Tomato Pink king - description and characteristics of the variety

Fruits are rounded, one-dimensional, pink or raspberry color. From the moment seedlings appear to fruiting, 110-115 days pass. The hybrid was bred for cultivation in the middle band. The plant can reach a height of 2 m, bushes need to be tied to supports or trellises, remove stepsons and lower leaves. The hybrid is tolerant to sunburn, apical decay.

Tomato Pink King


The culture belongs to indeterminate large-fruited pink varieties. Tomatoes Pink king can be consumed fresh, they have a pleasant sweet taste.

The pulp is very sweet, without acid. The popularity of these pink tomatoes is due to their remarkable qualities. The weight of the flat-round fruit reaches 500 g. The peel of the fruit is very durable, does not crack, protects the fruit from decay, and provides good transportability.

This tomato variety is characterized by resistance to late blight, and mosaic leaf disease. The variety is very productive. Significant carotenoids, solids and sugars accumulate in the fruits.

Cultivation and care

At the end of February, in March and April, seeds are sown on the windowsill. For growing seedlings, glasses from a palastika or peat tablets are suitable. It is necessary to plant each seed in a separate cup. An important stage is the selection and preparation of soil and seed. The soil must be loose in order to penetrate the air.

To prepare the soil mixture, mix peat with coarse river sand, sawdust, and straw. Shoots appear, usually after 6-8 days. After the appearance of 4 true leaves, plants are sure to dive into glasses.

You can use various top dressing in the form of humus. For winter, the soil in the greenhouse is dug up and fertilized with a nitroammophos. In a soil mixture for growing tomatoes, add 2 matchboxes of urea or nitrate, 3 phosphorus and potassium fertilizers each.

  1. When growing seedlings on the windowsill, it is necessary to increase lighting and lower the temperature. The soil needs to be loosened from time to time. If there is a greenhouse or a greenhouse, then it is better to transfer the seedlings there for a while.
  2. Water the seedlings with melt water. Seeding is done at 0.5 centimeters.
  3. After 20 days, a pick is carried out. Picke - transplanting seedlings into separate containers. As they grow, seedlings are watered and fed. They constantly monitor that plants lack moisture and nutrients.
  4. Tomatoes are planted in the ground after warming the soil. Loosening the soil contributes to the penetration of air to the roots and their better growth. If seedlings were grown in peat pots, the bushes are planted with the pot. When transplanting, they try to immerse the plant in the soil along the very leaves.
  5. Young plants are fed humus or humus. Before planting in open ground or a greenhouse, seedlings are well watered, carefully removed from the cups.
  6. In hot weather, you need to ventilate the greenhouse during the day. Seedlings will be so tempered, not extended.
  7. Bushes of these tomatoes need to be formed in order to increase the quality and weight of future fruits. The culture is demanding on light and heat, so well-lit areas are chosen for cultivation.
  8. The distance between the holes should be at least sixty to eighty centimeters. Seedlings begin to grow actively on the 6-8th day. Initially, you need to maintain abundant watering, this will affect the sweetness and size of the fruit.
  9. During the summer, several times fertilizing plants. Watering is organized in the morning.

Tomato Care Tips

The soil is prepared in the fall, introducing humus, nitroammophoska, superphosphate.When watering plants, it is necessary to use only warm water.

Tomatoes Pink King respond well to the presence of ash and phosphorus or potash fertilizers in the soil. The main components of top dressing should be phosphorus and potassium.

It is advisable to fertilize tomatoes not with dry fertilizers, but with liquid ones. Fertilizers are introduced at every sixth watering.

After planting, the soil should be mulched with sawdust or straw. Overmoistening of the soil and stagnation of water should not be allowed. With waterlogging in the soil, the amount of air decreases, the absorption of nutrients by plants decreases, and the soil temperature decreases.

Stepsoning is carried out regularly. Stepsons break off or break off, but do not cut. With the correct formation of bushes, the fruit pulp is dense, very sweet without sourness.

In wet weather, plants are affected by powdery mildew, so they are treated with stimulants and growth regulators.

With proper care and the formation of bushes in two stems, the hybrid Pink King will delight very large pink fruits weighing up to 0.5 kg.

Video: 10 mistakes when growing tomatoes

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