Tomato Ace - description and characteristics of the variety

Ace tomato variety was presented to vegetable growers by the Gavrish breeding company. This happened in 2007. Many gardeners immediately liked the variety due to the fact that it has wonderful salad qualities.

Tomato Ace


Consider the main characteristics:

  1. The Ace variety is mid-season. Fruits ripen in 107-110 days.
  2. Recommended for landing in the Black Earth, North Caucasus, as well as in the Central Black Earth regions. Fruits in open ground.
  3. Bushes of the Ace variety are determinant. Their height varies between 62-80 cm.
  4. About 4 kg of fruits are harvested from one bush.
  5. Tomatoes have a flat-round shape, their surface is slightly ribbed. They are considered medium in size, as their weight can range from 65 to 155 g.
  6. The fruits are great for making fresh salads. They are fleshy and have excellent taste.
  7. The advantage of the variety is its relatively high resistance to diseases such as fusarium and cladosporiosis.

After analyzing the reviews about the variety, it can be noted that most of them are positive. Fruits have wonderful taste. Sometimes vegetables grow to 300 g.

Among the advantages of the variety, it can be noted that it is not a hybrid. This makes it possible to collect seeds yourself.


By the end of March, it is necessary to sow seeds. It is important to prepare in advance a nutrient substrate that is rich in humus. The earth is enriched with components such as humus, peat, and compost. The container in which you will sow seedlings should have drainage holes. Otherwise, the water will stagnate, which will harm the sprouts. 13-16 days after the gatherings hatch, the plants are planted in pots of 1-1.5 liters. After 40-50 days, the plants are planted in the ground.

This variety is intended for cultivation not in greenhouses, but in open ground. Breeders brought him to the North Caucasus and Central region. Here in early May, seedlings are allowed to be planted on beds. If the weather is warm in spring, this can be done even at the end of April. In this case, the plants after planting should be covered with a film to protect against temperature extremes.

Note! In order for the seedlings to survive a change of place better, it must be hardened before planting.

When in the daytime the air temperature in the street will be at least +17 degrees, the pots can be carried out into the air. First they are exposed for several hours, and then for the whole day.

During the growing period, you need to feed seedlings 2 times. 2 weeks after the dive and 7 days before planting.

Formation Features

Bushes grow small, quite compact and not very tall. It is recommended to plant them according to a 30x50 pattern. About 8 bushes per square meter. But to plant seedlings so thickly is recommended only to those gardeners who have quite a lot of experience in gartering bushes and their formation. If there is little experience, it is better to plant 5 plants in the same unit of area. Bushes are grown in 2-3 main stems. Plants are low, but the fruit weight is quite large. Because of this, the bushes need to be tied up.

Ace Tomato Formation

To avoid the need for continuous cultivation, it is very convenient to mulch the earth. For this, you can use sawdust or peat. As soon as the ovary appears, you need to thin out the lower leaves. After this, the fruits will receive more light, and the air will circulate better between the bushes.

Top dressing

Tomatoes respond well to the introduction of complex fertilizers. They need a lot of minerals.Therefore, after planting after 2 weeks, you need to make mineral fertilizers under the root. As soon as flower brushes appear, you can carry out the treatment with Bud. Further fertilizers are applied every few weeks.


After 105-100 days, it will be possible to harvest the first crop (days are counted from the emergence of seedlings). Tomatoes are very fleshy, red, each with 4 to 6 seed nests. The taste of the fruit is very intense. They are sweet with a sour tint. Great for making summer salads.

From each bush you can collect up to about 4.5 kg of fruit.


  1. Violetta, 33 years old: I have been growing the Ace variety for several years. I planted just a few bushes. But my family was provided with fresh salads all summer. They are fleshy and very juicy. By the next year, I collected seeds to plant them again.
  2. Grisha, 26 years old: Planted Ace tomatoes last year. For starters, only on one bed. On small bushes a lot of juicy tomatoes grew. Loved their taste.

Video: Ace Tomatoes

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