Tomato Tolstoy boatswain - description and characteristics of the variety

Tomatoes Tolstoy boatswain not only have an original name, but also a color. A tomato has strips - yellow and red - so it’s very easy to distinguish a variety from others.

Tomato Fat Boatswain

The fat boatswain owes his appearance to a Siberian scientist working at the National Research University Central Botanical Garden. He was bred not so long ago, but he has a lot of fans, especially among professional gardeners. This type of tomato officially entered the Russian State Register.

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The species is classified as a mid-season determinant variety. It grows well in greenhouse conditions, adapted for open ground.

Ripened fruits acquire a rich red color, which alternates with orange, straw or golden stripes. Unripe, they are light in color, and the stripes are still dark green or green. The average weight of ripened fruits is from 140 to 180 g., The largest can weigh more than 250 g. They are smooth and round, the skin is smooth, the pulp is juicy, fleshy. Density is average. There are usually 4 nests in the middle, the dry matter content is high.

The fat boatswain has a sour-sweet flavor, is used in cooking fresh and for processing, it produces very tasty juices, ketchups and other seasonings, as well as preparations for the winter period. Variety storage is short term.

The bushes are standard, covered with medium-sized leaves. The main advantages of the variety are high yield, unpretentiousness to weather conditions and excellent resistance to the tobacco mosaic virus. Farmers grow this variety also because of pronounced decorative qualities.

How to achieve high yields when growing crops

Tolstoy boatswain seeds, like other varieties, undergo the same preparation before planting for good growth:

  1. They are disinfected in a solution of a one percent solution of manganese.
  2. Washed under running water.
  3. Leave soaked in water or in a special growth stimulator for 8 to 12 hours.

Planting seeds in March. The land for sowing should also be prepared, which means it should be rammed and mulched with peat or a soil layer of 1 cm. After the seeds are in the ground, it is watered with settled warm water, it is advisable to use a strainer. Until the first sprouts appear, the containers are necessarily covered with a film. They should be kept at a temperature not lower than 25 degrees Celsius.

Only the first shoots appeared - the film needs to be removed, and the seedlings should be placed in a place where there is always a lot of light. In the first seven days, a temperature regime of 15-17 degrees of heat should be provided, and then it is desirable to contain seedlings at a temperature of 20-25 degrees.

The main thing now is not to miss the appearance of the first leaves in order to make a pick in time. All of these procedures must be performed, as the variety is somewhat capricious and may not justify the desire of gardeners to get a big crop.

Tolstoy boatswain variety tomatoes

Tolstoy Boatswain will be transplanted into the open ground when the soil warms up at a depth of at least 5 meters to 14-18 degrees Celsius, that is, in May. Usually this occurs on 60 - 65 days after planting the seeds, when 6 - 7 leaves are already formed and there is one flower brush. This variety is distinguished by excellent fruit setting. It is required to form a plant in 5 stems. The bushes must be tied up, otherwise they will break, and fall to the ground.

Before planting in the ground, the earth must be harrowed and released from weeds.Ready holes are made in rows so that the row spacing is up to 70 cm, and between the holes - 30 - 40 cm. The sowing depth is 3-4 cm. Each hole is compacted by slapping the palm of the palm on top: this simple method improves the interaction of seeds with the soil.

Several seeds are planted in a hole, and when they germinate, they select the strongest plant, and the others are removed. Experts advise them not to pull out, but to carefully cut.

After a few days, the plants need to be fed. Tomatoes prefer ammonium nitrate, it is taken at the rate of 15 grams per 10 liters of water. For each bush, a certain portion is required - 1 liter. Then the soil must be mulched. Watering is done as needed.

Diseases and the fight against them

The fat boatswain is not afraid of diseases, as he has resistance to them, but late blight can affect him in the culture, and this poses a threat to the entire crop. Some gardeners were not able to defeat this scourge and were forced to collect fruits still green in order to save at least part of the tomatoes.

So that the plants do not get sick, they use fungicidal preparations and spray them with insecticides.

Video: proper watering of tomatoes

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