Tomato Fat monk - description and characteristics of the variety

Growing more popular among summer residents is growing tomatoes, suitable not only for rolling and eating fresh. Such a fashionable and tasty trend as tomato stuffing did not go unnoticed. But not all varieties are suitable for such purposes. They should have a number of necessary characteristics. These qualities are fully possessed by a tomato variety called “Fat Monk”.

Tomato Fat Monk

Characteristics and features of the variety

Tall (indeterminate) variety of mid-ripening tomatoes and dessert fruits. From the beginning of seedlings to the moment of the beginning of fruiting, 110-115 days pass. The stems grow mainly from 1.5 to 2 m. Tomatoes are beautiful, in full ripeness of bright red color with a slight glossy sheen. The skin is dense and elastic, resistant to cracking and sunburn.

The fruits are beautiful, fleshy, truncated-square in shape, with pronounced slight ribbing, weighing 200-220 gr. The flesh is crispy, sugary, of excellent taste, without a hint of sourness. An interesting feature - the pulp contains virtually no juice. Inside, tomatoes consist of a small number of chambers with a small amount of seeds.

The variety has high and stable yield indicators - up to 10 kg per 1 sq.m. Great for fresh consumption, cooking salads and stuffing. As well as making sauces, pastas and ketchups. For lovers of vegetables cooked on charcoal, with a smoke, this variety will be a real find! Tomatoes are not suitable for processing into juice. And in view of the large size, they are not suitable for whole-fruit preservation.

Grade Strengths

  1. Classical tomato flavor and rich, thick aroma of pulp. A good balance of acid and sugar in the fruit.
  2. Taste qualities remain at their best, regardless of growing conditions.
  3. The cuboid shape and dense, thick walls make it ideal for stuffing.
  4. Ease of collection, the fruits ripen in 4-5 brushes of 5-6 pcs.
  5. It shows high resistance to major diseases of solanaceous crops.
  6. Suitable for both open and protected ground cultivation. Namely, in film, glass, polycarbonate greenhouses and tunnels.
  7. Excellent performance and portability. Subject to the correct conditions, the fruits can be stored for 2 to 4 weeks.

Secrets to Successful Growing

Growing Tomatoes Fat Monk

  1. This tomato variety is preferably grown by seedling, rather than sowing seeds simply into the ground. Sowing seedlings should be carried out in early March.
  2. The optimal planting scheme is 4 plants per 1 sq. Km. m. It is worth avoiding thickening and poor ventilation of landings. They lead to a decrease in the size of the fruit and the deterioration of the phytosanitary condition of the plantings.
  3. Planting seedlings in a permanent place - when reaching the age of 55 days.
  4. Watering the seedlings only with warm water.
  5. Providing regular watering in the right amount, especially at the time of fruit loading.
  6. Regular weeding of plantings and shallow loosening of the root zone and soil between rows.
  7. Providing tomatoes with complex fertilizing with fertilizers, including the entire necessary spectrum of macro and microelements.
  8. Carrying out several preventive treatments against diseases and pests. But processing with chemicals must be carried out before flowering begins. After the ovary, it is advisable to use only biological products.
  9. You need to carry out a regular garter as you grow to a trellis or supports. If you do not carry out garters, the stem and fruit twigs can break under the weight of heavy fruits. And the bush itself will simply fall to the ground.
  10. The formation of the bush in 2-3 stems.

Since Fat Monk is a variety, seeds for the next season can be prepared by yourself. For this, the best fruits in the phase of biological ripeness are suitable.


  1. Father Cyril, 44 years old: At the church we have a small garden. We plant a little of everything, for ourselves and cooking dinners for parishioners. And of course I could not help but buy tomatoes with such a good and appetizing name. By the will of God and our efforts, the bushes grew tall, strong. They carefully tied everything to long poles, and began to wait for the harvest. They didn’t process anything. A couple of months after planting, seedlings began to collect ripe, tasty and sweet tomatoes. Dense, weighty, they fully met all our expectations. Now the Fat Monk is always a welcome guest!
  2. Sveta P., 30 years old: We love kebabs. Yes, however, we love everything grilled. Therefore, in addition to meat, quite often we cook and a side dish - a variety of vegetables. But not all of them will be good on the grill, you need to choose. And, having planted the Fat Monk, we got beautiful, weighty, and most importantly dense tomatoes with thick walls. Grilled awesome! Yes, and just in a salad or eat fresh with salt. Plus, there were no particular problems with the cultivation. I recommend to all lovers.

Video: Tomato Care - The First Important Steps

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