

The Pink Unique is truly unique. It surpasses many hybrids in taste, protective properties, productivity. Along with this, it is not capricious and does not require special care. Easy to grow. Even a novice without experience will cope.

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